Control Parameters

This document outlines the XML representation of control parameters. The XML representation is modelled using an annotated XML Schema:

Namespace: urn:nf:iot:ctr:1.0
Schema: Control.xsd

Motivation and design goal

The representation of control parameters in this document, is designed with the following goals in mind:

Conceptual model

A device publishing a control interface, publishes a set of control parameters. A device can also consist of a set of nodes, each publishing an individual set of control parameters. Each control parameter is a simple type. More complex control operations must be defined by grouping simple control parameters together. The basic types defined in this interface are:

Conceptual model
Conceptual model

A device containing multiple nodes is also called a concentrator, as it concentrates a set of nodes into one entity. The nodes are identified using one to three identifiers, depending on the size and needs of the concentrator. The required attribute, is the Node ID. The Source ID allows a concentrator to divide the set of nodes into different data sources. If data sources are not used, this attribute can be omitted. Partitions allow the concentrator to divide a data source into multiple pieces. This attribute can also be omitted, if not used. It is the triple (Node ID, Source ID, Partition) that must be unique inside the device.

XML representation

Control parameters can be represented in two different ways. One, for quick control options, and another for human interfaces. Quick control commands only concern themselves with parameter names and their corresponding parameter values. Human interfaces for control options require more information, including possible layout information. For this reason, XMPP data forms are used to represent the control parameters. Both of these representations are made inside a node element.

Entity Element Use Attributes Type Use Description
Node nd Optional id xs:string Required Node identity
src xs:string Optional Source identity
pt xs:string Optional Partition

Control representation of parameters

The model defines different types of parameters, depending on the underlying simple data type of the parameter. Regardless of type of parameter, they all share one common attribute:

Entity Attributes Type Use Description
Parameter n xs:string Required Parameter name

The value on the other hand, is encoded using the corresponding type of the parameter:

Entity Element Use Attributes Type Use Description
Boolean Parameter b Optional v xs:boolean Required Boolean parameter value
Color Parameter cl Optional v Color1 Required Color parameter value
Date Parameter d Optional v xs:date Required Date parameter value
Date & Time Parameter dt Optional v xs:dateTime Required Date & Time parameter value
Double Parameter db Optional v xs:double Required Double-precision floating point parameter value
Duration Parameter dr Optional v xs:duration Required Duration parameter value
Enumeration Parameter e Optional v xs:string Required String parameter value
t xs:string Required Type name of enumeration
32-bit Integer Parameter i Optional v xs:int Required 32-bit Integer parameter value
64-bit Integer Parameter l Optional v xs:long Required 64-bit Integer parameter value
String Parameter s Optional v xs:string Required String parameter value
Time Parameter t Optional v xs:time Required Time parameter value

Data Form representation of parameters

To create human interfaces for control parameters, XMPP data forms are used. Such forms integrate into existing XMPP client software implementations and allow devices to provide basic information about how the user is supposed to interact with the control parameters in a meaningful way. XMPP data forms are defined in a set of XMPP extensions:

The basic layout of data forms XML is defined in XEP-0004: Data Forms. It defines forms as a set of fields. More detailed rules for the validation of field content is defined in XEP-0122: Data Forms Validation. The ability to put fields into sections and tabs (pages) is then introduced in XEP-0141: Data Forms Layout. Multimedia elements can also be inserted through the use of XEP-0221: Data Forms Media Element. Color-valued field parameters are defined in XEP-0331: Data Forms - Color Field Types. Creating dynamic forms, including the management of server post-backs, contextual content, visual feedback, asynchronous server updates (push), etc., is defined in XEP-0336: Data Forms - Dynamic Forms.

Each control parameter is modelled as a field in a data form. Form validation is used to provide validation rules for input. Layout should be used to give the user viewing the form an intuitive understanding of how the form operates. Dynamic forms can further be used to provide enhanced feedback. The control extension further provides an extension to data forms: The ability to group parameters into one unit. By creating parameter groups, the client can be made to understand that certain parameters belong together and should be treated as a unit. This means that if a user changes the value of one parameter, all parameters in that group should be configured together. This is done by inserting a pGroup element in the field definition.


The following data model is based on work done in the XMPP Standards Foundation (XSF), XEP-0325: Internet of Things - Control. Following is a list of notable differences:


Simple set of parameters for a spotlight:

<b n="MainSwitch" v="true"/>
<db n="HorizontalAngle" v="0"/>
<db n="ElevationAngle" v="0"/>

Same set of parameters, represented in a Data Form, using the validation, layout and dynamic form extensions:

<x type='form'
  <xdl:page label='Output'>
    <xdl:fieldref var='MainSwitch'/>
  <xdl:page label='Direction'>
    <xdl:fieldref var='HorizontalAngle'/>
    <xdl:fieldref var='ElevationAngle'/>
  <field var='xdd session' type='hidden'>
  <field var='MainSwitch' type='boolean' label='Main switch'>
    <desc>If the spotlight is turned on or off.</desc>
  <field var='HorizontalAngle' type='text-single' label='Horizontal angle:'>
    <desc>Horizontal angle of the spotlight.</desc>
    <xdv:validate datatype='xs:double'>
      <xdv:range min='-180' max='180'/>
    <pGroup xmlns='urn:nf:iot:ctr:1.0' name='direction'/>
  <field var='ElevationAngle' type='text-single' label='Elevation angle:'>
   <desc>Elevation angle of the spotlight.</desc>
   <xdv:validate datatype='xs:double'>
     <xdv:range min='-90' max='90'/>
   <pGroup xmlns='urn:nf:iot:ctr:1.0' name='direction'/>

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