Script syntax reference

TAG Neuron contains a powerful script parser and evaluation engine. The script engine is not ECMA-compliant. Instead, its focus is to provide an efficient and compact script language using mathemathical notation. Following is a brief overview of the syntax different script elements. You can also use the Script Prompt to experiment with script syntax.

Table of Contents
  1. Primitive data types
    1. Double-valued numbers
    2. Complex numbers
    3. Boolean values
    4. Strings
    5. Big Integers
    6. Rational Numbers
    7. Null
  2. Variable references, Constants and Namespaces
  3. Canonical extensions
  4. Operators
    1. Encapsulation
      1. Parenthesis
      2. Vectors
        1. Loop construction of vector
        2. Implicit vector notation
        3. Selecting elements
      3. Matrices
        1. Loop construction of matrix
        2. Implicit matrix notation
      4. Sets
        1. Explicit definition of sets
        2. Loop construction of set
        3. Implicit set notation
        4. Subsets
      5. Object Ex nihilo
        1. Object methods
    2. Suffix-operators
    3. Unary prefix operators
    4. Powers
    5. Factors
    6. Binomial Coefficients
    7. Terms
    8. Intervals
    9. Intersections
    10. Unions
    11. Shift operators
    12. Comparison operators
      1. Range operators
    13. Membership operators
    14. AND operators
    15. OR operators
    16. Equivalence or implication
      1. Equivalence
      2. Implication
    17. Lambda definition
      1. Lambda definitions and canonical extensions
    18. Assignment
      1. Assignment, Pattern Matching
      2. Special Assignment Operators
      3. Function definitions and canonical extensions
    19. Conditional IF
    20. Conditional Statements (DO/WHILE, WHILE/DO, FOR, FOREACH, TRY CATCH FINALLY)
    21. Lists
    22. Sequences
  5. Functions
    1. Analytic Functions
      1. Exponential and power functions
      2. Trigonometric functions
      3. Hyperbolic functions
    2. Scalar Functions
    3. Complex Functions
    4. String Functions
    5. Date and Time Functions
    6. Vector Functions
    7. Matrix Functions
    8. Transforms
    9. Runtime Functions
    10. Logging Functions
    11. Extensions
      1. Color functions (Waher.Script.Graphs)
      2. Graph functions (Waher.Script.Graphs)
      3. 3D Graph functions (Waher.Script.Graphs3D)
      4. Palette generation functions (Waher.Script.Fractals)
      5. Complex Fractal functions (Waher.Script.Fractals)
      6. Iterated Function System (IFS) Fractal functions (Waher.Script.Fractals)
      7. External Database-related functions (Waher.Script.Data)
        1. Closing a connection
        2. Executing custom SQL on an extenral database
        3. Stored Procedures
      8. External MySQL Database-related functions (Waher.Script.Data.MySQL)
      9. External PostgreSQL Database-related functions (Waher.Script.Data.PostgreSQL)
      10. Full-text-search functions (Waher.Script.FullTextSearch)
        1. Full-text-search query syntax
        2. Strictness
        3. Search order
        4. Pagination Strategy
      11. Networking-related functions (Waher.Script.Networking)
      12. Persistence-related functions (Waher.Script.Persistence)
      13. Statistics-related functions (Waher.Script.Statistics)
      14. System-related functions (Waher.Script.System)
      15. Threading-related functions (Waher.Script.Threading)
      16. Content-related functions (Waher.Script.Content)
      17. Cryptography-related functions (Waher.Script.Cryptography)
      18. XML-related functions (Waher.Script.Xml)
      19. XMLDSIG-related functions (Waher.Script.XmlDSig)
      20. Markdown-related functions (Waher.Content.Markdown)
      21. Semantic-web-related functions (Waher.Content.Semantic)
      22. XSL-related functions (Waher.Content.Xsl)
      23. Layout Extensions (Waher.Layout.Layout2D)
      24. Web Extensions (Waher.Networking.HTTP[.UWP])
        1. Redirections
        2. Client Errors
        3. Server Errors
        4. Special Web Variables
      25. JWS Extensions (Waher.Security.JWS)
      26. JWT Extensions (Waher.Security.JWT[.UWP])
      27. Thing-related Extensions (Waher.Things)
      28. Gateway Extensions (Waher.IoTGateway)
      29. Gateway Console Extensions (Waher.IoTGateway.Console)
      30. Gateway Service Extensions (Waher.IoTGateway.Svc)
      31. Serialization-related functions (Waher.Service.NeuroLedger)
      32. IoT Broker Extensions (available in Waher.Service.IoTBroker)
        1. Functions related to local services
        2. E-mail related functions
        3. Smart Contracts-related functions
        4. Token-related functions
        5. XMPP-related functions
      33. Multi-User Chat Extensions (available in Waher.Service.LilSis, Waher.Service.IoTBroker)
      34. Payment Extensions (available in Paiwise)
      35. Microsoft Interoperability (available in TAG.MicrosoftInterop.package)
      36. Scriptable Providers Extensions (available in TAG.ScriptProviders.package)
      37. Sending SMS (available in TAG.Service.GatewayApi.package)
      38. OpenAI Extensions (available in TAG.XmppOpenAIBridge.package)
  6. URI Schemes
  7. Custom Parsers
    1. Access to object database
      1. SELECT
        1. Implicit groups
        2. Wildcards
        3. Type Sources
        4. Collection Sources
        5. Vector Sources
        6. Selecting a single object
        7. SELECT FROM XML
      6. UPDATE
      7. DELETE
      8. CREATE
      9. DROP
        1. DROP INDEX
    2. XML
      1. XML Document
      2. Attribute values
      3. Embedded expressions
  8. Interaction with .NET Code Behind classes
    1. Referencing namespaces and types
    2. Calling static methods on types
    3. Creating objects
    4. Calling methods or accessing fields or properties on .NET objects
    5. Enumerated values
    6. Utilizing operators defined in underlying objects.
  9. Physical Quantities
    1. Prefixes
    2. Base Quantities
    3. Derived Quantities
    4. Compound Units
  10. Measurements

Primitive data types

Apart from different ways to create compound data types, the following sections provide a short overview of primitive data types available in script.

Double-valued numbers

Double valued numbers are written using the following syntax (as a regular expression):




Complex numbers

Complex valued numbers can be written either by enclosing its real and imaginary parts in a list between parenthesis, as follows:

(Re, Im)

If no variable named i is defined, it is also possible to use the imaginary unit constant i, as follows:


Both Re and Im above are double-valued numbers.

Boolean values

Boolean values are either written as true or false.


String values are written between single quotes (') or double quotes ("). The backslash character (\) can be used to escape quote characters, or special control characters in strings, accordig to the following table.

Sequence Meaning
\\ \
\n New-line character.
\r Carriage return character.
\t Tab character.
\b Backspace character.
\f Form-feed character.
\a Audible bell character.
\v Vertical tab character.
\xHH Inlude a hexadecimally encoded byte.

Big Integers

Big Integers can be provided by prefixing them with the # character. You can optionally provide a numeric base for the number, by specifying d for decimal, x for hexadecimal, o for octal and b for binary, between the # sign and the sign or digits. If no base is provided, decimal base is assumed. A + or - sign can be optionally placed after the #.




Rational Numbers

Rational numbers can be provided by dividing one big integer with another.




The null object reference value is written null.

Variable references, Constants and Namespaces

Constants are pluggable into the script engine, and new constants can be defined in any library, by creating classes that implement the Waher.Script.Model.IConstant interface. Constants and root namespaces are referenced in script by simply writing their names, just as variable references are. The order of presedence among them is as follows:

  1. If a variable is found having the referenced name, it is returned, regardless if there exists a constant or a root namespace with the same name.
  2. If a constant is found having the referenced name, it is returned if there’s no variable with the same name, regardless if there exists a root namespaces with the same name.
  3. If a root namespace is found having the referenced name, it is returned if there is no variable or constant with the same name.

The following table lists constants recognized by Waher.Script. For lists of constants published by other libraries, see the documentation for the corresponding libraries.

Constant Description
e Euler’s number
π, pi Pi
ε, eps, epsilon Smallest positive double value that is greater than zero.
, inf, infinity Positive infinity.
i Imaginary unit
C Set of complex numbers
R Set of real numbers
Z Set of integer numbers
Q Set of rational numbers
, EmptySet The empty set

There are also a set of predefined variables:

Variable Description
Exception Access to current exception object, in a CATCH statement.
Now Current date and time, local time coordinates.
NowUtc Current date and time, UTC coordinates.
Time Current time, local time coordinates.
TimeUtc Current time, UTC coordinates.
Today Current date, local time coordinates.
TodayUtc Current date, UTC coordinates.
Variables Reference to the current set of variables.

Note: Names are case sensitive. r and R point to different objects.

Canonical extensions

The script engine has a feature that automatically generates canonical extensions to operators and functions if the operands and arguments are vectors, sets or matrices, and the original operator or function is defined for scalar operands and arguments. If an operator or function expects vector arguments, and matrices are used, the canonical extension sees a matrix as a vector of row vectors.



The above is evaluated as:




The following operators are supported. They are listed in order of presedence.



Normal parenthesis ( and ) can be used to encapsulate operations that have lower order of presedence than surrounding operators, and thus control the execution flow. Example:

a * (b + c)


Vectors can be explicitly created by listing their elements between square brackets [ and ]. Example:

Loop construction of vector

Vectors can also be created using any of the DO-WHILE, WHILE-DO, FOR-TO[-STEP][-DO] or FOR EACH/FOREACH-IN[-DO] statements between braces. Examples:

v:=[DO x++ WHILE X<10];
v:=[WHILE x<10 : x++];
v:=[FOR x:=1 TO 20 STEP 3 : x];
v:=[FOREACH x IN 1..10|0.1 : x^2];
v:=[FOR EACH x IN 1..10|0.1 : x^2];

Note: DO can be exchanged with :, or completely omitted, except in the DO-WHILE case.

Implicit vector notation

Vectors can also be defined implicitly using an implicit vector notation:

[Expression[ in Elements]:Condition1[,Condition2[,...[ConditionN]]]]

This allows you to define vectors based on the contents of other vectors. Example:

P:=[x^2:x in X]
Selecting elements

Smaller vectors can be created from larger vectors, by allowing the expression in the implicit vector definition to be a simple variable reference representing an element in the larger vector, and then allowing the conditions in the definition to limit the elements belonging to the shorter vector. Example:

[x in v:floor(sqrt(x))^2=x]


Matrices can be explicitly created by listing their row vectors between square brackets [ and ]. Example:

Loop construction of matrix

Matrices can also be created using any of the DO-WHILE, WHILE-DO, FOR-TO[-STEP][-DO] or FOR EACH/FOREACH-IN[-DO] statements between braces. Examples:

M:=[DO [x++,x++,x++] WHILE X<10];
M:=[WHILE x<10 : [x++,x++,x++]];
M:=[FOR y:=1 TO 20 : [FOR x:=1 TO 20 : x=y ? 1 : 0]];
M:=[FOREACH x IN 1..10|0.1 : [x^2,x^3,x^4]];
M:=[FOR EACH x IN 1..10|0.1 : [x^2,x^3,x^4]];

Note: DO can be exchanged with :, or completely omitted, except in the DO-WHILE case.

Implicit matrix notation

Matrices can also be defined implicitly using implicit vector notation, where the Expression evaluates to row vectors. Example:

[Reverse(Row):Row in M]


Sets are unordered collections of items that can be used in script. There are numerous ways to define sets.

Explicit definition of sets

Sets can be explicitly created by listing their elements between braces { and }. Example:

Loop construction of set

Sets can also be created using any of the DO-WHILE, WHILE-DO, FOR-TO[-STEP][-DO] or FOR EACH/FOREACH-IN[-DO] statements between braces. Examples:

S:={DO x++ WHILE X<10};
S:={WHILE x<10 : x++};
S:={FOR x:=1 TO 20 STEP 3 : x};
S:={FOREACH x IN 1..10|0.1 : x^2};
S:={FOR EACH x IN 1..10|0.1 : x^2};

Note: DO can be exchanged with :, or completely omitted, except in the DO-WHILE case.

Implicit set notation

Sets can also be defined implicitly using implicit set notation:

{Expression[ in Superset]:Condition1[,Condition2[,...[ConditionN]]]}

This allows you to define infinite sets. Examples:

S:={[a,b]: a>b}
S:={[a,b]: a in Z, b in Z, a>b}
S:={[a,b,c]:a in 1..2, b in 10..13, c in 100..104}

Note: To differentiate between creating an object ex nihilo, and creating a subset, when no superset is defined, two consequtive colons (:) can be used. {x::x>10} creates a set of all items that are comparable to 10 and are greater. {x:x>10} creates an object ex nihilo with one member x that will have a boolean value corresponding to the greater-than comparison of the variable x with 10.


Subsets can be creted by allowing the expression in the implicit set definition to be a simple variable reference belonging to a superset, and then allowing the conditions in the definition to limit the elements belonging to the subset. Examples:

S:={x in Z:x>10}
S2:={x in S:x<20}

Object Ex nihilo

Objects can be created from nothing, by listing the members between braces { and }, separating each one with a comma , and each member name from its corresponding value with a colon :. Example:

	Member1: Value1,
	Member2: Value2,
	MemberN: ValueN

Member names can be both standard variable references, or constant strings. The following example gives the same result as the example above:

	"Member1": Value1,
	"Member2": Value2,
	"MemberN": ValueN

You can also choose to create an empty object, and assign properties dynamically. Example:

Object methods

You can create objects with methods using object ex-nihilo notation and lambda expression. Example:


[Obj.Sum(3,4), Obj.Prod(3,4), Obj.Pow(3,4)]

Would return:

[7, 12, 81]


Suffix-operators are written after the operand to which they are applied. The following table lists available suffix operators:

Operator Description Example
. Member operator obj.Member
( List ) Function evaluation f(a,b,c)
[] To vector, or Array, if not already a[], System.Byte[]
[Index] Vector index operator v[i]
[X,Y] Matrix index operator M[x,y]
[X,] Matrix colum vector operator M[x,]
[,Y] Matrix row vector operator M[,y]
[,] To matrix, if not already a[,]
{} To set, if not already a{}
++ Post-Increment a++
-- Post-Decrement a--
% Percent 10%
Per thousand 20‰
%0 Per thousand 20%0
Per ten thousand 30‱
‰0 Per ten thousand 30‰0
%00 Per ten thousand 30%00
° Degrees to radians sin(100°)
' Default differentiation (prim) f'(x)
Default differentiation (prim) f′(x)
" Default second-order differentiation (bis) f"(x)
Default second-order differentiation (bis) f″(x)
Default third-order differentiation f‴(x)
T Transposed matrix M T
H Conjugate Transposed matrix M H
Conjugate Transposed matrix M†
! Faculty n!
!! Semi-Faculty n!!
Physical unit Defines a physical quantity. 10 m/s

Some suffix operators can be prefixed by a ? character, to include a null check of the operand. If the operand is null, the operator is not evaluated, and null is returned. The following table lists null-checked suffix operators:

Operator Description Example
?. Member operator obj?.Member
?( List ) Function evaluation f?(a,b,c)
?[] To vector, if not already a?[]
?[Index] Vector index operator v?[i]
?[X,Y] Matrix index operator M?[x,y]
?[X,] Matrix colum vector operator M?[x,]
?[,Y] Matrix row vector operator M?[,y]
?[,] To matrix, if not already a?[,]
?{} To set, if not already a?{}

Note: Since script is late-bound, most operators support dynamic and static bindings, where traditional languages only support static bindings. The following is permitted, for example:


The above is the same as writing


Canonical extensions are also possible. Example:


Is evaluated as (unless the vector contains a property of that name, such as the Length property):


Canonical extensions are allowed, on both left side, and right side. Example:


Is evaluated as:


Note 2: You can combine default differentiation operators to create higher order differentiation operators. Example f''''(x) represents the fourth-order differentiation operator, and is the same as f""(x).

Note 3: For more information about physical units, see the section Physical Quantities below.

Unary prefix operators

Unary prefix operators are written before the operand to which they are applied. The following table lists available unary prefix operators:

Operator Description Example
++ Pre-Increment ++a
-- Pre-Decrement --a
+ Positive (ignored) +a
- Negation -a
! Logical Not !a
NOT Logical Not NOT a
~ Complement ~a


There are two power-level operators. Both have the same order of presedence.

Operator Description Example
^ Power a ^ b
.^ Element-wise Power a .^ b

There are also a couple of special characters that are understood as power operators:

Operator Description Example
² Square
³ Cube


There are several factor-level operators, apart from the assignment versions. Both have the same order of presedence.

Operator Description Example
* Multiplication a * b
/ Division a / b
\ Left-Division, or set difference a \ b, A\B
MOD Residue (modulus) a MOD b
.MOD Element-wise Residue a .MOD b
.* Element-wise Multiplication a .* b
./ Element-wise Division a ./ b
.\ Element-wise Left-Division a .\ b
DOT Dot product a DOT b
CROSS Cross product a CROSS b
CARTESIAN Cartesian product a CARTESIAN b

Note: In some languages % is a residue operator. In this language, the % operator is a percent operator.

Binomial Coefficients

Binomial coefficients can be calculated using the OVER operator, as follows:

n OVER k


There are four term-level operators, apart from the assignment versions. Both have the same order of presedence.

Operator Description Example
+ Addition a + b
- Subtraction a - b
.+ Element-wise Addition a .+ b
.- Element-wise Subtraction a .- b


Intervals can be created in the following way:

From .. To

By default, the step size is 1. You can specify the step size in the following way:

From .. To | StepSize


The intersection of two sets is accomplished as follows:


The Intersection character can also be used:

Set1 ∩ Set2


The union of two sets is accomplished as follows:

Set1 UNION Set2.

The CUP character can also be used:

Set1 ∪ Set2

Shift operators

There are two shift operators, apart from the assignment versions. Both have the same order of presedence.

Operator Description Example
<< Shift left a << b
>> Shift right a >> b

Comparison operators

There are various different comparison operators. All have the same order of presedence.

Operator Description In Pattern Matching Example
<= Lesser than or equal to Asserts valid range. a <= b
< Lesser than Asserts valid range. a < b
>= Greater than or equal to Asserts valid range. a >= b
> Greater than Asserts valid range. a > b
= Equal to Asserts valid range. a = b
== Equal to Asserts valid range. a == b
=== Identical to a === b
<> Not Equal to Asserts valid range. a <> b
!= Not Equal to Asserts valid range. a != b
LIKE Matches regular expression Asserts valid range. a LIKE regex
NOT LIKE Does not match regular expression Asserts valid range. a NOT LIKE regex
NOTLIKE Does not match regular expression Asserts valid range. a NOTLIKE regex
UNLIKE Does not match regular expression Asserts valid range. a UNLIKE regex
.= Equal to (element-wise) a .= b
.== Equal to (element-wise) a .== b
.=== Identical to (element-wise) a .=== b
.<> Not Equal to (element-wise) a .<> b
.!= Not Equal to (element-wise) a .!= b

Note: Element-wise variant of operators only exist for equality or non-equality operators, since these are also defined when comparing encapsulating objects such as sets, vectors, arrays, matrices, etc.

Note 2: If regular expressions contain named groups, variables with the corresponding names will be set to the contents of the corresponding groups if the regular expression matches the string. If the contents is numerical, the corresponding variable will also be numerical. If you want to reference the string literal, use the variable starting with the same name having a suffix of _STR. The position of a group variable match is provided by the variable starting with the same name having a suffix of _POS. Likewise, the variable starting with the same name having a suffix of _LEN provides the length of the match.

Range operators

You can combine two of the < and <=, or > and >= to create range operators. Examples:

10 < x <= 20
100 >= y >= 0
{"name":Str(Required(Name)),"age":Required(0 <= Int(Age) <= 100)),"profession":Optional(Str(Profession))}:=Obj

Membership operators

There are various different membership operators. All have the same order of presedence.

Operator Description Example
AS The AS operator makes sure the left operand is of the same type as the right operand. The result is null if they are not, or the same value as the left operand if they are. Value as Type
IS The IS operator checks if the left operand is of the same type as the right operand. Value is Type
IS NOT The IS NOT operator checks if the left operand is not of the same type as the right operand. Value is not Type
INHERITS The INHERITS operator checks if the left operand inherits the type defined by the right operand. Value inherits Type
IN The IN operator checks if the left operand is a member of the right operand. Value in Set
MATCHES The MATCHES operator checks if the left operand matches the construct of the right operand using pattern matching, and return true of the left operand matches the right, and false otherwise. If there’s a match, any implicit variables are set accordingly. v matches [a,b,c]
NOT IN The NOT IN or NOTIN operator checks if the left operand is not a member of the right operand. Value not in Set
NOTIN The NOT IN or NOTIN operator checks if the left operand is not a member of the right operand. Value notin Set

AND operators

There are various different AND operators. All have the same order of presedence.

Operator Description Example
& To specify an explicit logical AND operator, use the & operator. a & b
&& To specify an explicit binary AND operator, use the && operator. a && b
AND The AND operator (case insensitive) works differently depending on the values being operated on. If they are boolean values, the operator works as a logical operator. If they are integers, the operator works as a binary operator. a and b
NAND The NAND operator (case insensitive), or the not-and operator, works differently depending on the values being operated on. If they are boolean values, the operator works as a logical operator. If they are integers, the operator works as a binary operator. a nand b

OR operators

There are various different OR operators. All have the same order of presedence.

Operator Description Example
| To specify an explicit logical OR operator, use the | operator. a | b
|| To specify an explicit binary OR operator, use the || operator. a || b
OR The OR operator (case insensitive) works differently depending on the values being operated on. If they are boolean values, the operator works as a logical operator. If they are integers, the operator works as a binary operator. a or b
NOR The NOR operator (case insensitive), or the not-or operator, works differently depending on the values being operated on. If they are boolean values, the operator works as a logical operator. If they are integers, the operator works as a binary operator. a nor b
XOR The XOR operator (case insensitive) works differently depending on the values being operated on. If they are boolean values, the operator works as a logical operator. If they are integers, the operator works as a binary operator. a xor b
XNOR The XNOR operator (case insensitive), or the not-xor operator, works differently depending on the values being operated on. If they are boolean values, the operator works as a logical operator. If they are integers, the operator works as a binary operator. a xnor b

Note: The XNOR operator has the same truth table as the equivalence operator <=>, but the order of presedence is different.

Equivalence or implication

Equivalence or implication operators have the same order of presedence.


The equivalence operator is a boolean operator that checks if the both sides are equivalent (or equal, as boolean values). Example:

a <=> b

Truth table:



The implication operator is a boolean operator that checks if the left side implies the right side (as boolean values). Example:

a => b

Truth table:


Lambda definition

A lambda definition creates an implicit unnamed function. A lambda definition is created by using the -> operator. If multiple parameters are used, they must be enclosed between parenthesis. Examples:


Note: Implicit lambda definitions are created if referring to a function by using only its name. If writing only abs, a lambda definition x->abs(x) will be returned. This makes it possible to create functions taking lambda expressions as parameters, implementing algorithms, and call them using simple references to the existing function library.

Lambda definitions and canonical extensions

When defining lambda functions you can provide information on how arguments are to be treated, and thus also implicitly automatically define canonical extensions for the expression. Each argument x can be defined to belong to one of five categories:

Argument Category Example
x Normal argument. When the expression is called, arguments are passed as they are given. x->...
[x] Scalar argument. When the expression is called with non-scalar arguments such as vectors and matrices, the function is canonically extended by calling the function repeatedly for each scalar element, and returning a structure similar to the structure of the argument. [x]->...
x[] Vector argument. When the expression is called with scalar arguments, they are converted to one-dimensional vectors. If matrix arguments are used, the function is canonically extended by calling the function repeatedly for each row vector of the matrix, and returning a structure similar to the structure of the argument. If a set is passed, the extension loops through the elements of the set canonically. v[]->...
x{} Set argument. When the expression is called with scalar arguments, they are converted to one-dimensional sets. If matrix arguments are used, the function is canonically extended by calling the function repeatedly for each row vector of the matrix, and returning a structure similar to the structure of the argument. If a vector is passed, it is converted to a set. v{}->...
x[,] Matrix argument. When the expression is called with scalar or vector arguments, they are converted to 1x1 matrices or matrices consisting of only one row. If a set is passed, the extension loops through the elements of the set canonically. M[,]->...


A variable assignment is defined using the := operator. Example:

Variable := Value

Assignment, Pattern Matching

If the left side is not a variable reference, a pattern matching algorithm is employed that tries to assign all implicitly available variable references by comparing both sides.


{"name":Str(Required(Name)),"age":Required(0 <= Int(Age) <= 100)),"profession":Optional(Str(Profession))}:=Obj

In the first example, the function f, which takes three parameters, is supposed to return a vector of two elements. If it does, the variables x and y are assigned the elements of this return vector. In the second example, the v is supposed to be a assigned a vector. If the result of the function call is not a vector, it is converted to a vector before being assigned to v. The third example matches the 2x2 matrix result evaluated on the right, with the matrix notation on the left. The fourth example matches an object created ex-nihilo (such as a JSON object), with an object definition, including checks of data types (and possible conversions), tests of valid values, as well as checks for required and optional fields.

The MATCHES operator can also be used. It returns true if there’s a pattern match (and implicit variables are assigned accordingly), or falseif there’s not a pattern match. The above examples become:

f(a,b,c) matches [x,y]
f(a,b,c) matches v[]
Identity(2) matches [[a11,a12],[a21,a22]]
Obj matches {"name":Str(Required(Name)),"age":Required(0 <= Int(Age) <= 100)),"profession":Optional(Str(Profession))}

Special Assignment Operators

There’s also a set of aritmethic operators that act directly on a variable value, an object member or index. These are also categorized as assignment operators, and have the same order of presedence. These operators are:

Operator Meaning Example
+= Add to variable Variable += Value
-= Subtract from variable Variable -= Value
*= Multiply to variable Variable *= Value
/= Divide from variable Variable /= Value
^= Power variable Variable ^= Value
&= Binary AND with variable Variable &= Value
&&= Logical AND with variable Variable &&= Value
|= Binary OR with variable Variable |= Value
||= Logical OR with variable Variable ||= Value
<<= Shift variable left Variable <<= Value
>>= Shift variable right Variable >>= Value

Note: ^= is not a logical XOR with self operator but a power of self operator.

You can also combine operators to perform partial assignments, as follows:

Operator Meaning Example
.:= Membership assignment Obj.Member := Value
[]:= Vector index assignment Vector[Index] := Value
[,]:= Matrix index assignment M[x,y] := Value
[,]:= Matrix column assignment M[x] := Value
[,]:= Matrix row assignment M[,y] := Value
():= Function definition f(x,y,z) := x*y*z

Function definitions and canonical extensions

When defining functions you can provide information on how arguments are to be treated, and thus also implicitly automatically define canonical extensions for the function. Each argument x can be defined to belong to one of five categories:

Argument Category Example
x Normal argument. When the expression is called, arguments are passed as they are given. f(x):=...
[x] Scalar argument. When the expression is called with non-scalar arguments such as vectors and matrices, the function is canonically extended by calling the function repeatedly for each scalar element, and returning a structure similar to the structure of the argument. f([x]):=...
x[] Vector argument. When the expression is called with scalar arguments, they are converted to one-dimensional vectors. If matrix arguments are used, the function is canonically extended by calling the function repeatedly for each row vector of the matrix, and returning a structure similar to the structure of the argument. If a set is passed, the extension loops through the elements of the set canonically. f(v[]):=...
x{} Set argument. When the expression is called with scalar arguments, they are converted to one-dimensional sets. If matrix arguments are used, the function is canonically extended by calling the function repeatedly for each row vector of the matrix, and returning a structure similar to the structure of the argument. If a vector is passed, it is converted to a set. f(v{}):=...
x[,] Matrix argument. When the expression is called with scalar or vector arguments, they are converted to 1x1 matrices or matrices consisting of only one row. If a set is passed, the extension loops through the elements of the set canonically. f(M[,]):=...

Conditional IF

Conditional IF-statements can be written in various ways. Either using the IF and THEN keywords, followed by the optional ELSE keyword, or by using the ? operator, followed by the optional : operator. There is also a quick null-check statement using the ?? operator. There is a ??? operator also, described in the following section.


IF Condition THEN IfTrueStatement
IF Condition THEN IfTrueStatement ELSE IfFalseStatement
Condition ? IfTrueStatement
Condition ? IfTrueStatement : IfFalseStatement
Statement ?? IfNullStatement

Note: IF, THEN and ELSE are case insensitive. They are written here using upper case for clarity.

Note 2: If no ELSE or : is present, the statement is evaluated to null.


There are multiple ways to execute conditional loops. These statements have the same order of presedence:

Operator Meaning Example
DOWHILE Performs an action until a condition becomes true. DO Statement WHILE Condition
WHILEDO While a condition is true, performs an action. WHILE Condition DO Statement
FOREACHINDO Iterates a variable through an enumerable set of values and performs an action on each iterated value. FOREACH Variable in Collection DO Statement
FOR EACHINDO Iterates a variable through an enumerable set of values and performs an action on each iterated value. FOR EACH Variable in Collection DO Statement
FOR:=TOSTEP … … Iterates a variable through a sequence of numerical values and performs an action on each iterated value. FOR Variable:=From TO Stop STEP StepSize DO Statement
TRYCATCHFINALLY Executes a statement. If an exception occurs, it is caught and an exception statement is executed. Afterwards, a finalization statement is executed. The exception object will be available in the CATCH statement, under the name of Exception. TRY Statement CATCH Exception FINALLY Done
TRYCATCH Executes a statement. If an exception occurs, it is caught and an exception statement is executed. The exception object will be available in the CATCH statement, under the name of Exception. TRY Statement CATCH Exception
??? Short form for TRYCATCH ... ??? Exception
TRYFINALLY Executes a statement. Afterwards, a finalization statement is executed regardless if an exception has been thrown or not. Any exceptions are automatically propagated. TRY Statement FINALLY Done
]][[ Implicit print statement. This operation prints the contents between the ]] and [[ to the current console output. Any expressions embedded between (( and )) will be evaluated and the result displayed. a:=10;]]Value of a: ((a)).[[;

Note: The DO keyword can be replaced by a :.

Note 2: The use of the STEP keyword together with the step size is optional. If omitted, a default step size of 1 or -1 will be used, depending if the loop is ascending or descending.

Note 3: Exceptions caught using the CATCH statement are accessible within the CATCH statement by referencing the variable Exception.


Lists of statements are created by writing a list of statements or arguments, each separated by a comma , character. Example:

Statement1, Statement2, Statement3, ...

Whitespace is ignored. This includes new-line characters. So Statements can be written on separate rows. Example:


Lists are used in different constructs, such as function definitions and evaluations, lambda definitions, or when working with sets, vectors or matrices, for example.

It is permissible to ignore arguments in a list. Such arguments will implicitly receive the value null. Example:

Arg1, Arg2,, Arg4

Here, there third argument will have value null.


Sequences of statements are created by writing a list of statements, each separated by a semicolon ; character. Example:

Statement1; Statement2; Statement3; ...

Whitespace is ignored. This includes new-line characters. So Statements can be written on separate rows. Example:



Functions are extensible and can be defined in any module in the solution. A complete list of functions available in a solution therefore depends on all libraries included in the project. Functions listed here only include functions defined in this library.

Note: Function names are case insensitive.

Analytic Functions

The following subsections list available analytic or partially analytic functions, partitioned into groups.

Exponential and power functions

The following table lists available exponential and power functions:

Function Description Example
Exp(z) e raised to the power of z. Exp(10)
Ln(z) Natural logarithm of z. Ln(e)
Lg(z) Base-10 logarithm of z. Lg(10)
Log10(z) Alias for lg. Lg(10)
Log2(z) Base-2 logarithm of z. Log2(2)
Sqrt(z) Square root of z. Sqrt(2)

Trigonometric functions

The following table lists available trigonometric functions:

Function Description Example
Cos(z) Cosine, z in radians. Cos(100°)
CosSin(z) Cosine and Sine, z in radians. CosSin(100°)
Cot(z) Cotangent, z in radians. Cot(100°)
Csc(z) Cosecant, z in radians. Csc(100°)
Sec(z) Secant, z in radians. Sec(100°)
Sin(z) Sine, z in radians. Sin(100°)
SinCos(z) Sine and Cosine, z in radians. SinCos(100°)
Tan(z) Tangent, z in radians. Tan(100°)
ACos(z) Alias for ArcCos(z). ACos(Cos(100°))
ACot(z) Alias for ArcCot(z). ACot(Cot(100°))
ACsc(z) Alias for ArcCsc(z). ACsc(Csc(100°))
ASec(z) Alias for ArcSec(z). ASec(Sec(100°))
ASin(z) Alias for ArcSin(z). ASin(Sin(100°))
ATan(z) Alias for ArcTan(z). ATan(Tan(100°))
ATan(x,y) Alias for ArcTan(x,y). ATan(3,4)
ArcCos(z)) Inverse Cosine. ArcCos(Cos(100°))
ArcCot(z)) Inverse Cotangent. ArcCot(Cot(100°))
ArcCsc(z)) Inverse Cosecant. ArcCsc(Csc(100°))
ArcSec(z)) Inverse Secant. ArcSec(Sec(100°))
ArcSin(z) Inverse Sine. ArcSin(Sin(100°))
ArcTan(z)) Inverse Tangent. ArcTan(Tan(100°))
ArcTan(x,y)) Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers. ArcTan(3,4)

Hyperbolic functions

A corresponding set of hyperbolic functions also exists:

Function Description Example
CosH(z) Hyperbolic Cosine, z in radians. CosH(100°)
CotH(z) Hyperbolic Cotangent, z in radians. CotH(100°)
CscH(z) Hyperbolic Cosecant, z in radians. CscH(100°)
SecH(z) Hyperbolic Secant, z in radians. SecH(100°)
SinH(z) Hyperbolic Sine, z in radians. SinH(100°)
TanH(z) Hyperbolic Tangent, z in radians. TanH(100°)
ACosH(z) Alias for ArcCosH(z). ACosH(CosH(100°))
ACotH(z) Alias for ArcCotH(z). ACotH(CotH(100°))
ACscH(z) Alias for ArcCscH(z). ACscH(CscH(100°))
ASecH(z) Alias for ArcSecH(z). ASecH(SecH(100°))
ASinH(z) Alias for ArcSinH(z). ASinH(SinH(100°))
ATanH(z) Alias for ArcTanH(z). ATanH(TanH(100°))
ArcCosH(z)) Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine. ArcCosH(CosH(100°))
ArcCotH(z)) Inverse Hyperbolic Cotangent. ArcCotH(CotH(100°))
ArcCscH(z)) Inverse Hyperbolic Cosecant. ArcCscH(CscH(100°))
ArcSecH(z)) Inverse Hyperbolic Secant. ArcSecH(SecH(100°))
ArcSinH(z) Inverse Hyperbolic Sine. ArcSinH(SinH(100°))
ArcTanH(z)) Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent. ArcTanH(TanH(100°))

Scalar Functions

The following table lists available scalar functions:

Function Description In Pattern Matching Example
Abs(z) Absolute value (or magnitude of) z Asserts z is non-negative. Abs(-1)
Bool(x) Alias for Boolean. Asserts x is a Boolean. Bool('true')
Boolean(x) Converts x to a boolean value. Asserts x is a Boolean. Boolean('true')
Ceiling(z) Round z up to closest integer. Asserts z is an Integer. Ceiling(pi)
Ceil(z) Alias for Ceiling(z). Asserts z is an Integer. Ceil(-1)
Dbl(x) Alias for Double(x) Asserts x is a double-precision floating-point value. Dbl("3.14")
Double(x) Converts x to a double value. Asserts x is a double-precision floating-point value. Double(pi)
Floor(z) Round z down to closest integer. Asserts z is an Integer. Floor(pi)
Guid(x) Converts x to a GUID value. Asserts x is a GUID. Guid(s)
Int(x) Alias for Integer(x) Asserts x is an Integer. Int(pi)
Integer(x) Round x down to closest integer. Asserts x is an Integer. Integer(pi)
Max(x,y) Largest of x and y. Max(10,a)
Min(x,y) Smallest of x and y. Min(10,a)
NewGuid() Creates a new GUID. NewGuid()
Num(x) Alias for Number(x). Asserts x is a number. Num('100')
Number(x) Converts x to a number. Asserts x is a number. Number('100')
Round(z) Round z up or down to closest integer. Asserts z is an Integer. Round(pi)
Sign(z) Sign of z (-1/0/1 + -i/0/+i). Asserts z is -1, 0 or 1. Sign(pi)
Str(x) Alias for String(x). Asserts x is a string. Str(100)
String(x) Converts x to a string. Asserts x is a string. String(100)
Uri(x) Converts x to an URI object value. Asserts x is a URI. Uri(s)

Complex Functions

The following table lists available scalar functions:

Function Description Example
Arg(z) Argument (or phase) of z. Arg(2+i)
Conj(z) Alias for Conjugate(z). Conj(2+i)
Conjugate(z) Conjugate of z. Conjugate(2+i)
Im(z) Imaginary part of z. Im(2+i)
Polar(n,φ) Complex number given in polar coordinates n and φ. Polar(1,pi/2)
Re(z) Real part of z. Re(2+i)

String Functions

The following table lists available string-related functions:

Function Description Example
After(s,Delimiter) Returns the part of the string that occurs after the last occurrence of the Delimiter string. Port:=Num(After(EP,":"))
Before(s,Delimiter) Returns the part of the string that occurs before the first occurrence of the Delimiter string. IP:=Before(EP,":")
Concat(v[,Delimiter}) Concatenates the elements of a vector, optionally delimiting the elements with Delimiter. If v is not a vector, it is returned, as-is. Concat(Elements,",")
Contains(s,Substring) Returns true if s contains Substring somewhere, false otherwise. Contains(s,"Hello")
Empty(s) Alias for IsEmpty(s). Empty(s)
EndsWith(s,Substring) Returns true if s ends with Substring, false otherwise. EndsWith(s,"Hello")
Eval(s) Alias for Evaluate(s). Evaluate("a+b")
Evaluate(s) Parses the string and evaluates it. Evaluate("a+b")
IndexOf(s,Substring[,From]) Returns the zero-based index of Substring in s. If Substring is not found in s, -1 is returned. If From is provided, search starts from this position. IndexOf("Hello","el")
IsEmpty(s) Returns a boolean value showing if the string s is empty or not. IsEmpty(s)
LastIndexOf(s,Substring[,From]) Returns the last zero-based index of Substring in s. If Substring is not found in s, -1 is returned. If From is provided, search starts from this position. LastIndexOf("Hello","el")
Left(s,N) Returns a string with the left-most N characters. If the string s is shorter, the entire string is returned. Left(s,3)
Len(s) Alias for Length(s). Len(s)
Length(s) Returns the length of the string. Length(s)
LowerCase(s) Returns the lower-case version of s. LowerCase("Hello")
Mid(s,Pos,Len) Returns a substring of s, starting a character Pos and continuing Len characters. The Pos index is zero-based. If the requested substring goes beyond the scope of s, the substring gets truncated accordingly. Mid(s,5,2)
PadLeft(s,N) Returns the string s padded to the left with space characters, until it contains N characters. PadLeft("Hello",10)
PadRight(s,N) Returns the string s padded to the right with space characters, until it contains N characters. PadRight("Hello",10)
Parse(s) Parses the string as an expression, and returns the parsed expression. Parse("a+b")
Replace(s,From,To[,Options]) Replaces all occurrences of the From string in s with the To string. If Options are provided (can be empty string), From is treated as a regular expression. Supported options include combinations of letters i, m and x. Replace(s,"Hello","Bye")
Right(s,N) Returns a string with the right-most N characters. If the string s is shorter, the entire string is returned. Right(s,3)
Split(s,Substring) Returns an array of substrings of s, delimited by Substring. Split("Hello World","l")
StartsWith(s,Substring) Returns true if s starts with Substring, false otherwise. StartsWith(s,"Hello")
ToExpression(x) Returns an expression string (if possible), that if evaluated, returns a value equal to x. ToExpression(Identity(3))
Trim(s) Returns a trimmed version of s. Trim(" Hello ")
TrimEnd(s) Returns a version of s with its end trimmed. TrimEnd(" Hello ")
TrimStart(s) Returns a version of s with its start trimmed. TrimStart(" Hello ")
UpperCase(s) Returns the upper-case version of s. UpperCase("Hello")

Date and Time Functions

Function Description In Pattern Matching Example
DateTime(s) Parses a Date and Time value in unspecified time coordinates from a string. Asserts s is a date & time value. DateTime("2016-03-05T14:34:12.302")
DateTime(Ticks) Creates a Date and Time value in unspecified time coordinates from the number of ticks it represents. Extracts the number of ticks from a date & time value. DateTime(Now.Ticks)
DateTime(Year,Month,Day) Creates a Date value in unspecified time coordinates. Extracts year, month and day from a date & time value. DateTime(2016,03,05)
DateTime(Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second) Creates a Date and Time value in unspecified time coordinates. Extracts year, month, day, hour, minute and second from a date & time value. DateTime(2016,03,05,19,17,23)
DateTime(Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second,MSecond) Creates a Date and Time value in unspecified time coordinates. Extracts year, month, day, hour, minute, second and millisecond from a date & time value. DateTime(2016,03,05,19,17,23,123)
DateTimeLocal(s) Parses a Date and Time value in local time coordinates from a string. Asserts s is a local date & time value. DateTimeLocal("2016-03-05T14:34:12.302")
DateTimeLocal(Ticks) Creates a Date and Time value in local time coordinates from the number of ticks it represents. Extracts the number of ticks from a local date & time value. DateTimeLocal(Now.Ticks)
DateTimeLocal(Year,Month,Day) Creates a Date value in local time coordinates. Extracts year, month and day from a local date & time value. DateTimeLocal(2016,03,05)
DateTimeLocal(Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second) Creates a Date and Time value in local time coordinates. Extracts year, month, day, hour, minute and second from a local date & time value. DateTimeLocal(2016,03,05,19,17,23)
DateTimeLocal(Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second,MSecond) Creates a Date and Time value in local time coordinates. Extracts year, month, day, hour, minute, second and millisecond from a local date & time value. DateTimeLocal(2016,03,05,19,17,23,123)
DateTimeOffset(s) Parses a Date and Time value with a Time Zone from a string. Asserts s is a UTC date & time value. DateTimeOffset("2016-03-05T14:34:12.302+01:00")
DateTimeOffset(Ticks,tz) Creates a Date and Time value with a Time Zone from the number of ticks it represents. Extracts the number of ticks from a UTC date & time value. DateTimeOffset(Now.Ticks,TimeSpan("01:00"))
DateTimeOffset(Year,Month,Day,tz) Creates a Date value with a Time Zone. Extracts year, month and day from a UTC date & time value. DateTimeOffset(2016,03,05,TimeSpan("01:00"))
DateTimeOffset(Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second,tz) Creates a Date and Time value with a Time Zone. Extracts year, month, day, hour, minute and second from a UTC date & time value. DateTimeOffset(2016,03,05,19,17,23,TimeSpan("01:00"))
DateTimeOffset(Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second,MSecond,tz) Creates a Date and Time value with a Time Zone. Extracts year, month, day, hour, minute, second and millisecond from a UTC date & time value. DateTimeOffset(2016,03,05,19,17,23,123,TimeSpan("01:00"))
DateTimeUtc(s) Parses a Date and Time value in Universal Time Coordinates from a string. Asserts s is a UTC date & time value. DateTimeUtc("2016-03-05T14:34:12.302")
DateTimeUtc(Ticks) Creates a Date and Time value in Universal Time Coordinates from the number of ticks it represents. Extracts the number of ticks from a UTC date & time value. DateTimeUtc(Now.Ticks)
DateTimeUtc(Year,Month,Day) Creates a Date value in Universal Time Coordinates. Extracts year, month and day from a UTC date & time value. DateTimeUtc(2016,03,05)
DateTimeUtc(Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second) Creates a Date and Time value in Universal Time Coordinates. Extracts year, month, day, hour, minute and second from a UTC date & time value. DateTimeUtc(2016,03,05,19,17,23)
DateTimeUtc(Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second,MSecond) Creates a Date and Time value in Universal Time Coordinates. Extracts year, month, day, hour, minute, second and millisecond from a UTC date & time value. DateTimeUtc(2016,03,05,19,17,23,123)
Day[s](TP) Returns the day of a Date and Time value, or the total number days from a TimeSpan, or the days component from a Duration. Day(Now)
Hour[s](TP) Returns the hour of a Date and Time value, or the total number of hours from a TimeSpan, or the hours component from a Duration. Hours(Now)
Local(TP) Converts a date and time value to local time coordinates. Local(Now)
Minute[s](TP) Returns the minute of a Date and Time value, or the total number of minutes from a TimeSpan, or the minutes component from a Duration. Minutes(Now)
Month[s](TP) Returns the month of a Date and Time value, or the months component from a Duration. Month(Now)
Second[s](TP) Returns the second of a Date and Time value, or the total number of seconds from a TimeSpan, or the second component from a Duration. Seconds(Now)
TimeSpan(s) Parses a TimeSpan value from a string, or extracts the time component of a date and time value. Asserts s is a time span value. TimeSpan("14:34:12")
TimeSpan(Hour,Minute,Second) Creates a TimeSpan value. Extracts hours, minutes and seconds from a time span value. TimeSpan(14,34,12)
TimeSpan(Day,Hour,Minute,Second) Creates a TimeSpan value. Extracts days, hours, minutes and seconds from a time span value. TimeSpan(2,14,34,12)
TimeSpan(Day,Hour,Minute,Second,MSecond) Creates a TimeSpan value. Extracts days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds from a time span value. TimeSpan(2,14,34,12,123)
Utc(TP) Converts a date and time value to universal time coordinates (UTC). Utc(Now)
Year[s](TP) Returns the year of a Date and Time value, or the years component from a Duration. Year(Now)

Note: When specifying a date and time using ticks, the number of ticks can either mean the number of seconds from the UNIX Epoch (at 1970-01-01 00:00:00), if ticks fit as a 32-bit integer, or the number of 100ns ticks since 0001-01-01 00:00:00.

Vector Functions

The following functions operate on vectors:

Function Description Example
And(v) Logical or binary AND of all elements in vector And([1,2,3,4,5]), And([true,false,true])
Avg(v) Alias for Average(v) Avg([1,2,3,4,5])
Average(v) Average of elements in the vector v. Average([1,2,3,4,5])
Contains(v,x) Returns true if v contains x as an element, false otherwise. Contains(v,1)
Count(v) Number of elements in the vector v. Count([1,2,3,4,5])
Count(v,x) Number of elements in the vector v that are equal to x. Count([1,2,3,2,1],2)
FindElements(Search,V) Finds elements in a vector, and returns a vector of N elements representing the indices, where N is the number of elements found. FindElements("Hello",V)
First(v) Returns the first element in a vector v. First([1,2,3,4,5])
IndexOf(v,x[,From]) Returns the zero-based index of x in v. If x is not found in v, -1 is returned. If From is provided, search is started from this index. IndexOf(v,1)
Join(v) Joins a vector of vectors, into a larger vector. Join(v)
Join(v1,v2[,v3[,v4[,v5[,v6[,v7[,v8[,v9]]]]]]]) Joins a sequence of vectors, into a larger vector. Join(v1,v2)
Last(v) Returns the last element in a vector v. Last([1,2,3,4,5])
LastIndexOf(v,x[,From]) Returns the last zero-based index of x in v. If x is not found in v, -1 is returned. If From is provided, search is started from this index. LastIndexOf(v,1)
Left(v,N) Returns a vector with the left-most N elements. If the vector v is shorter, the entire vector is returned. Left(v,3)
Max(v) The largest element in the vector v. Max([1,2,3,4,5])
Median(v) The median element in the vector v. Median([1,2,3,4,5])
Mid(v,Pos,Len) Returns a vector containing elements from v, starting a element Pos and continuing Len elements. The Pos index is zero-based. If the requested vector goes beyond the scope of v, the resulting vector gets truncated accordingly. Mid(v,5,2)
Min(v) The smallest element in the vector v. Min([1,2,3,4,5])
Nand(v) Logical or binary NAND of all elements in vector Nand([1,2,3,4,5]), Nand([true,false,true])
Nor(v) Logical or binary NOR of all elements in vector Nor([1,2,3,4,5]), Nor([true,false,true])
Ones(N) Creates an N-dimensional vector with all elements set to 1. Ones(5)
Or(v) Logical or binary OR of all elements in vector Or([1,2,3,4,5]), Or([true,false,true])
PopFirst(v) Returns the first element in a vector v, and if v is a variable reference, the variable will contain a vector where the first element has been removed. PopFirst(v)
PopLast(v) Returns the last element in a vector v, and if v is a variable reference, the variable will contain a vector where the last element has been removed. PopLast(v)
Prod(v) Alias for Product(v) Prod([1,2,3,4,5])
Product(v) Product of elements in the vector v. Product([1,2,3,4,5])
PushFirst(v) Adds a new element to a vector v, increasing its dimention, adding the element as the first element. If v is a variable reference, the variable will contain the new vector. PushFirst(x,v)
PushLast(v) Adds a new element to a vector v, increasing its dimention, adding the element as the last element. If v is a variable reference, the variable will contain the new vector. PushLast(x,v)
Reverse(s) Returns a string with the characters of the string s reversed. Reverse("Hello World")
Reverse(v) Returns a vector with the elements of the original vector v in reverse order. Reverse([1,2,3,4,5])
Right(v,N) Returns a vector with the right-most N elements. If the vector v is shorter, the entire vector is returned. Right(v,3)
Sample(v) Returns a ramdnom sample element from the vector. Sample(1..10)
Sort(v[,x1[,x2][,x3][,x4][,x5][,x6][,x7][,x8][,x9]]) Sorts a vector v. x1-x9 are optional, and can be index values, field names or lambda expressions, and determine how to sort the vector v. Negative index numbers, or property of field names beginning with a hyphen - are sorted in decending order. Index numbers are one-based, as opposed to normal index values that are zero-based. Sort(v,"Field")
StdDev(v) Alias for StandardDeviation(v) StdDev([1,2,3,4,5])
StandardDeviation(v) Standard deviation of elements in the vector v. StandardDeviation([1,2,3,4,5])
Sum(v) Sum of elements in the vector v. Sum([1,2,3,4,5])
Var(v) Alias for Variance(v) Var([1,2,3,4,5])
Variance(v) Variance of elements in the vector v. Variance([1,2,3,4,5])
Xnor(v) Logical or binary XNOR of all elements in vector Xnor([1,2,3,4,5]), Xnor([true,false,true])
Xor(v) Logical or binary XOR of all elements in vector Xor([1,2,3,4,5]), Xor([true,false,true])
Zeroes(N) Creates an N-dimensional vector with all elements set to 0. Zeroes(5)

Matrix Functions

The following functions operate on matrices:

Function Description Example
Columns(M) Returns the number of columns in the matrix M. (From the Waher.Script.Graphs3D extension.) Columns(Identity(3))=3
Determinant(M) Returns the determinant of a matrix M. Determinant(Identity(3))
Det(M) Alias for Determinant(M). det(Identity(3))
Diagonal(M) Returns the diagonal vector of a matrix M. Diagonal(Identity(3))
Diag(M) Alias for Diagonal(M). diag(Identity(3))
Eliminate(M) Reduces the rows in the matrix M, and eliminates corresponding elements. (Also called Gauss-Jordan elimination of the matrix.) Eliminate(M)
FindElements(Search,M) Finds elements in a matrix, and returns a matrix of two columns and N rows representing the coordinates, where N is the number of elements found. FindElements("Hello",M)
Identity(N) Creates an NxN identity matrix. Identity(10)
Inv(M) Alias for Invert(M). Inv([[1,1],[0,1]])
Inverse(M) Alias for Invert(M). Inverse([[1,1],[0,1]])
Invert(M) Inverts M. Works on any invertable element. Invert([[1,1],[0,1]])
Ones(Rows,Columns) Creates an MxN-matrix with all elements set to 1. Ones(5,4)
Rank(M) Computes the rank of the matrix M. Rank(M)=Rows(M)
Reduce(M) Reduces the rows in the matrix M. (Also called Gauss-elimination, or row reduction of a matrix.) Reduce(M)
Rows(M) Returns the number of rows in the matrix M. (From the Waher.Script.Graphs3D extension.) Rows(Identity(3))=3
Trace(M) Returns the sum of the elements on the diagonal of a matrix M. Trace(Identity(3))
Tr(M) Alias for Trace(M). tr(Identity(3))
Zeroes(Rows,Columns) Creates an MxN-matrix with all elements set to 0. Zeroes(5,4)

Note: The transpose and conjugate transpose of a matrix is performed using the T and H suffix operators, not by function calls.


The following functions generate transformation matrices:

Function Description Example
Rotate2D(rad) Generates a rotation matrix in two-dimensional space. rad is given in radians. The ° operator can be used to convert degrees to radians. Rotate2D(45°)
Rotate2DH(rad) Generates a rotation matrix in two-dimensional space using homogeneous coordinates. rad is given in radians. The ° operator can be used to convert degrees to radians. Rotate2DH(45°)
Scale2D(sx,sy) Generates a scaling matrix in two-dimensional space. Scale2D(0.5,2)
Scale2DH(sx,sy) Generates a scaling matrix in two-dimensional space using homogeneous coordinates. Scale2DH(0.5,2)
Translate2DH(dx,dy) Generates a translation matrix in two-dimensional space using homogeneous coordinates. Translate2DH(10,-20)

Runtime Functions

The following functions are useful to control the runtime execution of the script:

Function Description In Pattern Matching Example
Create(Type[,ArgList]) Creates an object instance of type Type. ArgList contains an optional list of arguments. If Type is a generic type, the generic type arguments precede any constructor arguments. Create(System.String,'-',80)
CreateType(Type[,TypeList]) Creates a concrete type from a generic type Type together with a list of types in TypeList forming the basis for the concretization of the generic type. CreateType(System.Array,System.Byte)
Delete(x) Alias for Destroy(x). Delete(x)
Destroy(x) Destroys the value x. If the function references a variable, the variable is also removed. Destroy(x)
Error(Msg) Throws an error/exception. Error('Something went wrong.')
Exception(Msg) Alias for Error(Msg). Exception('Something went wrong.')
Exists(f) Checks if the expression defined by f is valid or not. Exists(x)
Fields(x) If x is a type, Fields(x) returns a vector of field names. If x is not a type, Fields(x) returns a matrix containing field names and values. Properties(Ans)
Methods(x) If x is a type, Methods(x) returns a vector of methods represented as strings. If x is not a type, Methods(x) returns a matrix containing method names and lambda functions that can be used to execute the corresponding methods. Methods(Ans)
Names(x) If x is an enumeration type or value, Names(x) returns the list of recognized enumeration value of the corresponding enumeration type. Names(Ans)
Optional(f) Declares f as optional. Useful in pattern matching. Any variables in f are assigned null if not defined. Optional(x)
Preview(x) Reports a preview of the result back to the caller, if subscribed for such. Preview(x)
Print(Msg) Prints a message to the current console output (which is defined in the variables collection). Print(x)
PrintLine(Msg) Prints a message followed by a newline to the current console output. PrintLine(x)
PrintLn(Msg) Alias for PrintLine(Msg). PrintLine(x)
Properties(x) If x is a type, Properties(x) returns a vector of property names. If x is not a type, Properties(x) returns a matrix containing property names and values. Properties(Ans)
Remove(Var) Removes the varable Var without destroying its contents. Remove(x)
Remove(Obj.Property) Removes the property Property from an object, without destroying its contents. Returns if the named property was found and removed. Remove(x.A)
Required(f) Makes sure f is defined. If not, an exception is thrown. Can be used in pattern matching. Asserts f is defined (and not null). Required(x)
Return(x) Returns from the current function scope with the value x. return(Result)

Logging Functions

The following functions can be used to log information to the event log:

Function Description Example
LogInformational(Message[,Tags]) Logs an informational event to the event log. LogInformational("Hello",{Actor:"Kilroy"})
LogInformation(Message[,Tags]) Same as LogInformational. LogInformation("Hello",{Actor:"Kilroy"})
LogInfo(Message[,Tags]) Same as LogInformational. LogInfo("Hello",{Actor:"Kilroy"})
LogNotice(Message[,Tags]) Logs a notice event to the event log. LogNotice("Hello",{Actor:"Kilroy"})
LogWarning(Message[,Tags]) Logs a warning event to the event log. LogWarning("Hello",{Actor:"Kilroy"})
LogError(Message[,Tags]) Logs an error event to the event log. LogError("Hello",{Actor:"Kilroy"})
LogCritical(Message[,Tags]) Logs a critical event to the event log. LogCritical("Hello",{Actor:"Kilroy"})
LogAlert(Message[,Tags]) Logs an alert event to the event log. LogAlert("Hello",{Actor:"Kilroy"})
LogEmergency(Message[,Tags]) Logs an emergency event to the event log. LogEmergency("Hello",{Actor:"Kilroy"})
LogDebug(Message[,Tags]) Logs a debug event to the event log. LogDebug("Hello",{Actor:"Kilroy"})

Note: The Message can be a string message, or an object derived from Exception. If such an object any of the following interfaces (from the Waher.Events namespace), the corresponding attributes will be logged with the message automatically: IEventObject, IEventActor, IEventId, IEventLevel, IEventFacility, IEventModule and IEventTags.

Note 2: The Tags argument in the logging functions should be an object-ex-nihilo (or similar object), providing tags as key-value pairs. Any tag name can be used, however, the Event log treats the following tag names specially: Object, Actor, EventId, Level, Facility, Module, StackTrace.


The script engine can be extended by modules that are run in the environment. The following subssections list such funcion extensions made available in different modules available by default on the gateway. This list does not include funcion extensions made available by applications that are not part of TAG Neuron.

Color functions (Waher.Script.Graphs)

The following functions are available in the Waher.Script.Graphs library.

Function Description Example
Alpha(Color,Alpha) Sets the Alpha channel of a color. Alpha("Red",128)
Blend(c1,c2,p) Blends colors c1 and c2 together using a blending factor 0≤p≤1. Any or both of c1 and c2 can be an image. Blend("Red","Green",0.5)
Color(string) Parses a string and returns the corresponding color. The color can either be a known color name, or in any of the formats RRGGBB, RRGGBBAA, #RRGGBB, #RRGGBBAA. Color("Red")
ColorGradient(colors,p) Returns a color from a color gradient defined by a vector of colors and an interpolation constant 0≤p≤1. ColorGradient(["Green","Yellow","Red"],0.75)
GrayScale(Color) Converts a color to its corresponding Gray-scale value. GrayScale(cl)
HSL(H,S,L) Creates a color from its HSL representation. HSL(100,0.5,0.7)
HSLA(H,S,L,A) Creates a color from its HSLA representation. HSLA(100,0.5,0.7,64)
HSV(H,S,V) Creates a color from its HSV representation. HSV(100,0.5,0.7)
HSVA(H,S,V,A) Creates a color from its HSVA representation. HSVA(100,0.5,0.7,64)
RGB(R,G,B) Creates a color from its RGB representation. RGB(100,150,200)
RGBA(R,G,B,A) Creates a color from its RGBA representation. RGBA(100,150,200,64)

Note: In all functions expecting color arguments, you can pass any of the named colors as a string instead. The named colors will be recognized, and converted to the corresponding color.

Graph functions (Waher.Script.Graphs)

The following functions are available in the Waher.Script.Graphs library. In an interactive script environment, clicking on the resulting graphs will return a vector corresponding to the point under the mouse.

Function Description Example
Canvas(Width,Height[Color[,BgColor]]) Creates a 2D canvas for custom drawing. Example
HorizontalBars(Labels,Values[,Color]) Plots a two-dimensional stacked horizontal bar chart. Example
Plot2DArea(X,Y[,Color]) Plots a stacked area chart. Example
Plot2DCurve(X,Y[,Color[,PenSize]]) Plots a smooth two-dimensional curve. Example
Plot2DCurveArea(X,Y[,Color]) Plots a stacked spline area chart. Example
Plot2DH(X,Y,Mode[,Color[,PenSize]]) Alias for Plot2dHorizontalLine. Example
Plot2DHorizontalLine(X,Y,Mode[,Color[,PenSize]]) Plots a two-dimensional horizontal line graph. Example
Plot2DLayeredArea(X,Y[,Color]) Plots a layered area chart. Example
Plot2DLayeredCurveArea(X,Y[,Color]) Plots a layered spline area chart. Example
Plot2DLayeredLineArea(X,Y[,Color]) Alias for Plot2DLayeredArea. Example
Plot2DLayeredSplineArea(X,Y[,Color]) Alias for Plot2DLayeredCurveArea. Example
Plot2DLine(X,Y[,Color[,PenSize]]) Plots a two-dimensional line graph. Example
Plot2DLineArea(X,Y[,Color]) Alias for Plot2DArea. Example
Plot2DSpline(X,Y[,Color[,PenSize]]) Plots a smooth two-dimensional curve. Example
Plot2DSplineArea(X,Y[,Color]) Alias for Plot2DCurveArea. Example
Polygon2D(X,Y[,Color]) Plots a filled polygon. Example
SameScale(Graph) Informs the graph to use the same scale for all axes. Example
Scatter2D(X,Y[,Color[,BulletSize]]) Plots a two-dimensional scatter diagram. Example
VerticalBars(Labels,Values[,Color]) Plots a two-dimensional stacked vertical bar chart. Example

The following table lists variables that control graph output:

Varaible Type Description Current value
GraphWidth Double Width of graph, in pixels.
GraphHeight Double Height of graph, in pixels.
GraphBgColor Color Background color.
GraphFgColor Color Foreground color.
GraphLabelFontSize Double Label font size.

You can combine graphs using the + operator, as long as graph axes are compatible:


Graph-types having string labels on one axis, and values on another, can be added using element-wise addition operator .+ as well. When this operator is used, not only are the graphs added, but the internal values are accumulated as well. Example:

G:=[foreach x in 0..5 do VerticalBars(Labels,Uniform(0,10,6),Alpha(Colors[x],192))];

Normal addition, using the same values is achieved easilly as follows. The half-transparent bars are painted one on-top of the other, as they occupy the same numerical space.


Use the GraphWidth and GraphHeight variables to control graph output size. The following example shows how to construct a Sparkline graph:

y:=[foreach i in x do y0:=y0+Uniform(-1,1)];

If you use layered graphs that are painted ontop of underlying graphs, you can use the alpha channel to add transparency:


You can set the properties Title, LabelX and LabelY to descriptive strings, to provide information to the reader:

G.Title:="Tangent at x=6 and x=-6";
Tangent at x=6 and x=-6

3D Graph functions (Waher.Script.Graphs3D)

The following graph functions are available in the Waher.Script.Graphs3D library.

Function Description Example
LineMesh3D(X,Y,Z[,Color]) Draws a three dimensional line mesh from coordinates in three equally sized matrices X, Y, Z. Example
PolygonMesh3D(X,Y,Z[,Shader[,TwoSided]]) Draws a three dimensional polygon mesh from coordinates in three equally sized matrices X, Y, Z. Example
Surface3D(X,Y,Z[,Shader[,TwoSided]]) Draws a three dimensional surface from coordinates in three equally sized matrices X, Y, Z. Example
VerticalBars3D(X,Y,Z[,Shader]) Draws a three dimensional vertical bar chart from information available in three equally sized matrices X, Y, Z. X and Z are assumed to be labels. Y contains the corresponding bar value. Example

To use the 3D graph functions, or the 3D graphic drawing primitives, you may also need to use the following helper functions.

Function Description Example
Canvas3D(Width,Height,Oversampling,BackgroundColor) Creates a 3D canvas for custom drawing. Example
Columns(Values) Creates a square matrix whose columns have elements of the same value, each defined by the corresponding element in the input vector. Example
Matrix4x4(m11,m12,m13,m14,m21,...,m44) Creates a Matrix4x4 object (from the System.Numerics namespace). Example
Rows(Values) Creates a square matrix whose rows have elements of the same value, each defined by the corresponding element in the input vector. Example
Vector3(X,Y,Z) Creates a Vector3 object (from the System.Numerics namespace). Example
Vector4(X,Y,Z,W) Creates a Vector4 object (from the System.Numerics namespace). Example

Or the following shader-related functions:

Function Description Example
ConstantColor(Color) Creates a constant color shader from the color definition. Example
ConstantColor(Red,Green,Blue[,Alpha]) Creates a constant color shader from the Red, Green and Blue color components, and the optional Alpha. Example
PhongIntensity(Color) Creates a Phong Intensity definition from a color definition for use with a Phong Shader. Example
PhongIntensity(Red,Green,Blue[,Alpha]) Creates a Phong Intensity definition from its color components and optional alpha component, for use with a Phong Shader. Example
PhongLightSource(DI,SI,Position) Creates a Light Source for use with a Phong Shader, providing a Diffuse Intensity DI, a Specular Intensity SI and a Position of the light source. Example
PhongMaterial(AR,DR,SR,S) Provides material coefficients for a Phong Shader: An Ambient Reflection Constant in AR, a Diffuse Reflection Constant in DR, a Specular Reflection Constant in SR and a Shininess constant in S. Example
PhongShader(M,AI,Sources) Creates Phong Shader, by providing a Material definition in M, an Ambien Intensity in AI and a Light Source (or a vector of light sources) in Sources. Example

While the two-dimensional graph functions take two vectors as input, one for each of the two coordinates (x and y), the three-dimensional graph functions take matrices as input, one for each of the three coordinates (x, y and z). To convert vectors to matrices suitable for three-dimensional graphs, you can use the Columns and Rows functions respectively. Since matrices are square, it is important to use the element-wise operators when using arithmetic operators with the elements of the matrices. Otherwise, the corresponding matrix operations will be used.


:hourglass with flowing sand:

You can use the Title, LabelX, LabelY, LabelZ, Angle, Inclination and Oversampling properties of the 3D-graph make the graph more informative:


:hourglass with flowing sand:

You can also use the addition operator, as with two-dimensional graphs, to show multiple graphs simultanerously.



:hourglass with flowing sand:

When drawing 3D surfaces, you can choose to draw a wireframe, use polygon facets or use proper Phong Shading to emulate a curved surface. In the latter example, surface normals are interpolated across all facets, creating a smooth appearance when it interact with light sources.


:hourglass with flowing sand:

There are also specific 3D charts available that you can use. They may still require you to prepare the input accordingly.


:hourglass with flowing sand:

Palette generation functions (Waher.Script.Fractals)

The following functions can be used to randomly create color palettes. The functions are available in the Waher.Script.Fractals library. In an interactive script environment, clicking on the resulting graphs will zoom into the fractal, unless otherwise stated.

Function Description Example
LinearColors(Colors[,N[,BandSize]]) Creates a cyclic palette of N colors (default=1024) from an array of Colors, by linear interpolation over bands of BandSize intermediate colors (default=16). TestColorModel(LinearColors(["Red","Green","Blue"],1024,64))
RandomLinearAnalogousHSL([N[,BandSize[,Seed]]]) Creates a palette of N colors (default=1024) consisting of bands of BandSize intermediate colors (default=16) interpolating random colors analogous in HSL space. The random number generator can be initialized by a Seed, if provided, or use a random one. TestColorModel(RandomLinearAnalogousHSL(1024,64))
RandomLinearAnalogousHSV([N[,BandSize[,Seed]]]) Creates a palette of N colors (default=1024) consisting of bands of BandSize intermediate colors (default=16) interpolating random colors analogous in HSV space. The random number generator can be initialized by a Seed, if provided, or use a random one. TestColorModel(RandomLinearAnalogousHSV(1024,64))
RandomLinearComplementaryHSL([N[,BandSize[,Seed]]]) Creates a palette of N colors (default=1024) consisting of bands of BandSize intermediate colors (default=16) interpolating random colors complementary in HSL space. The random number generator can be initialized by a Seed, if provided, or use a random one. TestColorModel(RandomLinearComplementaryHSL(1024,64))
RandomLinearComplementaryHSV([N[,BandSize[,Seed]]]) Creates a palette of N colors (default=1024) consisting of bands of BandSize intermediate colors (default=16) interpolating random colors complementary in HSV space. The random number generator can be initialized by a Seed, if provided, or use a random one. TestColorModel(RandomLinearComplementaryHSV(1024,64))
RandomLinearRGB([N[,BandSize[,Seed]]]) Creates a palette of N colors (default=1024) consisting of bands of BandSize intermediate colors (default=16) interpolating random colors in RGB space. The random number generator can be initialized by a Seed, if provided, or use a random one. TestColorModel(RandomLinearRGB(1024,64))
RandomSingleHue([N[,BandSize[,Seed]]]) Creates a palette of N colors (default=1024) consisting of bands of BandSize intermediate colors (default=16) interpolating random colors using a single Hue. The random number generator can be initialized by a Seed, if provided, or use a random one. TestColorModel(RandomSingleHue(1024,64))
TestColorModel(Colors) Creates an image of color stripes defined by the vector of colors presented in Colors. TestColorModel(Palette)

Complex Fractal functions (Waher.Script.Fractals)

The following functions can be used to create fractal images based on iterations in the complex plane. The functions are available in the Waher.Script.Fractals library. They can be used as a means to create backgound images for themes, etc.

Function Description Example
HalleyBuilderFractal(z,dr,R[,Coefficients[,Palette[,DimX[,DimY]]]]) Calculates a Halley Fractal Image. When clicked (in a GUI that supports user interaction with resulting images), adds a root to the underying polynomial, instead of zooming in. HalleyBuilderFractal((0,0),3,)
Calculates a Halley Fractal Image. HalleyFractal((0,0),3,,[-1,0,0,0,0,0,1])
As HalleyFractal, except the image is smoothed out using the Heat Equation. Pixels where colors change are used as fixed boundary conditions. HalleySmoothFractal((0,0),3,,[-1,0,0,0,0,0,1])
As HalleyFractal, except only pixels where the color changes are returned, creating a topographical map of the image. HalleyTopographyFractal((0,0),3,,Uniform(0,5,8),,640,480)
Calculates a Julia Fractal Image. JuliaFractal((0,0),(-0.785028076171875,-0.1465322265625),3,RandomLinearAnalogousHSL(1024,16,2056656298),640,480)
Calculates a Julia Fractal Image, and draws the internal of the fractal. JuliaInternalFractal((0,0),(-0.65,-0.4125),3,RandomLinearAnalogousHSL(16,4),800,600)
As JuliaFractal, except the image is smoothed out using the Heat Equation. Pixels where colors change are used as fixed boundary conditions. JuliaSmoothFractal((0,0),(-0.785028076171875,-0.1465322265625),3,RandomLinearAnalogousHSL(1024,16,2056656298),640,480)
As JuliaFractal, except only pixels where the color changes are returned, creating a topographical map of the image. JuliaTopographyFractal((0,0),(-0.785028076171875,-0.1465322265625),3,RandomLinearAnalogousHSL(1024,16,2056656298),640,480)
MandelbrotFractal(z,f,dr[,Palette[,DimX[,DimY]]]) Calculates a Mandelbrot Fractal Image. MandelbrotFractal((-0.728474426269531,-0.240391845703126),,0.000732421875,RandomLinearRGB(4096,128,1325528060),640,480)
MandelbrotSmoothFractal(z,f,dr[,Palette[,DimX[,DimY]]]) As MandelbrotFractal, except the image is smoothed out using the Heat Equation. Pixels where colors change are used as fixed boundary conditions. MandelbrotSmoothFractal((-0.728474426269531,-0.240391845703126),,0.000732421875,RandomLinearRGB(4096,128,1325528060),640,480)
MandelbrotTopographyFractal(z,f,dr[,Palette[,DimX[,DimY]]]) As MandelbrotFractal, except only pixels where the color changes are returned, creating a topographical map of the image. MandelbrotTopographyFractal((-0.728474426269531,-0.240391845703126),,0.000732421875,RandomLinearRGB(4096,128,1325528060),640,480)
NewtonBasinFractal(z,dr,R,c[,N[,DimX[,DimY]]]) Creates a Newton basin fractal, coloring attractors found while executing the (generalized) Newton root finding algorithm in the complex plane. NewtonBasinFractal((0,0),3,,[-1,0,0,1])
NewtonBuilderFractal(z,dr,R[,Coefficients[,Palette[,DimX[,DimY]]]]) Calculates a Newton Fractal Image. When clicked (in a GUI that supports user interaction with resulting images), adds a root to the underying polynomial, instead of zooming in. NewtonBuilderFractal((0,0),3,)
NewtonFractal(z,dr,R,c[,Palette[,DimX[,DimY]]]) Calculates a Newton fractal. NewtonFractal((0,0),3,,[-1,0,0,0,0,1])
NewtonSmoothFractal(z,dr,R,c[,Palette[,DimX[,DimY]]]) As NewtonFractal, except the image is smoothed out using the Heat Equation. Pixels where colors change are used as fixed boundary conditions. NewtonSmoothFractal((0,0),3,,[-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],RandomLinearAnalogousHSL(128,4,746040511),640,480)
NewtonTopographyFractal(z,dr,R,c[,Palette[,DimX[,DimY]]]) As NewtonFractal, except only pixels where the color changes are returned, creating a topographical map of the image. NewtonTopographyFractal((0,0),3,,[-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],RandomLinearAnalogousHSL(128,4,746040511),640,480)
NovaFractal(r,i,dr,R,p[,Palette[,DimX[,DimY]]]) Calculates a Nova fractal. NovaFractal(0,0,3,1.5,3,,640,480)
NovaSmoothFractal(r,i,dr,R,p[,Palette[,DimX[,DimY]]]) As NovaFractal, except the image is smoothed out using the Heat Equation. Pixels where colors change are used as fixed boundary conditions. NovaSmoothFractal(0,0,3,1.5,3,,640,480)
NovaTopographyFractal(r,i,dr,R,p[,Palette[,DimX[,DimY]]]) As NovaFractal, except only pixels where the color changes are returned, creating a topographical map of the image. NovaTopographyFractal(0,0,3,1.5,3,,640,480)
NovaJuliaFractal(r,i,dr,R,p[,Palette[,DimX[,DimY]]]) Calculates a Nova-Julia fractal. NovaJuliaFractal(0,0,0.1,0,3,0.5,5.2,randomlinearrgb(1024,16),640,480)
NovaJuliaSmoothFractal(r,i,dr,R,p[,Palette[,DimX[,DimY]]]) As NovaJuliaFractal, except the image is smoothed out using the Heat Equation. Pixels where colors change are used as fixed boundary conditions. NovaJuliaSmoothFractal(0,0,0.1,0,3,0.5,5.2,randomlinearrgb(1024,16),640,480)
NovaJuliaTopographyFractal(r,i,dr,R,p[,Palette[,DimX[,DimY]]]) As NovaJuliaFractal, except only pixels where the color changes are returned, creating a topographical map of the image. NovaJuliaTopographyFractal(0,0,0.1,0,3,0.5,5.2,randomlinearrgb(1024,16),640,480)
NovaMandelbrotFractal(r,i,dr,R,p[,Palette[,DimX[,DimY]]]) Calculates a Nova-Mandelbrot fractal. NovaMandelbrotFractal(0,0.1,3,0.5,5.2,randomlinearrgb(1024,16),640,480)
NovaMandelbrotSmoothFractal(r,i,dr,R,p[,Palette[,DimX[,DimY]]]) As NovaMandelbrotFractal, except the image is smoothed out using the Heat Equation. Pixels where colors change are used as fixed boundary conditions. NovaMandelbrotSmoothFractal(0,0.1,3,0.5,5.2,randomlinearrgb(1024,16),640,480)
NovaMandelbrotTopographyFractal(r,i,dr,R,p[,Palette[,DimX[,DimY]]]) As NovaMandelbrotFractal, except only pixels where the color changes are returned, creating a topographical map of the image. NovaMandelbrotTopographyFractal(0,0.1,3,0.5,5.2,randomlinearrgb(1024,16),640,480)
SmoothImage(Image) Creates a smooth version of an image provided in Image. x:=-10..10;SmoothImage(plot2dcurve(x,sin(x),"Red",10))

Iterated Function System (IFS) Fractal functions (Waher.Script.Fractals)

The following functions can be used to create fractal images based on Iterated Function Systems (IFS). The functions are available in the Waher.Script.Fractals library. They can be used as a means to create backgound images for themes, etc.

Function Description Example
FlameFractalHsl(xc,yc,dr,N,f[,Preview[,Parallel[,DimX[,DimY[,SuperSampling[,Gamma[,LightFactor[,Seed]]]]]]]]) Calculates a flame fractal in HSL space. Intensity is mapped along the L-axis. Gamma correction is done along the SL-axes. The L-axis is multiplicated with the LightFactor. FlameFractalHsl(0.6109375,0.199208333333333,0.625,1e7,[Rotate2DH(-45°)*Scale2DH(1/sqrt(2),1/sqrt(2)),"Orange",Translate2DH(1,0)*Rotate2DH(-135°)*Scale2DH(1/sqrt(2),1/sqrt(2)),"Red",Identity(2),DiamondVariation(),"Red"],False,False,400,300,1,2.5,2,1668206157)
FlameFractalRgba(xc,yc,dr,N,f[,Preview[,Parallel[,DimX[,DimY[,SuperSampling[,Gamma[,Vibrancy[,Seed]]]]]]]]) Calculates a flame fractal in RGBA space. Intensity is calculated along the A-axis. Gamma correction is done along the RGB-axes (vibrancy=0) or along the A-axis (vibrancy=1), or a combination thereof. FlameFractalRgba(0,0,0,1e7,[Rotate2DH(-45°)*Scale2DH(1/sqrt(2),1/sqrt(2)),"Orange",ExponentialVariation(),Translate2DH(1,0)*Rotate2DH(-135°)*Scale2DH(1/sqrt(2),1/sqrt(2)),"Red",ExponentialVariation()],400,300)
FlameFractal(xc,yc,dr,N,f[,Preview[,Parallel[,DimX[,DimY[,SuperSampling[,Gamma[,Vibrancy[,Seed]]]]]]]]) Alias for FlameFractalRgba. FlameFractal(0,0,0,1e7,[Rotate2DH(-45°)*Scale2DH(1/sqrt(2),1/sqrt(2)),"Orange",ExponentialVariation(),Translate2DH(1,0)*Rotate2DH(-135°)*Scale2DH(1/sqrt(2),1/sqrt(2)),"Red",ExponentialVariation()],400,300)
EstimateFlameSize(N,f[,DimX[,DimY[,Seed]]]) Estimates the dimensions necessary for a flame fractal. Can be used to check if a selected set of parameters diverges or not. A vector is returned with x- and y-coordinates, as well as size [xc, yc, dr]. EstimateFlameSize(1e7,[Rotate2DH(-45°)*Scale2DH(1/sqrt(2),1/sqrt(2)),"Orange",Translate2DH(1,0)*Rotate2DH(-135°)*Scale2DH(1/sqrt(2),1/sqrt(2)),"Red",Identity(2),DiamondVariation(),"Red"],400,300)
IfsFractal(xc,yc,dr,N,T[,DimX[,DimY[,Seed]]]) Calculates a fractal based on an Iterated Function System, using the chaos game. IfsFractal(0,5,6,2e6,[[[0,0,0],[0,0.16,0],[0,0,1]],0.01,"Green",[[0.85,0.04,0],[-0.04,0.85,1.6],[0,0,1]],0.85,"Green",[[0.2,-0.26,0],[0.26,0.24,1.6],[0,0,1]],0.07,"Green",[[-0.15,0.28,0],[0.26,0.24,0.44],[0,0,1]],0.07,"Green"],300,600);

IfsFractals run on Iterated Function Systems using systems of equations, with optional color coding and weights. These equations, color codings and weights are provided in the vector T. These equations can be given by matrices representing linear transforms, or lambdra expressions. Examples:

IfsFractal(0.5,0.5,1,1e6, [

IfsFractal(0,0,3,1e6, [

IfsFractal(0,5,6,1e6, [

Flame fractals can modify the linear transforms using one or more variations. (Variations can be seen as non-linear “distortions”, or modifiers, to the iterated function system, to create more interesting visual results.) There are also two rendering modes: HSL and RGBA.



There are many different types of predefined variations1 that can be used. You can also use the LambdaVariation to create your custom variations.

Flame variations Complex variations Fractal variations
XVariation zCosVariation JuliaRoot1Variation
ArchVariation zCubeVariation JuliaRoot2Variation
Bent2Variation zDivVariation JuliaStepVariation
BentVariation zExpVariation
BladeVariation zLnVariation
BlobVariation zLogNVariation
BlurVariation zMulVariation
BubbleVariation zPowerBaseVariation
ConicVariation zPowerExponentVariation
CosineVariation zSinHVariation
CrossVariation zSinVariation
CurlVariation zSqrtVariation
CylinderVariation zSqrVariation
DiamondVariation zTanHVariation
Disc2Variation zTanVariation
DiscVariation zACosVariation
ExponentialVariation zASinVariation
EyeFishVariation zATanVariation
Fan2Variation zConjugateVariation
FanVariation zCosHVariation

External Database-related functions (Waher.Script.Data)

Function Description Example
Callback(DelegateType,Lambda) Creates a callback function based on a script-based lambda-expression. The lambda expression must have the same number of arguments as defined by the delegate type. Callback(DelegateType,Lambda)
ConnectMsSql(ConnectionString[,UserName,Password]) Connects to an external Microsoft SQL Server database using a connection string, and optionally providing credentials. db:=ConnectMsSql(cs,UserName,Password)
ConnectMsSql(Host,Database[,UserName,Password]) Connects to an external Microsoft SQL Server database Database hosted by a machine reachable on Host, providing optional credentials. If no credentials are provided, Integrated Security is used. db:=ConnectMsSql("Host","Database",UserName,Password)
ConnectOdbc(ConnectionString[,UserName,Password]) Connects to an external ODBC database using a connection string, and optionally providing credentials. db:=ConnectOdbc(cs,UserName,Password)
ConnectOleDb(ConnectionString[,UserName,Password]) Connects to an external OLE DB database using a connection string, and optionally providing credentials. db:=ConnectOleDb(cs,UserName,Password)

Note: To close a connection, destroy the variable containing the connection using the Destroy or Delete function.

Closing a connection

To close a connection, destroy the variable containing the connection using the Destroy or Delete function:

Executing custom SQL on an extenral database

To execute custom SQL on an external database, treat the connection as a lambda expression taking one parameter: The script to execute. Any results or result sets will be returned to the script after completing the execution. Example:

Nr:=db("SELECT COUNT(*) from city");
Stored Procedures

Stored Procedures in the database are available directly by reference on the connection object. If you have a stored procedure in the database named proc that takes two arguments P1 and P2, and a connection that you have stored in db, you call the procedure as follows:


You can also create a lambda expression to the stored procedure, and store it in a variable for reference:


This syntax is available for all database conncetions that support stored procedures.

External MySQL Database-related functions (Waher.Script.Data.MySQL)

This module adds external database support for MySQL databases. Connections established to MySQL databases work in script, as all connection types defined in the Waher.Script.Data library, so the corresponding subsections will not be repeated here.

Function Description Example
ConnectMySql(ConnectionString[,UserName,Password]) Connects to an external MySQL Server database usig a connection string, and optionally providing credentials. db:=ConnectMySql(cs,UserName,Password)
ConnectMySql(Host,Database,UserName,Password) Connects to an external MySQL Server database Database hosted by a machine reachable on Host, and providing credentials. db:=ConnectMySql("Server","Database",UserName,Password)

External PostgreSQL Database-related functions (Waher.Script.Data.PostgreSQL)

This module adds external database support for PostgreSQL databases. Connections established to PostgreSQL databases work in script, as all connection types defined in the Waher.Script.Data library, so the corresponding subsections will not be repeated here.

Function Description Example
ConnectPostgreSql(ConnectionString[,UserName,Password]) Connects to an external PostgreSQL Server database using a connection string, and optionally providing credentials. db:=ConnectPostgreSql(cs,UserName,Password)
ConnectPostgreSql(Host,Database,UserName,Password) Connects to an external PostgreSQL Server database Database hosted by a machine reachable on Host, and providing credentials. db:=ConnectPostgreSql("Server","Database",UserName,Password)

Full-text-search functions (Waher.Script.FullTextSearch)

This module adds full-text-search capabilities to script, using the full-text-search module provided in Waher.Persistence.FullTextSearch library. The following functions are available:

Function Description Example
AddFtsProperties(Collection,Properties) Adds properties defined by the vector Properties to the list of properties in the corresponding full-text-search index to the collection named in the collection defined by Collection. The function returns a Boolean value indicating if the call represents a change in the configuration. AddFtsProperties("Default",["Prop1","Prop2"])
FtsCollection(Index,Collection) Matches a Full-Text-Search Index, defined by Index, with a Database Collection, defined by Collection. FtsCollection("FTS","Default")
FtsFile(Index,FileName) Indexes (or reindexes) a specific file, using the full-text-search collection index defined by Index. If the file does not exist, it is removed from the index. FtsFolder("FTS",Folder,true)
FtsFolder(Index,Folder[,Recursive[,SubFoldersToExclude]]) Indexes files in a folder given by Folder, using the full-text-search collection index defined by Index. Files can be processed recursively in subfolders if Recursive is true (default is false). You can exclude subfolders by providing such a folder or a vector of such folders in SubFoldersToExclude. To keep folder updated, call FtsFile when a file is modified, created or deleted. FtsFolder only updates files who have not been indexed before, or whose timestamps have changed since last indexation. FtsFolder("FTS",Folder,true)
GetFtsCollections([Index]) Gets database collections indexed for full-text-search. If an index name is provided, a vector of collection names related to that index will be returned. If no arguments are provided, a dictionary will be returned, with collection vectors for each corresponding index will be returned. GetFtsCollections("FTS")
GetFtsProperties([Collection]) Gets properties indexed for full-text-search. If a collection name is provided, a vector of property names related to that collection will be returned. If no arguments are provided, a dictionary will be returned, with property vectors for each corresponding collection will be returned. GetFtsProperties("Default")
RemoveFtsProperties(Collection,Properties) Removes properties defined by the vector Properties from the list of properties in the corresponding full-text-search index to the collection named in the collection defined by Collection. The function returns a Boolean value indicating if the call represents a change in the configuration. RemoveFtsProperties("Default",["Prop1","Prop2"])
ReindexFts(Index) Reindexes the full-text-search index defined by Index. This process may take some time, as all objects in the corresponding collections will be iterated and reindexed. ReindexFts("FTS")
Search(Index,Query,Strict[,Offset,MaxCount[,Order[,Type,PaginationStrategy]]]) Performs a full-text-search of the query Query in the full-text-search index Index. Strict controls if keywords are as-is (true) or prefixes (false). Pagination is controlled by Offset abd MaxCount. The sort order is defined by Order. Typed searches can be performed, controlled by the optional arguments Type and PaginationStrategy. Search("FTS","Kilroy was here",0,25,"Relevance")
Full-text-search query syntax

Full-text-search is done providing a query string. This query string contains keywords separated by whitespace. Keywords only consist of letters and digits, and are case insensitive. Punctuation characters, accents, etc., are ignored. So are a configurable set of stop words, common words that have little significance in full-text-search. If the keyword is prefixed with a +, it is required to exist. If it is prefixed by -, it is prohibited. No prefix means it is optional. Wildcards are permitted in keywords. You can use any of the characters *, %, ¤ or # as wildcard characters. You can also use regular expressions by encapsulating it between / characters, such as /regex/. You can search for sequences of keywords by encapsulating them between apostrophes ' or quotes ".

Syntax Example Discription
keyword kilroy Letters or digits, case-insensitive
+ +kilroy Required keyword
- -kilroy Prohibited keyword
*, %, ¤, # kil*, %roy, k¤r# Wildcards
/regex/ /(kil|fitz)roy/ Regular expression
', " "kilroy was here" Sequence of keywords

The syntax can be nested, so you can combine the different constructs.

Composite Examples
Kilroy was here.
+Kilroy was here.
+Kilroy was -not here.
+*roy was -not here.
+Kil* was -not here.
+K*y was -not here.
+/(Kil|Fitz)roy/ was -not here.
+/Kil(roy|ling)/ was -not here.
+/K.+y/ was -not here.
+'Kilroy was here'
'Kilroy was' here
Kilroy 'was here'

Note: The words was and here are used as examples only, to highlight syntax. They are typically considered stop words, and thus ignored in a real search.


Strictness in search is controlled by the Strict argument in the Search function. If true, each keyword is interpreted as-is. The keyword will match search, but not searching. If Strict is false, keywords are interpreted as prefixes. The keyword search will therefore also match searching.

Search order

Search order in the Search function is controlled by the optional Order arguments. If not provided, Relevance is used. You can provide string values, or an enumeration value of type Waher.Persistence.FullTextSearch.FullTextSearchOrder. Possible values:

Order Description
Relevance Objects are ordered, first by number of distinct keywords found in each object, then by total number of occurrences of keywords, then indexation timestmap.
Occurrences Objects are ordered, first by number of occurrences of keywords found in each object, then by number of distinct keywords, then indexation timestmap.
Newest Objects are ordered, by indexation timestamp, newest objects first.
Oldest Objects are ordered, by indexation timestamp, oldest objects first.
Pagination Strategy

When searching for typed objects, especially in full-text-search collections indexing objects of multiple types, a strategy for how to handle pagination and incompatible types is necessary, for performance reasons. This is controlled by the optional PaginationStrategy argument in the Search function, together with the Type argument, that controls the type of objects to search for. You can provide a string value, or an enumeration value of type Waher.Persistence.FullTextSearch.PaginationStrategy. The default value is PaginateOverObjectsNullIfIncompatible, which is the fastest option. But incompatible objects will be returned as null. The following values are available.

Strategy Description
PaginateOverObjectsNullIfIncompatible Pagination is done over objects found in search. Incompatible types are returned as null. Makes pagination quicker, as objects do not need to be preloaded, and can be skipped quicker.
PaginateOverObjectsOnlyCompatible Pagination is done over objects found in search. Only compatible objects are returned. Amount of objects returned might be less than number of objects found, making evaluation of next offset in paginated search difficult.
PaginationOverCompatibleOnly Pagination is done over compatible objects found in search. Pagination becomes more resource intensive, as all objects need to be loaded to be checked if they are compatible or not.

Networking-related functions (Waher.Script.Networking)

The following functions are available in the Waher.Script.Networking library.

Function Description Example
Dns(Name[,QTYPE[,QCLASS]]) Makes a DNS request to resolve a name, given a QTYPE (default QTYPE.A) and QCLASS (default QCLASS.IN). DNS(Domain,QTYPE.TXT)
Ping(Host) Performs an ICMP Echo to the Host, and returns the roundtrip time. ping('')
Rdap(Ip) Makes an RDAP request to provide JSON information about an IP-address. RDAP("")
RDns(IpAddress) Makes a Reverse DNS lookup of an IP Address. RDNS("")
Route(Host) Uses the ICMP Echo protocol to find the route in the IP network to a given host. route('')
WhoIs(Ip) Makes a WHOIS request to provide textual information about an IP-address. WHOIS("")

Persistence-related functions (Waher.Script.Persistence)

The following functions are available in the Waher.Script.Persistence library.

Function Description Example
DeleteObject(Obj) Deletes an object from the underlying persistence layer. DeleteObject(Obj)
FindObjects(Type, Offset, MaxCount, Filter, SortOrder) Finds objects of a given Type. Offset and MaxCount provide a means to paginate the result set. Filter can be null, if none is used, or a string containing an expression to limit the result set. SortOrder sorts the result. It also determines the index to use. FindObjects(Namespace.CustomType, 0, 10, "StringProperty='StringValue'", ["Property1","Property2"])
Generalize(Object) Creates a generalized representation of the data in the object Object. This generalized representation can be more easily serialized, to JSON for instance, or to an object database. generalize(Obj)
GetSetting([Host,]Name,DefaultValue) Gets a runtime setting with name Name. If Host is provided, the function first tries to get the corresponding runtime host setting, and if one is not found, the corresponding runtime setting. If one is not found, the DefaultValue value is returned. Host can be a string, or an object with a host reference (implementing the Waher.Content.IHostReference interface), such as a HTTP Request object or similar. GetSetting("Name","Kilroy")
Pivot(Result) Pivots a result matrix so columns become rows, and vice versa. It is similar to the matrix transpose operator, except it takes column headers into account also. pivot(select Type, count(*) Nr from PersistedEvent group by Type)
SaveNewObject(Obj) Saves a new object to the underlying persistence layer. SaveNewObject(Obj)
SetSetting([Host,]Name,Value) Sets a runtime setting with name Name. If Host is provided, the corresponding runtime host setting is set. Host can be a string, or an object with a host reference (implementing the Waher.Content.IHostReference interface), such as a HTTP Request object or similar. SetSetting("Name","Kilroy")
Specialize(Object) Creates a specialized representation of the data in the object Object, which would be a generic object from the database, or similar. The specialized object would be represented using a proper object instance of the indicated type. specialize(Obj)
UpdateObject(Obj) Updates an object in the underlying persistence layer. UpdateObject(Obj)
XPath(Expression) Specifies an XPath-expression. XPath("Element/@Attr")

In addition to this, the following XPATH/SPARQL extension functions are defined

Function FQN Description Converts a value to a Boolean literal value. Converts a value to a date and time value. Converts a value to a decimal-precision floating point literal value. Converts a value to a double-precision floating point literal value. Converts a value to a single-precision floating point literal value. Converts a value to an integer literal value. Converts a value to an string literal value.

Statistics-related functions (Waher.Script.Statistics)

The following functions are available in the Waher.Script.Statistics library.

Function Description Example
Beta(Alpha,Beta[,N]]) Generates a random number using the Beta distribution. If N is provided, a vector with random elements is returned. [Labels,Counts]:=Histogram(Beta(2,5,10000),0,1,10);VerticalBars(Labels,Counts)
Cauchy(Median,Scale[,N]]) Generates a random number using the Cauchy distribution. If N is provided, a vector with random elements is returned. [Labels,Counts]:=Histogram(Cauchy(5,1.5,10000),0,10,10);VerticalBars(Labels,Counts)
Chi2(Degrees[,N]]) Generates a random number using the Chi squared distribution. If N is provided, a vector with random elements is returned. [Labels,Counts]:=Histogram(Chi2(6,10000),0,20,10);VerticalBars(Labels,Counts)
erf(z) Error function. erf(t2)-erf(t1)
Exponential([Mean[,N]]) Generates a random number using the Exponential distribution. If no Mean is given, the mean is assumed to be 1. If N is provided, a vector with random elements is returned. [Labels,Counts]:=Histogram(Exponential(3,10000),0,10,10);VerticalBars(Labels,Counts)
Gamma(z) Computes Γ(z) Gamma(2.5)
Gamma(Shape,Scale[,N]]) Generates a random number using the Gamma distribution. If N is provided, a vector with random elements is returned. [Labels,Counts]:=Histogram(Gamma(3,3,10000),0,20,10);VerticalBars(Labels,Counts)
Histogram(V,Min,Max,N) Calculates the histogram of a set of data V with N buckets between Min and Max. [Labels,Counts]:=Histogram(Uniform(0,10,10000),0,10,10);VerticalBars(Labels,Counts)
Histogram2D(M,MinX,MaxX,NX,MinY,MaxY,NY) Calculates the two-dimensional histogram of a set of data points M with NX buckets between MinX and MaxX for the first coordinate, and NY buckets between MinY and MaxY for the second coordinate. [LabelsX,LabelsY,Counts]:=Histogram2D([Normal(0,1,10000),Normal(0,1,10000)],-5,5,10,-5,5,10);VerticalBars3D(LabelsX,LabelsY,Counts)
Laplace(Mean,Scale[,N]]) Generates a random number using the Laplace distribution. If N is provided, a vector with random elements is returned. [Labels,Counts]:=Histogram(Laplace(5,1.5,10000),0,10,10);VerticalBars(Labels,Counts)
LGamma(a,z) Computes the lower incomplete gamma function γ(a,z) LGamma(2.5,8)
Normal([Mean,StdDev][,N]]) Generates a random number using the Normal distribution. If no Mean and standard deviation StdDev is given, the mean is assumed to be 0 and standarddeviation assumed to be 1. If N is provided, a vector with random elements is returned. [Labels,Counts]:=Histogram(Normal(0,5,10000),-20,20,10);VerticalBars(Labels,Counts)
StudentT(Degrees[,N]]) Generates a random number using the Student-T distribution. If N is provided, a vector with random elements is returned. [Labels,Counts]:=Histogram(StudentT(6,10000),-5,5,10);VerticalBars(Labels,Counts)
UGamma(a,z) Computes the upper incomplete gamma function Γ(a,z) UGamma(2.5,8)
Uniform([Min,Max][,N]]) Generates a random number using the Uniform distribution. If no interval is given, the standard interval 0,1 is assumed. If N is provided, a vector with random elements is returned. [Labels,Counts]:=Histogram(Uniform(0,10,10000),0,10,10);VerticalBars(Labels,Counts)
Weibull(Shape,Scale[,N]]) Generates a random number using the Weibull distribution. If N is provided, a vector with random elements is returned. [Labels,Counts]:=Histogram(Weibull(5,3,10000),0,10,10);VerticalBars(Labels,Counts)

System-related functions (Waher.Script.System)

The following functions are available in the Waher.Script.Statistics library.

Function Description
ShellExecute(FileName,Arguments,WorkFolder) Starts a process and executes a shell command-line instruction.

Threading-related functions (Waher.Script.Threading)

The following functions are available in the Waher.Script.Threading library.

Function Description Example
Abort(BackgroundId) Aborts the background processing of script identified by BackgroundId. The function returns true if the task was found and aborted, false if the task was not found, or has completed. Abort(Id)
Background(Script) Executes the provided script asynchronously in the background. The function does not wait for the result to be completed. The script runs on a separate variable collection, that is initialized with the variables available to the function when executed. The function returns an ID that can be used to abort the process, by calling the Abort function. Background(f(a,b))
Semaphore(Name,Script) Protects the evaluation of the script defined by Script by using a semaphore of name Name. Only one thread can evaluate script in a named semaphore at the same time. Semaphore(‘Lock1’,f(a,b))
Sleep(ms) Sleeps for a certain number of milliseconds, without consuming processor power. Sleep(100)
Parallel(Tasks[,Tasks[,Tasks[,...]]]) Evaluates tasks in parallel. These tasks can either be arguments to the function, or expressed as items in vector arguments. Elements in such vector arguments are evaluated in parallel. Each task receives its own cloned variables collection. Parallel([f(a,b), f(c,d)])

Example of parallel execution:

	foreach x in 1..10 do
		Semaphore("Output",printline(s+": "+x));


Content-related functions (Waher.Script.Content)

The following functions are available in the Waher.Script.Content library.

Function Description Example
Base64Decode(Data) Decodes binary data from a string using BASE64 encoding. Example
Base64Encode(Data) Encodes binary data to a string using BASE64 encoding. Example
Base64UrlDecode(Data) Decodes binary data from a string using BASE64URL encoding. Example
Base64UrlEncode(Data) Encodes binary data to a string using BASE64URL encoding. Example
Decode(Content,Type) Decodes Content using the available Internet Content Type decoder for Content Type Type. Example
Delete(Url,Accept/Headers,[Certificate]) Deletes a resource, in accordance with the URI scheme of the Url, and decodes the response, in accordance with the content type returned. The second argument is required, to differ the function from the Delete(x) function, that destroys a variable x and disposes of its value. The headers can be an empty object {}. If providing a Certificate, mutual TLS can be used. Example
Duration(s) Parses a string s into a Duration value. Duration("PT10H30M")
Duration(Years,Month,Dats,Hours,Minutes,Seconds) Creates a Duration value. Duration(0,0,0,10,30,0)
Encode(Object[,Types]) Encodes Object using the available Internet Content Type encoders. If Types is provided, it is an array of acceptable content types that can be used. The result is a two-dimensional vector, containing the binary encoding as the first element, and the content type as the second element. Example
FileAttributes(FileName) Gets the attributes of a file, given its full file name. Example
FileCreationTime(FileName) Gets the creation time of a file, given its full file name. Example
FileCreationTimeUtc(FileName) Gets the creation time (in UTC) of a file, given its full file name. Example
FileLastAccessTime(FileName) Gets the last access time of a file, given its full file name. Example
FileLastAccessTimeUtc(FileName) Gets the last access time (in UTC) of a file, given its full file name. Example
FileLastWriteTime(FileName) Gets the last write time of a file, given its full file name. Example
FileLastWriteTimeUtc(FileName) Gets the last write time (in UTC) of a file, given its full file name. Example
Get(Url[,Accept/Headers[,Certificate]]) Retrieves a resource, in accordance with the URI scheme of the Url, and decodes it, in accordance with its content type. If a second argument is provided, it either represents an Accept header, if a string, or custom protocol-specific headers or options, if an object. If providing a Certificate, mutual TLS can be used. Example
Head(Url[,Accept/Headers[,Certificate]]) Retrieves the headers of a resource, in accordance with the URI scheme of the Url. If a second argument is provided, it either represents an Accept header, if a string, or custom protocol-specific headers or options, if an object. If providing a Certificate, mutual TLS can be used. Example
HtmlAttributeEncode(s) Encodes a string for inclusion in an HTML attribute. It transforms <, >, & and " to &lt;, &gt;, &amp; and &quot; correspondingly. Example
HtmlValueEncode(s) Encodes a string for inclusion as an HTML element value. It transforms <, > and & to &lt;, &gt; and &amp; correspondingly. Example
JsonDecode(Data) Decodes a JSON string. Example
JsonEncode(Data) Encodes data into a JSON string. Example
LoadFile(FileName[,ContentType]) Loads a file and decodes it. By default, the content type defined by the file extension is used, if defined. You can also explicitly provide a content type. Example
Post(Url,Data[,Accept/Headers,[Certificate]]) Encodes data and posts it to a resource, in accordance with the URI scheme of the Url, and decodes the response, in accordance with the content type returned. If a third argument is provided, it either represents an Accept header, if a string, or custom protocol-specific headers or options, if an object. If providing a Certificate, mutual TLS can be used. Example
PrettyJson(Obj) JSON-encodes Obj as a pretty string, for display. Example
Put(Url,Data[,Accept/Headers,[Certificate]]) Encodes data and PUTs it to a resource, in accordance with the URI scheme of the Url, and decodes the response, in accordance with the content type returned. If a third argument is provided, it either represents an Accept header, if a string, or custom protocol-specific headers or options, if an object. If providing a Certificate, mutual TLS can be used. Example
QrEncode(Text,Level) Encodes text in Text to a QR Code using Error Correction level defined by Level. Response is a text string where the QR Code is encoded using block characters. Example
QrEncode(Text,Level[,Width[,Height]]) Encodes text in Text to a QR Code using Error Correction level defined by Level. Response is a bitmap with the specified dimensions. If only Width is specified, Height will be assued to be identical. Example
SaveFile(Obj,FileName) Encodes an object Obj in accordance with its type and file extension, and saves it as a file. Example
UrlDecode(s) Decodes a string taken from an URL. Example
UrlEncode(s) Encodes a string for inclusion in an URL. Example
Utf8Decode(s) Gets a string from UTF-8 encoded data. Example
Utf8Encode(s) Encodes a string using UTF-8. Example
XmlDecode(s) Decodes a string taken from XML. It transforms &lt;, &gt;, &amp;, &quot; and &apos; to <, >, &, " and ' correspondingly. Example
XmlEncode(s) Encodes a string for inclusion in XML. It transforms <, >, &, " and ' to &lt;, &gt;, &amp;, &quot; and &apos; correspondingly. Example

Cryptography-related functions (Waher.Script.Cryptography)

The following functions are available in the Waher.Script.Cryptography library.

Function Description Example
Aes256Decrypt(Content,Key,IV[,CipherMode[,PaddingMode]]) Decrypts Content using AES 256, with the key Key and Initiation Vector IV. CipherMode is by default CBC and Padding is by default PKCS7. Example
Aes256Encrypt(Content,Key,IV[,CipherMode[,PaddingMode]]) Encrypts Content using AES 256, with the key Key and Initiation Vector IV. CipherMode is by default CBC and Padding is by default PKCS7. Example
Ed25519([PrivKey[,HashKey]]) Creates an Edwards25519 curve, with optional private key (PrivKey) and option to pre-hash key (HashKey). Example
Ed448([PrivKey[,HashKey]]) Creates an Edwards448 curve, with optional private key (PrivKey) and option to pre-hash key (HashKey). Example
HexDecode(Data) Decodes binary data from a string using hexadecimal encoding. Example
HexEncode(Data[,NrBytes]) Encodes binary data to a string using hexadecimal encoding. Data can be an integer, if a second argument provides the number of bytes to use when encoding integer. Example
Md5(Data) Calculates a MD5 Hash Digest of the binary Data. If Data is a string, it is UTF-8 encoded first. Example
P192([PrivKey]) Creates a NIST-P192 curve, with optional private key (PrivKey). Example
P224([PrivKey]) Creates a NIST-P224 curve, with optional private key (PrivKey). Example
P256([PrivKey]) Creates a NIST-P256 curve, with optional private key (PrivKey). Example
P384([PrivKey]) Creates a NIST-P384 curve, with optional private key (PrivKey). Example
P521([PrivKey]) Creates a NIST-P521 curve, with optional private key (PrivKey). Example
RandomBytes(NrBytes) Generates an array of N random bytes. Example
Sha1(Data) Calculates a SHA-1 Hash Digest of binary Data. If Data is a string, it is UTF-8 encoded first. Example
Sha1HMac(Data,Key) Calculates a SHA-1 HMAC Hash Digest of Data using the key Key. Example
Sha2_256(Data) Calculates a 256-bit SHA-2 Hash Digest of binary Data. If Data is a string, it is UTF-8 encoded first. Example
Sha2_256HMac(Data,Key) Calculates a 256-bit SHA-2 HMAC Hash Digest of Data using the key Key. Example
Sha2_384(Data) Calculates a 384-bit SHA-2 Hash Digest of binary Data. If Data is a string, it is UTF-8 encoded first. Example
Sha2_384HMac(Data,Key) Calculates a 384-bit SHA-2 HMAC Hash Digest of Data using the key Key. Example
Sha2_512(Data) Calculates a 512-bit SHA-2 Hash Digest of binary Data. If Data is a string, it is UTF-8 encoded first. Example
Sha2_512HMac(Data,Key) Calculates a 512-bit SHA-2 HMAC Hash Digest of Data using the key Key. Example
Sha3_224(Data) Calculates a 224-bit SHA-3 Hash Digest of binary Data. If Data is a string, it is UTF-8 encoded first. Example
Sha3_256(Data) Calculates a 256-bit SHA-3 Hash Digest of binary Data. If Data is a string, it is UTF-8 encoded first. Example
Sha3_384(Data) Calculates a 384-bit SHA-3 Hash Digest of binary Data. If Data is a string, it is UTF-8 encoded first. Example
Sha3_512(Data) Calculates a 512-bit SHA-3 Hash Digest of binary Data. If Data is a string, it is UTF-8 encoded first. Example
Shake128(Bits,Data) Calculates a SHAKE128 (part of SHA-3) Hash Digest (having Bits number of bits) of Data. Example
Shake256(Bits,Data) Calculates a SHAKE256 (part of SHA-3) Hash Digest (having Bits number of bits) of Data. Example
X25519([PrivKey]) Creates a Curve25519 curve, with optional private key (PrivKey). Example
X448([PrivKey]) Creates a Curve448 curve, with optional private key (PrivKey). Example

XML-related functions (Waher.Script.Xml)

The following functions are available in the Waher.Script.Xml library.

Function Description Pattern Matching Example
GetAttribute(Xml,Name) Extracts the value of XML attribute Name from the element Xml. If not found, the empty string is returned. If Xml is null, null is returned. GetAttribute(E,"name")
GetElement(Xml,Name) Extracts the first child element to Xml with the given name Name. If not found, null is returned. If Xml is null, null is returned. GetElement(E,"Name")
HasAttribute(Xml,Name) Checks if an element Xml has an XML attribute Name. If Xml is null, null is returned. GetAttribute(E,"name")
HasElement(Xml,Name) Checks if an element Xml has a child element with the given name Name. If Xml is null, null is returned. GetElement(E,"Name")
InnerText(Xml) Returns the Inner Text of the XML Node Xml. If Xml is null, null is returned. InnerText(E)
InnerXml(Xml) Returns the Inner XML of the XML Node Xml. If Xml is null, null is returned. InnerXml(E)
OuterXml(Xml) Returns the Outer XML of the XML Node Xml. If Xml is null, null is returned. OuterXml(E)
OwnerDocument(Xml) Returns the XML Document owning the XML Node Xml. If Xml is null, null is returned. OwnerDocument(E)
PrettyXml(Xml) Makes XML defined in Xml pretty, for display. If Xml is null, null is returned. PrettyXml("<a><b>Hello</b></a>")
SelectXml(Xml,XPath) Performs an XPATH selection into Xml. The default prefix can be used to reference any default namespace in the XML. Results are returned as numbers if possible. If Xml is null, null is returned. SelectXml(<a><b>Hello</b></a>,"/a/b")
SelectXmlStr(Xml,XPath) Performs an XPATH selection into Xml and returns the result as a literal string. The default prefix can be used to reference any default namespace in the XML. If Xml is null, null is returned. SelectXmlStr(<a><b>Hello</b></a>,"/a/b")
Xml(s) Converts the string s to an XML Document. If s is null, null is returned. Asserts s is valid XML. Xml("<a>Hello</a>")

Note: The XML functions are made available so that access to elements and attributes in XML documents can be made accessible in environments where the period (.) operator is not available, for security reasons.

XMLDSIG-related functions (Waher.Script.XmlDSig)

The following functions are available in the Waher.Script.XmlDSig library.

Function Description Example
RsaPublicKeyXml(KeyName,KeySize) Exports the public key corresponding to an RSA key with name KeyName and size KeySize, in bits, as an XML document. RsaPublicKeyXml("Test",4096)
RsaPublicKey(Xml) Imports an RSA public key from its XML representation in Xml. RsaPublicKey(Xml)
SignXml(KeyName,KeySize,XML) Signs XML using the XMLDSIG standard, given an RSA key with name KeyName and size KeySize, in bits. SignXml("Test",4096,<Test><a>1</a><b>2</b></Test>)
VerifyXml(KeyName,KeySize,XML) Verifies signed XML using the XMLDSIG standard, given an RSA key with name KeyName and size KeySize, in bits. VerifyXml("Test",4096,Xml)
VerifyXml(PublicKey,XML) Verifies signed XML using the XMLDSIG standard, given an RSA public key, either parsed, or in XML. VerifyXml(PublicKey,Xml)

Markdown-related functions (Waher.Content.Markdown)

The following functions are available in the Waher.Content.Markdown library.

Function Description Example
CssContent(s) Encodes a string as a CSS Content object for encoding, as results of web service calls. Example
FromMarkdown(Markdown) Converts a string containing Markdown Representation to a script object. Example
InitScriptFile(FileName) Evaluates the script in the file defined by FileName if not evaluated before, or if timestamp is newer than previous evaluation. Example
JavaScriptContent(s) Encodes a string as a JavaScript Content object for encoding, as results of web service calls. Example
LoadMarkdown(FileName[,Headers]) Loads a markdown file and preprocesses it before returning it as a string. By default, Markdown headers are removed. If you wish Markdown headers to be included, set Headers to true. Example
MarkdownContent(s) Encodes a string as a Markdown Content object for encoding, as results of web service calls. Example
MarkdownEncode(s) Encodes a string for inclusion in Markdown. Example
MarkdownToHtml(s) Parses the markdown provided in s and converts it to HTML. Only HTML between BODY tags is returned. Example
MarkdownToHtmlStat(s) Parses the markdown provided in s and converts it to HTML. Only HTML between BODY tags is returned. A vector containing the HTML, together with statistics about the document is returned. Example
MarkdownStatistics(s) Parses the markdown provided in s and returns statistics about the document. Example
ParseMarkdown(MD) Parses the markdown provided in the string MD, and returns it as MarkdownDocument object. Example
PreprocessMarkdown(MD) Preprocesses a markdown string MD, and returns it as a string. Example
ScriptFile(FileName) Evaluates the script in the file defined by FileName. Example
TextUnit(Nr,Sing,Plur) Selects the singular (Sing) or plural (Plur) form of a unit to be used in text, based on the associated number (Nr). Example
ToMarkdown(Obj) Converts the object to a string containing the Markdown Representation of the object. Example

The following context-specific constants (read-only variables) are available in inline script:

Variable Description
StartPosition The starting position of the current script in the markdown document.
EndPosition The ending position of the script in the markdown document.

Semantic-web-related functions (Waher.Content.Semantic)

The following functions are available in the Waher.Content.Semantic library.

Function Description
BNode([Label]) Creates a blank node with a given label. If no label is provided, a distinct blank node is created.
Coalesce(Exp, ...) Returns the value of the first expression in the argument list, that evaluates without error.
DataType(Term) Returns the data type of the term, if available, or the empty string if not.
IsBlank(Term) Checks if an RDF term is a Blank node.
IsIri(Term) Alias for IsUri.
IsLiteral(Term) Checks if an RDF term is a literal.
IsNumeric(Term) Checks if an RDF term is a numeric literal.
IsTriple(Term) Checks if an RDF term is a quoted semantic triple.
IsUri(Term) Checks if an RDF term is a URI term.
Lang(Term) Returns the language of the term, if available, or the empty string if not.
LangMatches(x,y) Checks if the language x matches the language y. y can be *, or unlocalized, while x is.
Object(Triple) Returns the object part of a semantic triple.
Predicate(Triple) Returns the predicate part of a semantic triple.
StrDt(x,Type) Returns a typed literal, with XML data type specified by Type, and string value represented by x.
StrLang(x,Lang) Returns a localized literal, with language specified by Lang, and string value represented by x.
Subject(Triple) Returns the subject part of a semantic triple.
TimeZone(x) Returns the time zone of a date and time literal value, as a xs:dayTimeDuration literal value.
Triple(s,p,o) Returns a semantic triple, given the subject (s), predicate (p) and object (o).
Tz(x) Returns the time zone of a date and time literal value, as a string literal value.

XSL-related functions (Waher.Content.Xsl)

The following functions are available in the Waher.Content.Xsl library.

Function Description Example
Transform(XML,XSLT) Transforms an XML document using an XSL Transform (XSLT). Example

Layout Extensions (Waher.Layout.Layout2D)

The following functions are available in the Waher.Layout.Layout2D library.

| Function | Description | Example | |——————————————-|————-|———| | Layout(Xml) | Creates a bitmapped graph from a layout. The Layout can be an XML Document, XML Element or XML as a string. | Layout(Xml)
| Legend(Labels,Colors,FgColor,NrColumns) | Creates a legend that can be displayed in association with a graph containing multiple series. | Legend(Labels,Colors,4) |

In the following subsections, specialized HTTP Error functions are listed.

Web Extensions (Waher.Networking.HTTP[.UWP])

Script can be embeded in transformable web content, such as Markdown documents. The following functions are available in the Waher.Networking.HTTP and Waher.Networking.HTTP.UWP libraries.

Function Description Example
EphemeralUser(UserName[,JID[,Privileges[,Properties]]]) Creates an ephemeral user that is not persisted. The user object will have a given user name, an optional JID, an optional vector of permissions granted, and an optional object ex-nihilo of additional properties that may be used in the application. EphemeralUser("Testuser","",["Tests\..*"],{"a":1,"b":2})
HttpError(Code,Message,Content) Returns an HTTP Error to the client y throwing an HttpException exception. HttpError(400,"Bad Request","Missing parameters.")
AuthenticateBasic(Request,Realm,Users[,EncStrength]) Performs basic authentication of the user of the request. If user is not authenticated, and appropriate exception is thrown and error returned to the client. If authentication is performed, authenticated user object is returned. EncStrength can be a boolean (for if encryption is required yes/no) or a positive integer value, mening the minimum cipher strength requried for the mechanism. AuthenticateBasic(Request,Gateway.Domain,Waher.Security.Users.Users.Source,128)
AuthenticateDigestMd5(Request,Realm,Users[,EncStrength]) Performs DIGEST MD5 authentication of the user of the request. If user is not authenticated, and appropriate exception is thrown and error returned to the client. If authentication is performed, authenticated user object is returned. EncStrength can be a boolean (for if encryption is required yes/no) or a positive integer value, mening the minimum cipher strength requried for the mechanism. AuthenticateDigestMd5(Request,Gateway.Domain,Waher.Security.Users.Users.Source,128)
AuthenticateDigestSha256(Request,Realm,Users[,EncStrength]) Performs DIGEST SHA256 authentication of the user of the request. If user is not authenticated, and appropriate exception is thrown and error returned to the client. If authentication is performed, authenticated user object is returned. EncStrength can be a boolean (for if encryption is required yes/no) or a positive integer value, mening the minimum cipher strength requried for the mechanism. AuthenticateDigestSha256(Request,Gateway.Domain,Waher.Security.Users.Users.Source,128)
AuthenticateDigestSha3_256(Request,Realm,Users[,EncStrength]) Performs DIGEST SHA3-256 authentication of the user of the request. If user is not authenticated, and appropriate exception is thrown and error returned to the client. If authentication is performed, authenticated user object is returned. EncStrength can be a boolean (for if encryption is required yes/no) or a positive integer value, mening the minimum cipher strength requried for the mechanism. AuthenticateDigestSha3_256(Request,Gateway.Domain,Waher.Security.Users.Users.Source,128)
AuthenticateMutualTls(Request,Users[,EncStrength]) Performs a Mutual TLS authentication of the user of the request. If user is not authenticated, and appropriate exception is thrown and error returned to the client. If authentication is performed, authenticated user object is returned. EncStrength is a positive integer value, mening the minimum cipher strength requried for the mechanism. AuthenticateMutualTls(Request,Waher.Security.Users.Users.Source,128)
AuthenticateSession(Request,UserVariable[,EncStrength]) Performs a authentication of the user of the request, by checking the value of a user variable in the current session. If user is not authenticated, and appropriate exception is thrown and error returned to the client. If authentication is performed, authenticated user object is returned. EncStrength is a positive integer value, mening the minimum cipher strength requried for the mechanism. AuthenticateSession(Request,"User",128)
Authorize(User,Privileges[,Message]) Checks if a user is authorized access by checking it has all privileges provided in Privileges. If Message is provided, it will be used as exception message is user is not authorized. Authorize(User,"App.Module.Function","Access denied.")

In the following subsections, specialized HTTP Error functions are listed.


The following functions return HTTP redirection responses back to he client:

Function Code Description
Found(Location) 302 Returns the Found redirection back to the client.
MovedPermanently(Location) 301 Returns the Moved Permanently redirection back to the client.
NotModified() 304 Returns the Not Modified message back to the client.
PermanentRedirect(Location) 308 Returns the Permanent Redirect redirection back to the client.
SeeOther(Location) 303 Returns the See Other redirection back to the client.
TemporaryRedirect(Location) 307 Returns the Temporary Redirect redirection back to the client.
UseProxy(Location) 305 Returns the Use Proxy redirection back to the client.
Client Errors

The following functions return HTTP client error responses back to he client:

Function Code Description
BadRequest(Content) 400 Returns the Bad Request client error message back to the client.
Conflict(Content) 409 Returns the Conflict client error message back to the client.
FailedDependency(Content) 424 Returns the Failed Dependency client error message back to the client.
Forbidden(Content) 403 Returns the Forbidden client error message back to the client.
Gone(Content) 410 Returns the Gone client error message back to the client.
Locked(Content) 423 Returns the Locked client error message back to the client.
MisdirectedRequest(Content) 421 Returns the Misdirected Request client error message back to the client.
NotAcceptable(Content) 406 Returns the Not Acceptable client error message back to the client.
NotFound(Content) 404 Returns the Not Found client error message back to the client.
PreconditionFailed(Content) 411 Returns the Precondition Failed client error message back to the client.
PreconditionRequired(Content) 428 Returns the Precondition Required client error message back to the client.
RangeNotSatisfiable(Content) 416 Returns the Range Not Satisfiable client error message back to the client.
RequestTimeout(Content) 408 Returns the Request Timeout client error message back to the client.
TooManyRequests(Content) 429 Returns the Too Many Requests client error message back to the client.
UnavailableForLegalReasons(Content) 451 Returns the Unavailable For Legal Reasons client error message back to the client.
UnprocessableEntity(Content) 422 Returns the Unprocessable Entity client error message back to the client.
UnsupportedMediaType(Content) 415 Returns the Unsupported Media Type client error message back to the client.
Server Errors

The following functions return HTTP server error responses back to he client:

Function Code Description
BadGateway(Content) 502 Returns the Bad Gateway server error message back to the client.
GatewayTimeout(Content) 504 Returns the Gateway Timeout server error message back to the client.
InsufficientStorage(Content) 507 Returns the Insufficient Storage server error message back to the client.
InternalServerError(Content) 500 Returns the Internal Server Error server error message back to the client.
LoopDetected(Content) 508 Returns the Loop Detected server error message back to the client.
NetworkAuthenticationRequired(Content) 511 Returns the Network Authentication Required server error message back to the client.
NotExtended(Content) 510 Returns the Not Extended server error message back to the client.
NotImplemented(Content) 501 Returns the Not Implemented server error message back to the client.
ServiceUnavailable(Content) 503 Returns the Service Unavailable server error message back to the client.
VariantAlsoNegotiates(Content) 506 Returns the Variant Also Negotiates server error message back to the client.
Special Web Variables

The following predefined variables are available when processing web requests:

Variable Description
Request The current HttpRequest object.
Response The current HttpResponse object.
Posted Any decoded data posted to the resource.
Global Global variables.
Page Page-local variables.

JWS Extensions (Waher.Security.JWS)

The following functions are available in the Waher.Security.JWS librariy.

Function Description Example
HS256([Secret]) Creates an HMAC SHA-256 JSON Web Signature key. HS256(Utf8Encode("Hello world"))
RS256([Rsa]) Creates an RSASSA-PKCS1-v15 SHA-256 JSON Web Signature key. RS256(RsaFromPem(Account.private_key))

JWT Extensions (Waher.Security.JWT[.UWP])

The following functions are available in the Waher.Security.JWT and Waher.Security.JWT.UWP libraries.

Function Description Example
AuthenticateJwt(Request,Realm,Users[,EncStrength][,Factory]) Performs Bearer and JWT authentication of the user of the request. If user is not authenticated, and appropriate exception is thrown and error returned to the client. If authentication is performed, authenticated user object is returned. EncStrength can be a boolean (for if encryption is required yes/no) or a positive integer value, mening the minimum cipher strength requried for the mechanism. An optional JWT Factory can be provided, unless the default system JWT Factory is to be used. AuthenticateJwt(Request,Gateway.Domain,Waher.Security.Users.Users.Source,128)
CreateJwt(Claims[,Factory]) Returns a Java Web Token (JWT) generated from a set of claims. Claims must be expressed as an object ex-nihilo, where claim names are property names, and values are the corresponding values. An optional JWT Factory can be provided, unless the default system JWT Factory is to be used. Token:=CreateJwt({"iss":"","name":"Jon Doe"})
CreateJwtFactory(Algorithm) Creates a JWT Factory using a specific JWS algorithm. Factory:=CreateJwtFactory(RS256(Account.private_key))
ValidateJwt(Token[,Factory]) Validates a Java Web Token (JWT) generated by CreateJwt. If not valid, an exception is thrown. If valid, the parsed token is returned. Claims are available through its Claims property. An optional JWT Factory can be provided, unless the default system JWT Factory is to be used. ValidateJwt(Token)

Thing-related Extensions (Waher.Things)

The following functions are available in the Waher.Things library.

Function Description
AddableTypes(Node) Gets an array of types of nodes that can be added to an existing node.
Field(Thing,Name,Value) Creates a field object depending on the type of the value (Momentary Value, Automatic Readout, not writable) using the current time.
Field(Thing,Timestamp,Name,Value[,Type[,QoS[,Writable]]]) Creates a field object depending on the type of the value. If Type is omitted, it is assumed the field is a Momentary Value. If QoS is omitted, it is assumed it’s a Momentary Readout. If is also assumed the field is not writable, unless declared otherwise.
ThingReference([NodeId[,SourceId[,Partition]]]) Creates a reference object pointing to a node on the gateway.

Gateway Extensions (Waher.IoTGateway)

The following functions are available in web pages hosted by the IoT Gateway:

Function Description
BareJID(JID) Returns the Bare JID of JID
ClearCaches() Clears internal caches.
DecCounter(CounterName[,Amount]) Decrements a counter, given its name, and returns the decremented count.
FullJID(JID) Returns the Full JID of JID. If JID is a Bare JID, the Full JID of the last online presence is returned.
GetCounter(CounterName) Gets the current count of a counter, given its name.
GetDomainSetting(Host,Key,DefaultValue) Gets a domain setting. If the Host (which can be a string or implement Waher.Content.IHostReference, such as an HTTP Request object for instance) is an alternative domain, it will be treated as a host setting, otherwise a runtime setting.
GetNode(NodeId[,SourceId[,Partition[,JID]]]) Gets the node object of a node in the gateway (if not providing a JID), or a provisional reference node to a node hosted by a remote gateway identified by JID. If the node is not found, null is returned. (If no Source ID is provided, the Metering Topology is assumed.) Authorization to view the node is required, and depends on the execution context.
GetSources() Gets available sources of things.
GetTabIDs([Page[,QueryFilter]]) Gets an array of open tabs (as string TabIDs) loading the Events.js javascript file. Pages can be optionally restricted to a given Page, and optionally further restricted by a query filter, as an object ex-nihilo specifying query parameters and values.
GetTabIDs(Pages) Gets an array of open tabs (as string TabIDs) loading the Events.js javascript file. Tabs returned must be showing any of the pages provied in the vector Pages.
GetTabIDs(User) Gets an array of open tabs (as string TabIDs) loading the Events.js javascript file. Tabs returned must be viewed by the user identitied by the user object User.
GetTabInformation(TabID) Gets information about a tab, the URI used, query parameters, session ID and session variables. If tab is not found, null is returned.
IncCounter(CounterName[,Amount]) Increments a counter, given its name, and returns the incremented count.
PushEvent(..., Event, Data) Pushes an event to all open pages (tabs), defined by the arguments defined by ... (same types of arguments as for the GetTabIDs function), or a reference to a Tab ID. Data can be a string, or any object that can be encoded as JSON. The Event translates to a JavaScript function, with one argument, that will be called. The Data will be passed on as the argument.
RandomPassword() Creates a random password having approximately 255 bits of entropy.
ReadSensorData(Sensor[,Types[,Fields[,From[,To]]]]) Reads a sensor defined on the gateway. Authorization to read the sensor depends on the execution context. The response is an object of the type {"Error":boolean,"Ok":boolean,"Fields":Dictionary<string,Field>,"Errors":ThingError}
ReloadPage(...) Reloads all open pages (tabs), defined by its arguments. The same types of arguments as for the GetTabIDs function can be used.
RemoveScriptResource(Resource) Removes a script resource added using the ScriptResource function. The function returns a Boolean value showing if such a resource was found and removed.
ScriptResource(Resource,Expression) Defines a script resource on the web server hosted by the gateway. Script resources are persisted, and will be available after the gateway is restarted, until they are removed by calling RemoveScriptResource. If a non-script resource already exists with the given name, the new resource is not added. The function returns a Boolean value showing if the script resource was added or not.
SetDomainSetting(Host,Key,Value) Sets a domain setting. If the Host (which can be a string or implement Waher.Content.IHostReference, such as an HTTP Request object for instance) is an alternative domain, it will be treated as a host setting, otherwise a runtime setting.

The following predefined variables are available in web pages hosted by the IoT Gateway:

Variable Description
Domain The domain on which the gateway is operating.
Language The language object of the current session.
Namespace The language namespace object of the current page.
Runtime Returns the time elapsed since the gateway was started.
Started Date and Time of when the gateway started.

Gateway Console Extensions (Waher.IoTGateway.Console)

The following functions are available in the Waher.IoTGateway.Console console application library. Running the IoT Gateway as a console application, adds these functions to the script engine.

Function Description Example
RsaFromPem(PemFile) Creates an RSA object from the contents of a PEM file. RsaFromPem(PemContents)

Gateway Service Extensions (Waher.IoTGateway.Svc)

The following functions are available in the Waher.IoTGateway.Svc Windows Service host application library. Running the IoT Gateway as a Windows Service, adds these functions to the script engine.

Function Description Example
RsaFromPem(PemFile) Creates an RSA object from the contents of a PEM file. RsaFromPem(PemContents)
DecPerformanceCounter(CategoryName[,Instance],CounterName) Decrements a performance counter, given a performance category name, optional instance name, as well as a counter name. DecPerformanceCounter("My Counters","My Instance","My Counter")
IncPerformanceCounter(CategoryName[,Instance],CounterName) Increments a performance counter, given a performance category name, optional instance name, as well as a counter name. IncPerformanceCounter("My Counters","My Instance","My Counter")
PerformanceCategory(CategoryName) Returns a System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory object, given the category name. properties(PerformanceCategory("Processor"))
PerformanceCounter(CategoryName[,Instance],CounterName) Returns a System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter object, given a performance category name and optional performance instance name, as well as a performance counter name. PerformanceCounter("Processor","_Total","% Processor Time")
PerformanceCounterValue(CategoryName[,Instance],CounterName) Returns a performance counter value, given a performance category name, optional instance name, as well as a counter name. PerformanceCounterValue("Processor","_Total","% Processor Time")
PerformanceCounters(CategoryName[,Instance]) Returns an array of System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter objects within a given performance category, and optional performance instance. PerformanceCounters("Processor","_Total")
PerformanceCounterNames(CategoryName[,Instance]) Returns an array of names of performance counters within a given performance category, and optional performance instance. PerformanceCounterNames("Processor","_Total")
PerformanceInstances(CategoryName) Returns an array of performance counter instance names, given a performance category. PerformanceInstances("Processor")

The following predefined constants are also available:

Variable Description
PerformanceCategories Returns an array of System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory objects.
PerformanceCategoryNames Returns an array of performance counter category names.

Serialization-related functions (Waher.Service.NeuroLedger)

The following functions are available in the Waher.Service.NeuroLedger library, which is part of the Neuro-Ledger™.

Function Description Example
Deserialize(Bin[,BaseType]) Deserializes a byte array into an object, or vector of objects. If serialization does not include type information, a base type can be provided. If not, a generic deserializer will be used. Deserialize(Base64Decode(s))
FromBinary(Bin[,BaseType]) Alias for Deserialize. FromBinary(Base64Decode(s))
Serialize(Object) Serializes an object to a byte array. Base64Encode(Serialize(Obj))
Serialize(Vector) Serializes a vector of objects to a byte array. Base64Encode(Serialize([Obj1,Obj2,Obj3]))
PrintDeserialize(Bin[,BaseType]) Works as Deserialize(Bin[,BaseType]), except that individual elements are printed to the standard output. This can be used for debugging purposes when transporting serializations across systems. PrintDeserialize(Base64Decode(s))
PrintSerialize(Object) Works as Serialize(Object), except that individual elements are printed to the standard output. This can be used for debugging purposes when transporting serializations across systems. Base64Encode(PrintSerialize(Obj))
PrintSerialize(Vector) Works as Serialize(Vector), except that individual elements are printed to the standard output. This can be used for debugging purposes when transporting serializations across systems. Base64Encode(PrintSerialize([Obj1,Obj2,Obj3]))
ToBinary(Object) Alias for Serialize. Base64Encode(ToBinary(Obj))
ToBinary(Vector) Alias for Serialize. Base64Encode(ToBinary([Obj1,Obj2,Obj3]))

IoT Broker Extensions (available in Waher.Service.IoTBroker)

The following subsections list functions that are available to applications running on the IoT Broker (hosting the Waher.Service.IoTBroker library) or the Neuron™.

Functions related to local services
Function Description Example
ConfigurationPage(Title,LocalResource[,Privileges]) Defines a configuration page to display in the admin portal. Typically called as part of the setup and configuration phase of a configurable content-only module. ConfigurationPage("Settings","/Svc/","Admin.Svc.Settings")
IpLocale(IP) Looks up locale information about an IP address. IpLocale("")
QuickLoginServiceId(Request[,AgentApiTimeout]) Generates a Quick-Login service ID, from an HTTP Request object. If the quick-login should generate an Agent API login at the same time, a timeout in seconds can be provided. QuickLoginServiceId(Request)
E-mail related functions
Function Description Example
Attachment(Object,FileName) Encodes an object for use as an attachment in multi-format encoded content. Attachment(PngImage,"Photo.png")
Attachment(EncodedObject,ContentType,FileName) Creates an attachment for multi-format encoded content, based on an encoded object. Attachment(PngRaw,"image/png","Photo.png")
Embed(Object,ContentId) Encodes an object for use as an inline embedding in multi-format encoded content. embed(PngImage,"000001")
Embed(EncodedObject,ContentType,ContentId) Creates an inline embedding for multi-format encoded content, based on an encoded object. embed(PngRaw,"image/png","000001")
SendMail([[Host,Port,User,Pwd,]From,]To,Subject,Markdown[,Objects]) Sends an formatted e-mail to a recipient. If SMTP details are not provided, SMTP Relay settings are used by default. If such are not provided, broker will act as an SMTP relay itself. The Objects argument can be used to embed inline or attached objects to the mail. SendMail(To,Subject,Body)
Smart Contracts-related functions
Function Description Example
CreateContract(Account,TemplateId[,Visibility[,Properties[,Parts]]]) Creates a contract for an account on the broker, based on an existing contract template. Visibility, Parts and Properties can be set to new values. Parts and Properties are assumed to be object ex-nihilo. CreateContract(Account,Template,"Public",null,{A:10,B:20,C:30})
ObsoleteContract(ContractId) Obsoletes a contract on the Neuron®, given that the contract exists on the Neuron®, and the script is executed from a session, with a user with sufficient privileges. ObsoleteContract(ContractId)
RejectContract(ContractId) Rejects a contract on the Neuron®, given that the contract exists on the Neuron®, and the script is executed from a session, with a user with sufficient privileges. RejectContract(ContractId)
SendProposal(ContractId,Jid,Role,Proposal) Sends a contract proposal with ID ContractId to an XMPP client using address JID, for signing as Role. Message inclues a Proposal text. SendProposal(ContractId,ContactJid,"Creator","Please sign.")
Token-related functions
Function Description Example
HistoryReport() Generates a history report, in Markdown format, from inside a running state-machine. HistoryReport()
LoadAttachments([ContentTypes]) Loads attachments associated with the definition contract. If a content types are provided (a single scalar, or a vector of content-types), only attachments having such types will be loaded. Wildcards can be used. LoadAttachments(["text/markdown","image/*"])
PresentReport() Generates a present report, in Markdown format, from inside a running state-machine. PresentReport()
ProfilingReport() Generates a profiling report, in Markdown format, from inside a running state-machine. ProfilingReport()
StateDiagram() Generates a state diagram, in Markdown format, from inside a running state-machine. StateDiagram()
XMPP-related functions
Function Description Example
AuthenticateXmppToken(Request[,Users][,EncStrength]) Performs Bearer and JWT authentication of a token generate for a connected XMPP client. If authentication is performed, authenticated user object is returned referring to the corresponding client connection. This funcion also authenticates the sender of an HTTPX (HTTP over XMPP) client requesting resources on the server, without the use of Bearer token. EncStrength can be a boolean (for if encryption is required yes/no) or a positive integer value, mening the minimum cipher strength requried for the mechanism. AuthenticateXmppToken(Request,128)
IqGet(To,Xml) Performs an XMPP IQ (Information Query) Get operation. IqGet(JID,<ping xmlns='urn:xmpp:ping'/>)
IqSet(To,Xml) Performs an XMPP IQ (Information Query) Set operation. IqSet(JID,<ping xmlns='urn:xmpp:ping'/>)
PingXmpp(To) Performs an XMPP Ping operation and returns the number of milliseconds required for the roundtrip. PingXmpp(JID)
PresenceProbe(BareJid) Performs an XMPP Presence Probe on a Bare JID, to retrieve the latest presence sent by the account. PresenceProbe("")
RosterName(LocalJid, RemoteJid) Returns the name of a contact in a local users roster. If no name is returned, the Bare JID is returned. RosterName(To,From)
SendCustomMessage(To,Xml) Sends a custom XML XMPP message to a recipient To. SendCustomMessage(To,<hello xmlns=''/>)
SendFormattedMessage(To,Markdown[,Subject[,Language]]) Sends a multi-format XMPP message to a recipient To, with an optional Subject and Language. The Markdown provided will be transformed to plain text and HTML and included in the message as well, together with a regeneration of the Markdown provided, to improve interoperability. The recipient can decide what format to process or display. SendFormattedMessage(To,"*Hello* there.")
SendPlainMessage(To,Text[,Subject[,Language]]) Sends a plain-text XMPP message to a recipient To, with an optional Subject and Language. SendPlainMessage(To,"Hello there.")

Multi-User Chat Extensions (available in Waher.Service.LilSis, Waher.Service.IoTBroker)

The following functions are available in applications using Multi-User Chat, such as the Waher.Service.LilSis library, part of Lil’Sis’®, and the Waher.Service.IoTBroker library, part of the Neuron™.

Function Description Example
Consolidate(RoomId,Domain,Command[Preview[,Config[,Variable]]]) Sends a command Command to a MUC room identified by RoomId and Domain, and consolidates responses into one. Preview is a Boolean value, specifying if intermediate results should be previewed or not. Config can be one of three things: If a positive integer, it defines the number of expected responses, before consolidation is returned. If an array of strings, represents the nick-names of the sources that are expected to return responses. If an object ex-nihilo, it defining default responses from the expected sources. These default responses will be displayed until proper responses are returned. If no Config is provided, the function returns when all online occupants of the room have responded. Variable may contain a string containing the name of an optional variable that will contain the consolidator of the operation. It can be used to derive further information about the consolidated result after the function completes. Consolidate("Room","","select Type, Count(*) Nr from PersistedEvent where Timestamp>Now.AddDays(-1) group by Type")
Occupants(RoomId,Domain) Returns an array of nick-names corresponding to occupants in a Multi-User Chat Room. Occupants("Room",""

The following predefined constants are also available:

Variable Description
MUC Gives access to remote data sources hosted by neurons in MUC rooms.

Payment Extensions (available in Paiwise)

The following functions are available in applications running on the Paiwise nuget. This includes the IoT Broker or the Neuron™.

Function Description Example
ExchangeRate(From,To) Gets the current exchange rate between two currencies. Requires a currency converter to be configured for the system. ExchangeRate("USD","EUR")
GetServiceProvidersForBuyingEDaler(Country,Currency) Gets available service providers that can be used to buy eDaler® in a given country, given its country code, and a currency. GetServiceProvidersForBuyingEDaler("US","USD")
GetServiceProvidersForPayments(Country,Currency) Gets available service providers that can be used to pay for services in a given country, given its country code, and a currency. GetServiceProvidersForPayments("US","USD")
GetServiceProvidersForPeerReview(MetaData) Gets available service providers that can be used for peer reviews of identity applications. Meta-data about the person is provided in the MetaData argument, which is assumed to be an object ex-nihilo. GetServiceProvidersForPeerReview({"COUNTRY":"SE","CITY":"Stockholm"})
GetServiceProvidersForSellingEDaler(Country,Currency) Gets available service providers that can be used to sell eDaler® in a given country, given its country code, and a currency. GetServiceProvidersForSellingEDaler("US","USD")

Microsoft Interoperability (available in TAG.MicrosoftInterop.package)

The following functions are available on systems with the TAG.MicrosoftInterop.package installed. A more detailed description about the script functions referenced in this section is available in the MicrosoftInterop repository.

Function Description
WordToMarkdown(Doc) Converts a Word document to Markdown.
ExcelToScript(Doc) Converts an Excel document to Script.

Scriptable Providers Extensions (available in TAG.ScriptProviders.package)

The following functions are available on systems with the TAG.ScriptProviders.package installed. A more detailed description about the script functions referenced in this section is available in the NeuronScriptProviders repository.

Function Description
BuyEDalerService(Definition) Creates a script-based service for buying eDaler®.
PaymentService(Definition) Creates a script-based service for payments.
SellEDalerService(Definition) Creates a script-based service for selling eDaler®.

Sending SMS (available in TAG.Service.GatewayApi.package)

The following functions are available on systems with the TAG.Service.GatewayApi.package installed. A more detailed description about the script functions referenced in this section is available in the GatewayApiSms repository.

Function Description
SendGatewayApiSms(Sender,Message,Recipients) Sends an SMS (if service is configured correctly). Recipients can be a phone number or vector of phone numbers.

OpenAI Extensions (available in TAG.XmppOpenAIBridge.package)

The following functions are available on systems with the TAG.XmppOpenAIBridge.package installed. A more detailed description about the OpenAI-related functions referenced in this section is available in the XmppOpenAIBridge repository.

Function Description
ChatGpt(Instruction[,Sender],Text[,Functions],History[,Preview]) Calls the chat completion API of OpenAI (ChatGPT). The Instruction argument contains initialization instructions. The optional Sender argument contains the JID of the sender. If not provided, the JID of the quick-login user will be used. Text is the chat message to send. Functions contains a single function definition or a vector of function definitions the API can call if it chooses to. History is a boolean parameter that indicates if the session history should be included in the query. The optional Preview argument indicates if intermediate content responses are previewed during the execution of the query. The response to the call will be an object containing a Content property with textual content, a Function property with function call information if available, including a Result property, containing any results from a function call. If a function call is requested, available function definitions or lambda expressions will be checked. If available, they will be called, with the arguments available from the API.
ChatGptConfigured() Checks if Chat GPT is configured correctly. It requires a Chat GPT<->XMPP Bridge node to be configured in the MeteringTology source, with the Node ID ChatGPT.
ChatGptArray(Name,Description,Required,ItemParameter) Creates an array parameter for callback functions. The ItemParameter argument contains definition of each item in the array.
ChatGptBoolean(Name,Description,Required) Creates a Boolean parameter for callback functions.
ChatGptEnum(Name,Description,Required,Values) Creates an enumeration parameter for callback functions. The Values argument contains a vector of strings representing the possible values the argument can take.
ChatGptFunction(Name,Description,Parameters) Creates a function definition for callback functions. The Parameters argument contains a vector of parameter definitions representing the arguments of the function.
ChatGptInteger(Name,Description,Required[,MultipleOf]) Creates an integer parameter for callback functions, possibly requiring it to be a multiple of a given base value.
ChatGptInteger(Name,Description,Required[,Min,MinInc,Max,MaxInc]) Creates an integer parameter for callback functions, possibly within a specified range, between Min and Max, specifying also if the endpoints are included or not.
ChatGptInteger(Name,Description,Required[,MultipleOf,Min,MinInc,Max,MaxInc]) Creates an integer parameter for callback functions, possibly requiring it to be a multiple of a given base value, as well as within a specified range, between Min and Max, specifying also if the endpoints are included or not.
ChatGptNumber(Name,Description,Required[,MultipleOf]) Creates a number (float-point) parameter for callback functions, possibly requiring it to be a multiple of a given base value.
ChatGptNumber(Name,Description,Required[,Min,MinInc,Max,MaxInc]) Creates a number (float-point) parameter for callback functions, possibly within a specified range, between Min and Max, specifying also if the endpoints are included or not.
ChatGptNumber(Name,Description,Required[,MultipleOf,Min,MinInc,Max,MaxInc]) Creates a number (float-point) parameter for callback functions, possibly requiring it to be a multiple of a given base value, as well as within a specified range, between Min and Max, specifying also if the endpoints are included or not.
ChatGptObject(Name,Description,Required,Properties) Creates an object parameter for callback functions. The Properties argument contains a vector of parameter definitions representing the properties of the object.
ChatGptString(Name,Description,Required[,Pattern]) Creates a string parameter for callback functions, having a regular expression to validate input.
ChatGptString(Name,Description,Required[,Format]) Creates a string parameter for callback functions, having a specific format, as given by the string format enumeration listed below.

The String format enumeration can have the following values:

Enumeration Value Corresponding JSON Schema string Description or example
DateTime date-time Date and time together, for example, 2018-11-13T20:20:39+00:00.
Time time New in draft 7 Time, for example, 20:20:39+00:00
Date date New in draft 7 Date, for example, 2018-11-13.
Duration duration New in draft 2019-09 A duration as defined by the ISO 8601 ABNF for “duration”. For example, P3D expresses a duration of 3 days.
EMail email Internet email address, see RFC 5321, section 4.1.2.
InternationalEMail idn-email New in draft 7 The internationalized form of an Internet email address, see RFC 6531.
HostName hostname Internet host name, see RFC 1123, section 2.1.
InternationalHostname idn-hostname New in draft 7 An internationalized Internet host name, see RFC5890, section
IPv4 ipv4 IPv4 address, according to dotted-quad ABNF syntax as defined in RFC 2673, section 3.2.
IPv6 ipv6 IPv6 address, as defined in RFC 2373, section 2.2.
Uuid uuid New in draft 2019-09 A Universally Unique Identifier as defined by RFC 4122. Example: 3e4666bf-d5e5-4aa7-b8ce-cefe41c7568a
Uri uri A universal resource identifier (URI), according to RFC3986.
UriReference uri-reference New in draft 6 A URI Reference (either a URI or a relative-reference), according to RFC3986, section 4.1.
Iri iri New in draft 7 The internationalized equivalent of a “uri”, according to RFC3987.
IriReference iri-reference New in draft 7 The internationalized equivalent of a “uri-reference”, according to RFC3987
UriTemplate uri-template New in draft 6 A URI Template (of any level) according to RFC6570. If you don’t already know what a URI Template is, you probably don’t need this value.
JsonPointer json-pointer New in draft 6 A JSON Pointer, according to RFC6901. There is more discussion on the use of JSON Pointer within JSON Schema in Structuring a complex schema. Note that this should be used only when the entire string contains only JSON Pointer content, e.g. /foo/bar. JSON Pointer URI fragments, e.g. #/foo/bar/ should use “uri-reference”.
RelativeJsonPointer relative-json-pointer New in draft 7 A relative JSON pointer.
RegEx regex New in draft 7 A regular expression, which should be valid according to the ECMA 262 dialect.


	Get(Image.Url) ??? "Image not available"

	[foreach Image in Images do ShowImage(Image)]

	"You help users find images on the Internet, representative of the queries made by the user.",
	"Can you find me some images of Kermit? If something is unclear, ask for additional information first. When ready to present images to the user, call available functions.",
	ChatGptFunction("ShowImages", "Displays an array of images to the user.", [
		ChatGptArray("Images", "Array of images to show.", true, 
			ChatGptObject("Image", "Information about an image.", true, [
				ChatGptString("Url", "URL to the image to show.", true),
				ChatGptInteger("Width","Width of image, in pixels.", false, 0, false, null, false),
				ChatGptInteger("Height","Height of image, in pixels.", false, 0, false, null, false),
				ChatGptString("Alt", "Alternative textual description of image, in cases the image cannot be shown.", false)]))]),

Note: If running script with ChatGPT-services on a web server, you can use the associated script functions to push information asynchronously back to the web client using the PushEvent script function.

URI Schemes

URI Schemes recognized by the system depends on what modules are loaded. Classes with default constructors, implementing the Waher.Content.IContentGetter interface will automatically be used when resources are requested using corresponding URI schemes. The following table lists recognized URI schemes:

URI Scheme Module Description
aes256 Waher.Networking.XMPP.HTTPX Retrieves content that has been previously encrypted.
data Waher.Content Resource retrieved using content embedded in the URI itself.
http Waher.Content Resource retrieved using the HTTP protocol.
https Waher.Content Resource retrieved using the HTTPS protocol (HTTP+SSL/TLS).
httpx Waher.Networking.XMPP.HTTPX Resource retrieved using the XEP-0332: HTTP over XMPP transport protocol.
iotid Waher.Service.IoTBroker Legal Identity resource.
iotsc Waher.Service.IoTBroker Smart Contract resource.

Custom Parsers

The script engine supports custom parses in external modules. Such parses can extend the script engine with new types of constructs in a way function extensions cannot. The following subsections describe such extensions, and the libraries that publish them.

Access to object database

The following extensions are made available by the Waher.Script.Persistence library.


Simplified SQL SELECT statements can be executed against the object database. Matrices with named columns are returned. Calculated columns are supported. Each record corresponds to an object, and variable references are by default interpreted as members of the current object. To explicitly reference the object, you can use the this variable. You can also refer to the columns of the result set by using the name of the corresponding column.


	* |
	column1 [[as ]name1][, column2 [[as ]name2][, ...]]
	source1[ as sourcename1][, source2[ as sourcename2][, ...]]
	source[ as sourcename][ ON conditions])*
	group1 [groupname1][, group2 [groupname2][, ...]]
	ordercolumn1[ ASC|DESC][, ordercolumn2[ ASC|DESC][, ...]]]


	count(Type) Nr,
	count(Type,EventType.Debug) Debug,
	count(Type,EventType.Informational) Informational,
	count(Type,EventType.Notice) Notice,
	count(Type,EventType.Warning) Warning,
	count(Type,EventType.Error) Error,
	count(Type,EventType.Critical) Critical,
	count(Type,EventType.Alert) Alert,
	count(Type,EventType.Emergency) Emergency
group by 
	DateTime(Timestamp.Year,Timestamp.Month,Timestamp.Day,Timestamp.Hour,0,0) Hour
order by
Implicit groups

By using aggregate functions in the column definitions, the parser assumes these to be calculated over the entire result set, if no group specification says otherwise. This implicit grouping is used, if any of the following functions are used:


	min(Timestamp) "From",
	max(Timestamp) To

You can also use wildcards (*) to represent any of the columns in a group. The wildcard also works in implicit groups.


	count(*) Nr
Type Sources

The SELECT statement can search for information from different types of sources. These sources are defined in the FROM clause. If they point to Type Names, they refer to objects of the specified type that are stored in the object database.

Collection Sources

If the source returns a string value, or is a variable reference that does not point to a type or variable, it is interpreted to represent the name of a collection in the object database. Using such a source allows you to reference untyped objects in the corresponding collection.

Vector Sources

The sources can also be script that returns any type of vector. In such a case, the SELECT statement operates directly on these vectors, without going to the database.


select a, b from v
Selecting a single object

If you select a single object, using a statement like SELECT TOP 1 * ... (here TOP 1 * identifies such a selection), either null or an object will be returned, instead of an empty array or an array of one or multiple objects.


The SELECT statement can also extract information from XML sources by using XPATH. Column extressions and WHERE clauses must be made in XPATH, in order to operate on XML sources. XML Sources can be entire XML Documents, or XML Nodes inside an XML Document. If the XPATH does not contain whitespace, and begins with a /, . or a @, it can be written as-is in the script. Otherwise, you can use the XPath(expression) function to convert a string value to an XPATH expression than can be used to select nodes from a XML source. XPATH exrepssions used in column definition, extract values from the corresponding XML nodes selected, while XPATH expressions used in WHERE clauses, refer to the nodes selected.


<Book price="10" title="Book 1"/>
<Book price="20" title="Book 2"/>
<Book price="30" title="Book 3"/>

select @title Title, @price Price from Xml where /Books/Book[@price>15];


SQL INSERT statements can be executed against the object database. The inserted object is returned.


INTO Source


into PersistedEvent 
	"Kilroy was here", 

Note: Lazy inserts (or updates, deletions) are done when able. The statement may return before the operation completes. The operation will be executed at the next opportune time.


You can insert multiple objects into a data source by combining an INSERT and a SELECT statement.


INTO Source


into PersistedEvent 


You can insert an object ex nihilo into a collection using the INSERT ... OBJECT statement.


INTO Source


into PersistedEvent 
	Message:"Kilroy was here", 

Note: When inserting an object, that object will be returned from the statement. This includes a reference to its newly generated Object ID. If inserting an object ex-nihilo, the Object ID is found referring to the property ObjectId on the resulting object.


You can insert a vector or set of objects ex nihilo into a collection using the INSERT ... OBJECTS statement.


INTO Source
OBJECTS [Object1, ..., ObjectN]


into PersistedEvent 
	Message:"Kilroy was here", 
	Message:"Kilroy was here again", 

Note: Objects can be returned as a vector, set, or simply as a list of elements separated with commas.

Note 2: The objects returned will have their newly generated Object IDs. If inserting an objects ex-nihilo, the Object ID is found referring to the property ObjectId on the resulting objects.


Simplified SQL UPDATE statements can be executed against the object database. The number of objects updated is returned.




	Message="Kilroy "+Message


Simplified SQL DELETE statements can be executed against the object database. The number of objects deleted is returned.




	Timestamp>=Now.AddDays(-1) and


You can create indices in the object database using SQL CREATE statements.


	Field1[ ASC|DESC][,
	Field2[ ASC|DESC][,

The Index Name can be used at a later stage, for instance, to drop the index.




You can also drop indices and collections from the object database using SQL DROP statements.


To drop an index from the object database, use the DROP INDEX statement. Syntax:


The Index Name is defined when creating indices using the CREATE INDEX command.



To drop a collection from the object database, use the DROP COLLECTION (or DROP TABLE) statement. Syntax:





The Waher.Script.Xml library extends the script engine to understand XML embedded in the script. Attribute values are always considered to be script. You can provide constant strings, as usual, but also provide script to dynamically populate your XML document with contents and calculations based on current variable values. In element values, you can also embed script between the special <[ and ]> operators, or the corresponding <( and )> operators. Element names and attribute names are always interpreted literally. If you need to create dynamic XML, you can also build a string, and use the Xml() function to convert it to an XML document.

XML Document

To create a simple XML document in script, simply enter:


You can add an XML declaration and processing instructions in the beginning of the document, if you want:

Doc:=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"?>

You can also specify CDATA and comment sections in the code:

	<![CDATA[Hello World.]]>
	<!-- This is a comment -->

Attribute values

You can add attributes to elements just as in normal XML:

	<b value="1"/>
	<b value="2"/>

By default, attribute values are considered script, so you don’t need to embed script using special operators. Script priority for attribute values is the same as for powers. This means that if you use operators with a lower priority than for powers, you need to use the parenthesis operators ( and ) to encapsulate the script expression. Example:

	<b value=1/>
	<b value=(2+x)/>

Script-based attributes are not output to the final XML, if the script returns null. This makes it easy to define optional attributes. Example, here converting JSON with optional fields to XML using pattern matching:

	"profession":"Bus Driver"
<Claim name=Name age=Age profession=Profession remarks=Remarks xmlns=""/>

The resulting XML would look like:

<Claim name="Kalle" age="50" profession="Bus Driver" xmlns=""/>

Embedded expressions

To embed expressions in element text values, use the <[ and ]> operators, or the corresponding <( and )> operators:


Script you embed can itself return XML. By using this feature, you can create dynamic XML content. You can also return vectors, sets, or other enumerated types. By doing so, each item of the enumeration will be added in sequence. In the following example, an array of small XML elements is embedded in a root element.

<x><[[foreach x in v do <y value=x sqr=x^2/>]]></x>

The result would be as follows (new-lines and indentation added for readability):

	<y value="1" sqr="1" />
	<y value="2" sqr="4" />
	<y value="3" sqr="9" />
	<y value="4" sqr="16" />
	<y value="5" sqr="25" />
	<y value="6" sqr="36" />
	<y value="7" sqr="49" />
	<y value="8" sqr="64" />
	<y value="9" sqr="81" />
	<y value="10" sqr="100" />

Embedded XML and script can be nested to any level. The following example creates a simple multiplication table (kept short for brevity):

	<[[foreach a in x do <x value=a>
		<[[foreach b in y do <y value=b prod=(a*b)/>]]>

The result of this script is as follows. Here, whitespace is included in the script definition above, and is not added afterwards for readability.

	<x value="1">
		<y value="1" prod="1" /><y value="2" prod="2" /><y value="3" prod="3" /><y value="4" prod="4" /><y value="5" prod="5" />
	</x><x value="2">
		<y value="1" prod="2" /><y value="2" prod="4" /><y value="3" prod="6" /><y value="4" prod="8" /><y value="5" prod="10" />
	</x><x value="3">
		<y value="1" prod="3" /><y value="2" prod="6" /><y value="3" prod="9" /><y value="4" prod="12" /><y value="5" prod="15" />
	</x><x value="4">
		<y value="1" prod="4" /><y value="2" prod="8" /><y value="3" prod="12" /><y value="4" prod="16" /><y value="5" prod="20" />
	</x><x value="5">
		<y value="1" prod="5" /><y value="2" prod="10" /><y value="3" prod="15" /><y value="4" prod="20" /><y value="5" prod="25" />

Interaction with .NET Code Behind classes

Script can interact with .NET code running in the background. There are different methods to do this:

  1. Referencing namespaces and types.
  2. Calling static methods on types.
  3. Creating objects.
  4. Calling methods or accessing fields or properties on .NET objects.

Referencing namespaces and types

Root namespaces recognized by the type inventory are available through normal variable references:


Sub-namespaces are accessed through the member operator .:


Types in namespaces are referenced through the member operator . on its namespace:


Namespaces and types are values, and can be assigned to variables:


Types and namespaces can be referenced using their unqualified name as long as no other type or namespace share the unqualified name. If multiple types and/or namespaces share an unqualified name, referencing the unqualified name will return an array of qualified names sharing the unqualified name.

Calling static methods on types

Static methods on types are available as method calls using the member operator .. Parameters in method calls can be included as parameters in the normal fashion:


Note: If method is asynchronous, meaning it returns an object of type Type<T> for some type T, the script engine will await for the task to complete, and return the finished result rather than the Task object.

Creating objects

You can create objects using the Create function. The first parameter contains the class of the object you want to create. The following arguments contain any (optional) arguments you want to pass on to the constructor:


If the type is generic, type parameters must also be passed:


If a generic type requires parameters in the constructor, these are passed after the type arguments:


Calling methods or accessing fields or properties on .NET objects

You can call methods and access fields and properties on an object, using the member operator .:

L.Add(" ");

If an object has the index property Item defined, it can be accessed using the index operator:


Note: If method is asynchronous, meaning it returns an object of type Type<T> for some type T, the script engine will await for the task to complete, and return the finished result rather than the Task object.

Enumerated values

You can create enumerated value by simply referencing the type, and name, as you would in .NET: TYPE.NAME. The Type would be a short name, fully qualified name, or a reference to a Type. The Name would be the enumerated label. When calling .NET classes that accept numerical parameters, enumerated values are automatically converted to such. The same is true if performing any of the logical/binary operators with enumerated values. The results of the latter will be numerical values.



if Momentary then Types|=FT.Momentary;
if Identity then Types|=FT.Identity;
if Status then Types|=FT.Status;
if Computed then Types|=FT.Computed;
if Peak then Types|=FT.Peak;

Utilizing operators defined in underlying objects.

If operators are defined in the underlying .NET code-behind, the script engine will utilize such operators, for certain operators.

Examples, where a DateTime and a TimeSpan are operated upon:

Now + TimeSpan(1,0,0)
Now - TimeSpan(1,0,0)

Examples, where a DateTime and a Duration (defined in Waher.Content and Waher.Script.Content) are operated upon:

Now + Duration("PT1H")
Now - Duration("PT1H")

Code-behind operators are accessible as named static methods, in accordance with the following article (operator name corresponds to the Metadata Name column):

Physical Quantities

The script supports physical quantities, and can perform unit calculations and unit conversions. This simplifies many tasks such as comparing sensor values or consolidating values from multiple sources using different units. To create a physical quantity, simply write the number (or any expression), followed by the physical unit:

10 m

You can use any SI prefix as well:

10 km

You can use powers as well:

10 m^2
10 m²
10 m³

You can multiply units, using the or * operator:

10 W⋅s
10 W*s

Negative exponents are written either using negative exponents, or by using the / operator:

10 m⋅s^-1
10 m/s

The power operator ^ has higher precedence than , * and /, so you can combine them safely:

10 m^2/s
10 m/s^2

Use parenthesis ( and ) to group units in the numerator or denominator:

10 kg⋅m²/(A⋅s³)

Unit conversions are done implicitly in code when using addition, subtraction or comparison operators, as long as all values have corresponding units:

10 m + 2 km
2 km - 10 m
10 m < 2 km
10 °C > 20 °F
10 m² > 1000 inch²
10 V / 2 A = 5 Ohm

Unit arithmetic, including cancellation of terms, etc., is done when using multiplication or division operators:

2 km * 10 m
2 km² / 10 m
10 m / 2 s

Explicit unit conversion can be performed by providing the unit to convert to behind an expression resulting in a physical quantity:

10 km m = 10000 m
10 kWh kJ = 36000 kJ

In the same way, it is possible to explicitly set the unit of an expression:

10*sin(phi) m

If calling functions or operators normally accepting double values, the unit is stripped and the function or operator evoked with the magnitude of the physical quantity only. Example:

sin(10 W)


All units can be prefixed by any of the following prefixes recognized by the script engine:

Prefix Name Scale
Y Yotta 1024
Z Zetta 1021
E Eta 1018
P Peta 1015
T Tera 1012
G Giga 109
M Mega 106
k Kilo 10³
h Hecto 10²
da Deka 10¹
d Deci 10-1
c Centi 10-2
m Milli 10-3
µ, u Micro 10-6
n Nano 10-9
p Pico 10-12
f Femto 10-15
a Atto 10-18
z Zepto 10-21
y Yocto 10-24

Note: When there’s an ambiguity of how to interpret a prefix with unit, and the system recognizes a unit with the full name, including the prefix, the full unit will be chosen. Example: ft will be interpreted as foot, not femto-tonnes, min will be interpreted as minute, not milli-inches, etc.

Base Quantities

While any unit can be used to define a physical quantity, unit conversion not based in prefix changes can only be performed on units recognized by the script engine. Such units are defined in base quantities, which are defined in code by creating classes with default constructors implementing the Waher.Script.Units.IBaseQuantity interface. The following tables lists such base quantities as defined by the Waher.Script library:

Unit Meaning
m Metre
Å Ångström
inch Inch
ft Feet
foot Feet
yd Yard
yard Yard
SM Statute Mile
NM Nautical Mile

Note: Since IN is a keyword, the unit in has to be written inch.

Furthermore, the following length units used in web applications are also recocnized:

Length (Web)
Unit Meaning
px Pixels
pt Points
pc Picas
em Relative to the font-size of the element
ex Relative to the x-height of the current font
ch Relative to the width of the “0” (zero)
rem Relative to font-size of the root element
vw Relative to 1% of the width of the viewport
vh Relative to 1% of the height of the viewport
vmin Relative to 1% of viewport’s smaller dimension
vmax Relative to 1% of viewport’s larger dimension
Unit Meaning
g Gram
t Tonne
u Atomic mass unit
lb Pound
Unit Meaning
s Second
min Minute
h Hour
d Day
w Week
Unit Meaning
A Ampere
Unit Meaning
°C, C Celcius
°F, F Farenheit
K Kelvin

Derived Quantities

Apart from the base quantities defined above, and their combinations, exponents and factors, the script engine also handles derived quantities, which are defined in code by creating classes with default constructors implementing the Waher.Script.Units.IDerivedQuantity interface. The following tables lists such derived quantities as defined by the Waher.Script library:

Unit Meaning
F 1 s4⋅A²/(m²⋅kg)
Electric Charge
Unit Meaning
C 1 s⋅A
Unit Meaning
J 1 kg⋅m²/s²
BTU 1055 Mg⋅m²/s²
Unit Meaning
N 1 kg⋅m/s²
Unit Meaning
Hz 1 s^-1
cps 1 s^-1
rpm 1 min^-1
Unit Meaning
W 1 kg⋅m²/s³
Unit Meaning
Pa 1 kg/(m⋅s²)
bar 100 Mg/(m⋅s²)
psi 6894.757 kg/(m⋅s²)
atm 101352.9279 kg/(m⋅s²)
Unit Meaning
Ω, Ohm, ohm 1 m²·kg/(s³·A²)
Unit Meaning
knot 0.514444 m/s
kn 0.514444 m/s
kt 0.514444 m/s
Unit Meaning
V 1 kg⋅m²/(A⋅s³)
Unit Meaning
l 0.001 m³

Compound Units

Compound units are units that are written as a string, but in actuality is a sequence of unit factors. The following tables lists compound units recognized by the Waher.Script library:

Unit Meaning
Wh W⋅h
Unit Meaning
mph SM/h
fps ft/s


The script also supports measurements, which contain a magnitude and an error. The magnitude can be a number or a physical quantity. Artithmetics operators propagate errors accordingly. The ± character is used to separate the magnitude from the error. For ease of typing, +- can also be used to the same effect.


10 m +- 1cm
(10 m +- 1cm) + (2 km +- 10m)
(10 m +- 1cm) * (2 s +- 100ms)
(10 m +- 1cm) / (2 s +- 100ms)

If m is a measurement, you can use m.Estimate to access the estimated or expected value, and m.Max and m.Min to get the maximum and minimum values in the range respectively. Values will be returned as Physical Quantities. Note that necessary unit conversions will be performed.

  1. For more information about Flame Fractals and variations, see the paper on The Fractal Flame Algorithm by Scott Daves and Erik Reckase