Neuro-Foundation Harmonized IoT Interfaces

This repository contains Neuro-Foundation XMPP interfaces for the Internet of Things and Smart Societies. For usage of the contents on this site, see the open source license agreement.


Neuro-Foundation presents communication infrastructure for a globally scalable, distributed infrastructure for smart societies, supporting:

For a brief introduction to the Neuro-Foundation infrastructure, and how it works, see the Overview. If you want to test integration services, brokers or devices, is available for this purpose.


Communication Patterns

Data Protection, Security and Privacy




XML Schemas in alphabetical order:

Agent API

A simplified HTTP-based RESTful API called the Agent API is also available. It maps HTTP requests to the Neuro-Foundation interface operations. Due to limitations of the HTTP protocol, it does not have full support of features that do not conform to the basic request-response pattern available in HTTP.


A list of software available implementing the interfaces defined on this site, is available in the Implementations page.