Concentrator (“Thing of Things”)

This document outlines the XML representation of interacting with concentrators and their underlying nodes. A concentrator “concentrates” a set of underlying physical or virtual devices, called nodes, into one unit using one XMPP address (network identity). The XML representation is modelled using an annotated XML Schema:

Namespace: urn:nf:iot:concentrator:1.0
Schema: Concentrator.xsd

Motivation and design goal

The method of managing concentrators, and their nodes, as described here, is designed with the following goals in mind:

Extended addressing

Since all nodes behind a concentrator reside behind the same XMPP address, an additional addressing mechanism is required. For all interfaces relating to IoT Harmonization, whether it be related to sensor data, control operations, decision support or provisioning, the following set of attributes are available to address nodes in a concentrator. If the request does not include these attributes, it is assumed the receiver is not a concentrator.

Attribute Type Description
id xs:string Node identity
src xs:string Source identity
pt xs:string Partition

Each node in a concentrator is at least identified by its node identity, provided in the id attribute. A concentrator might choose to group nodes with similar properties in data/node sources. If so, the source identity is provided using the src attribute. Large concentrators might need to sub-divide sources in partitions. If so, the partition is identified using the pt attribute. If an attribute is not provided, it is assumed to have the value of the empty string. The quadruple (JID, id, src, pt) should always be unique. Nodes and Data Sources can be ordered into tree structures. This means there are root data sources and root nodes, as well as child and leaf sources and nodes.

Concentrator model
Concentrator model

Note: The same attributes can be used in sensor-data and control operations, with the same meaning.


The concentrator is free to authorize requests based on the identities provided by the caller. It can also restrict or limit the responses to elements the client is authorized to interact with. Apart from the JID the caller uses, and the implicit domain on which the caller has an account, each call can also be annotated using tokens. There are three different types of tokens that can be used:

Attribute Type Description
dt xs:string Device tokenⓈ
st xs:string Service tokenⓈ
ut xs:string User tokenⓈ

If multiple tokens of the same type are used, they are simply separated using the space character.

Note: The same attributes can be used in sensor-data and control operations, with the same meaning.


The concentrator interface consists of one mandatory operation (<getCapabilities/>), and a set of optional operations. It is up to the concentrator to define which optional operations are supported. Clients can ask what operations are supported by sending the <getCapabilities/> element in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator. The response will contain a <strings/> element containing a set of <value/> child elements, each one containing a name of an operation it supports.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getCapabilities dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
strings Array of strings.
value (value) xs:string Represents a capability.

The following table lists defined operations. It also suggests what types of concentrators would implement each one.

Operation Small/static (PLC) Bridge/Gateway Subsystem
getCapabilities x x x
getAllDataSources x x x
getRootDataSources x x
getChildDataSources x x
containsNode x x x
containsNodes x
getNode x x x
getNodes x
getAllNodes x x x
getNodeInheritance x x
getRootNodes x x x
getChildNodes x x x
getAncestors x x
getNodeParametersForEdit x x
setNodeParametersAfterEdit x x
getCommonNodeParametersForEdit x
setCommonNodeParametersAfterEdit x
getAddableNodeTypes x x
getParametersForNewNode x x
createNewNode x x
destroyNode x x
moveNodeUp x x
moveNodeDown x x
moveNodesUp x x
moveNodesDown x x
subscribe x x
unsubscribe x x
getNodeCommands x x x
getCommandParameters (:dizzy face: x x
executeNodeCommand x x x
executeNodeQuery (:dizzy face: x x
getCommonNodeCommands x
getCommonCommandParameters x
executeCommonNodeCommand x
executeCommonNodeQuery x
abortNodeQuery (:dizzy face: x x
abortCommonNodeQuery x x
registerSniffer x x
unregisterSniffer x x

Note: Some operations exist in both in singular and plural forms. When managing large systems, sets of nodes must be possible to administer. Such operations might be unnecessary to implement for smaller concentrators. Clients supporting both large and small concentrators can iterate the singular operation over the set of nodes, for concentrators not supporting the plural versions.


Error management in all IoT Harmonization requests, are handled by the XMPP layer. If an operation fails, a corresponding XMPP error is returned in an <iq type="error"/> stanza, using the error elements defined in RFC 6120. Common errors:


It’s optional to support localization. Concentrators supporting localization return localized content based on the value of the xml:lang attribute available in the stanza element, as defined in RFC 6121.


Manageable concentrators order their nodes in data sources. The following sets of operations allow the client to discover what data sources are available in a concentrator.


A client can request a list of all data sources available on a concentrator server by sending a <getAllDataSources/> element in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator. The concentrator returns a <dataSources/> element in the response, consisting of a set of <dataSource/> elements, each describing a single data source. Each <dataSource/> contains the following attributes:

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getAllDataSources dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
dataSources List of data sources available (to the caller).
dataSource src xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the data source. This identity is used in all references to the data source.
name xs:string required Human-readable, localized name of the data source.
hasChildren xs:boolean optional false Data sources can be organized in tree structures. This attribute lets the caller know if the data source has child data sources or not.
lastChanged xs:dateTime optional Variable data sources use this attribute to report when the last change in the source took place. Used for synchronization.


A client can request a list of all root data sources available on a concentrator server by sending a <getRootDataSources/> element in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator. The concentrator returns a <dataSources/> element in the response, consisting of a set of <dataSource/> elements, each describing a single root data source.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getRootDataSources dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
dataSources List of data sources available (to the caller).
dataSource src xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the data source. This identity is used in all references to the data source.
name xs:string required Human-readable, localized name of the data source.
hasChildren xs:boolean optional false Data sources can be organized in tree structueres. This attribute lets the caller know if the data source has child data sources or not.
lastChanged xs:dateTime optional Variable data sources use this attribute to report when the last change in the source took place. Used for synchornization.


A client can request a list of all child data sources available on a concentrator server by sending a <getChildDataSources/> element in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator. The source is specified in the src attribute. The concentrator returns a <dataSources/> element in the response, consisting of a set of <dataSource/> elements, each describing a single child data source.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getChildDataSources src xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the data source.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
dataSources List of data sources available (to the caller).
dataSource src xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the data source. This identity is used in all references to the data source.
name xs:string required Human-readable, localized name of the data source.
hasChildren xs:boolean optional false Data sources can be organized in tree structueres. This attribute lets the caller know if the data source has child data sources or not.
lastChanged xs:dateTime optional Variable data sources use this attribute to report when the last change in the source took place. Used for synchornization.


All concentrators consist of nodes. These might be static, or dynamic, and manageable by clients with sufficient access rights. The following sets of operations allow clients to discover (given access rights), what nodes are available in the concentrator.


Checks if a node exists (and visible to the caller). It is sent in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator, which responds with a <bool/> element containing the response to the question.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
containsNode id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
bool (value) xs:boolean Boolean-valued response.


Allows a client to check the existence of multiple nodes in one request. The client sends a <containsNodes/> element containing a set of <nd/> elements, each referencing a node in the concentrator. All is sent in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator, which responds with a <bools/> element, containing a sequence of <bool/> elements, each one containing the response related to the corresponding node in the request.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
containsNodes dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
nd id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
bools Encapsulates response.
bool (value) xs:boolean Response for corresponding node in request.


Gets information about a node in the concentrator. It is sent in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator, which responds with a <nodeInfo/> element containing the information. The <nodeInfo/> element in turn can have a sequence of parameter elements, named after their corresponding data type, and messages, if the request asked for such information.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getNode id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
parameters xs:boolean optional false If node parameters are included in the request.
messages xs:boolean optional false If node messages are included in the request.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
nodeInfo id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
localId xs:string optional Optional local identity, unique among siblings.
logId xs:string optional Optional log identity, related to node, if different from node identity.
displayName xs:string optional Human readable, localized node name.
nodeType xs:string optional Machine-readable node type, understood by the concentrator.
state NodeState required Current state of node.
hasChildren xs:boolean required If the node has child-nodes.
childrenOrdered xs:boolean optional false If the order of the child nodes is important in the context.
isReadable xs:boolean optional false If the node is readable and can deliver sensor data to the client.
isControllable xs:boolean optional false If the node is controllable and publish control parameters to the client.
hasCommands xs:boolean optional false If the node has any commands the client can access.
sniffable xs:boolean optional false If the node supports sniffing, i.e. can allow the client to attach a sniffer to it, to troubleshoot communication.
parentId xs:string optional The identity of the parent node, if any. Root nodes do not have parent nodes.
parentPartition xs:string optional The parent node partition, if available.
lastChanged xs:dateTime optional When the node was last changed, for synchronization.
boolean id xs:string required Parameter identity.
name xs:string required Human-readable, localized parameter name.
value xs:boolean required Boolean parameter value.
color id xs:string required Parameter identity.
name xs:string required Human-readable, localized parameter name.
value Color required Color parameter value.
dateTime id xs:string required Parameter identity.
name xs:string required Human-readable, localized parameter name.
value xs:dateTime required Date and time parameter value.
double id xs:string required Parameter identity.
name xs:string required Human-readable, localized parameter name.
value xs:double required Double-precision floating-point parameter value.
duration id xs:string required Parameter identity.
name xs:string required Human-readable, localized parameter name.
value xs:duration required Duration parameter value.
int id xs:string required Parameter identity.
name xs:string required Human-readable, localized parameter name.
value xs:int required 32-bit integer parameter value.
long id xs:string required Parameter identity.
name xs:string required Human-readable, localized parameter name.
value xs:long required 64-bit integer parameter value.
string id xs:string required Parameter identity.
name xs:string required Human-readable, localized parameter name.
value xs:string required String parameter value.
time id xs:string required Parameter identity.
name xs:string required Human-readable, localized parameter name.
value xs:time required Time parameter value.
message (value) xs:string Human-readable message text.
timestamp xs:dateTime required Timestamp of message.
type MessageType required Type of message.
eventId xs:string optional Optional context/concentrator/manufacturer-specific identity, identifying the type of event the message represents.

Node states are defined by the NodeState enumeration, which can take the following values:

Value Description
None Represents a node with no messages logged on it.
Information Represents a node with information messages logged on it.
WarningSigned Represents a node with warning messages logged on it that have been signed.
WarningUnsigned Represents a node with warning messages logged on it that have not been signed.
ErrorSigned Represents a node with error messages logged on it that have been signed.
ErrorUnsigned Represents a node with error messages logged on it that have not been signed.

Message types are defined by the MessageType enumeration, which can take the following values:

Value Description
Information Represents information about the node that is not a warning or an error.
Warning Represents a warning state. An error could occur unless action is taken.
Error Represents an error state. A process, device or algorithm failed.


Gets information about a set of nodes in the concentrator. It is sent in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator, which responds with a <nodeInfos/> element containing a sequence of <nodeInfo/> elements, each corresponding to a node in the request. The <nodeInfo/> element in turn can have a sequence of parameter elements, named after their corresponding data type, and messages, if the request asked for such information.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getNodes parameters xs:boolean optional false If node parameters are included in the request.
messages xs:boolean optional false If node messages are included in the request.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
nd id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
nodeInfos Contains a set of nodeInfo elements.
nodeInfo id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
localId xs:string optional Optional local identity, unique among siblings.
logId xs:string optional Optional log identity, related to node, if different from node identity.
displayName xs:string optional Human readable, localized node name.
nodeType xs:string optional Machine-readable node type, understood by the concentrator.
state NodeState required Current state of node.
hasChildren xs:boolean required If the node has child-nodes.
childrenOrdered xs:boolean optional false If the order of the child nodes is important in the context.
isReadable xs:boolean optional false If the node is readable, and can deliver sensor data to the client.
isControllable xs:boolean optional false If the node is controllable, and publish control parameters to the client.
hasCommands xs:boolean optional false If the node has commands the client can access.
sniffable xs:boolean optional false If the node supports sniffing, i.e. can allow the client to attach a sniffer to it, to troubleshoot communication.
parentId xs:string optional The identity of the parent node, if any. Root nodes do not have parent nodes.
parentPartition xs:string optional The parent node partition, if available.
lastChanged xs:dateTime optional When the node was last changed, for synchronization.


Gets information about all nodes in a source. The set of nodes can be restricted to nodes that derive from particular types. To restrict the request to nodes derived from a given set of types, <onlyIfDerivedFrom/> elements are added to the <getAllNodes/> element, each one containing as a value the name of the corresponding type. The <getAllNodes/> element is sent in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator, which responds with a <nodeInfos/> element containing a sequence of <nodeInfo/> elements, each corresponding to a node in the request.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getAllNodes parameters xs:boolean optional false If node parameters are included in the request.
messages xs:boolean optional false If node messages are included in the request.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
onlyIfDerivedFrom (value) xs:string required If specified, only return nodes that derive from one of these node types.
nodeInfos Contains a set of nodeInfo elements.
nodeInfo id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
localId xs:string optional Optional local identity, unique among siblings.
logId xs:string optional Optional log identity, related to node, if different from node identity.
displayName xs:string optional Human readable, localized node name.
nodeType xs:string optional Machine-readable node type, understood by the concentrator.
state NodeState required Current state of node.
hasChildren xs:boolean required If the node has child-nodes.
childrenOrdered xs:boolean optional false If the order of the child nodes is important in the context.
isReadable xs:boolean optional false If the node is readable, and can deliver sensor data to the client.
isControllable xs:boolean optional false If the node is controllable, and publish control parameters to the client.
hasCommands xs:boolean optional false If the node has commands the client can access.
sniffable xs:boolean optional false If the node supports sniffing, i.e. can allow the client to attach a sniffer to it, to troubleshoot communication.
parentId xs:string optional The identity of the parent node, if any. Root nodes do not have parent nodes.
parentPartition xs:string optional The parent node partition, if available.
lastChanged xs:dateTime optional When the node was last changed, for synchronization.


Gets the type/class inheritances of a node in a concentrator. It is sent in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator, who responds with an <inheritance/> element, containing both base classes in a <baseClasses/> child element, and optionally also implemented interfaces in an <interfaces/> child element.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getNodeInheritance id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
inheritance Response element.
baseClasses Contains base classes, each one in a separate value child element.
interfaces Contains implemented interfaces, if any, each one in a separate value child element.
value (value) xs:string Contains a base class or interface name.


Gets information about all root nodes in a source. The <getRootNodes/> element is sent in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator, which responds with a <nodeInfos/> element containing a sequence of <nodeInfo/> elements, each corresponding to a root node in the source.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getRootNodes parameters xs:boolean optional false If node parameters are included in the request.
messages xs:boolean optional false If node messages are included in the request.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
nodeInfos Contains a set of nodeInfo elements.
nodeInfo id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
localId xs:string optional Optional local identity, unique among siblings.
logId xs:string optional Optional log identity, related to node, if different from node identity.
displayName xs:string optional Human readable, localized node name.
nodeType xs:string optional Machine-readable node type, understood by the concentrator.
state NodeState required Current state of node.
hasChildren xs:boolean required If the node has child-nodes.
childrenOrdered xs:boolean optional false If the order of the child nodes is important in the context.
isReadable xs:boolean optional false If the node is readable, and can deliver sensor data to the client.
isControllable xs:boolean optional false If the node is controllable, and publish control parameters to the client.
hasCommands xs:boolean optional false If the node has commands the client can access.
sniffable xs:boolean optional false If the node supports sniffing, i.e. can allow the client to attach a sniffer to it, to troubleshoot communication.
parentId xs:string optional The identity of the parent node, if any. Root nodes do not have parent nodes.
parentPartition xs:string optional The parent node partition, if available.
lastChanged xs:dateTime optional When the node was last changed, for synchronization.


Gets information about all child nodes of a node. The <getChildNodes/> element is sent in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator, which responds with a <nodeInfos/> element containing a sequence of <nodeInfo/> elements, each corresponding to a root node in the source.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getChildNodes parameters xs:boolean optional false If node parameters are included in the request.
messages xs:boolean optional false If node messages are included in the request.
id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
nodeInfos Contains a set of nodeInfo elements.
nodeInfo id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
localId xs:string optional Optional local identity, unique among siblings.
logId xs:string optional Optional log identity, related to node, if different from node identity.
displayName xs:string optional Human readable, localized node name.
nodeType xs:string optional Machine-readable node type, understood by the concentrator.
state NodeState required Current state of node.
hasChildren xs:boolean required If the node has child-nodes.
childrenOrdered xs:boolean optional false If the order of the child nodes is important in the context.
isReadable xs:boolean optional false If the node is readable, and can deliver sensor data to the client.
isControllable xs:boolean optional false If the node is controllable, and publish control parameters to the client.
hasCommands xs:boolean optional false If the node has commands the client can access.
sniffable xs:boolean optional false If the node supports sniffing, i.e. can allow the client to attach a sniffer to it, to troubleshoot communication.
parentId xs:string optional The identity of the parent node, if any. Root nodes do not have parent nodes.
parentPartition xs:string optional The parent node partition, if available.
lastChanged xs:dateTime optional When the node was last changed, for synchronization.


Gets information about the node and all its ancestors (parent, grandparent, etc., until a root node is found). The <getAncestors/> element is sent in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator, which responds with a <nodeInfos/> element containing a sequence of <nodeInfo/> elements, each corresponding to a node in sequence.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getAncestors parameters xs:boolean optional false If node parameters are included in the request.
messages xs:boolean optional false If node messages are included in the request.
id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
nodeInfos Contains a set of nodeInfo elements.
nodeInfo id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
localId xs:string optional Optional local identity, unique among siblings.
logId xs:string optional Optional log identity, related to node, if different from node identity.
displayName xs:string optional Human readable, localized node name.
nodeType xs:string optional Machine-readable node type, understood by the concentrator.
state NodeState required Current state of node.
hasChildren xs:boolean required If the node has child-nodes.
childrenOrdered xs:boolean optional false If the order of the child nodes is important in the context.
isReadable xs:boolean optional false If the node is readable, and can deliver sensor data to the client.
isControllable xs:boolean optional false If the node is controllable, and publish control parameters to the client.
hasCommands xs:boolean optional false If the node has commands the client can access.
sniffable xs:boolean optional false If the node supports sniffing, i.e. can allow the client to attach a sniffer to it, to troubleshoot communication.
parentId xs:string optional The identity of the parent node, if any. Root nodes do not have parent nodes.
parentPartition xs:string optional The parent node partition, if available.
lastChanged xs:dateTime optional When the node was last changed, for synchronization.

Managing Nodes

Dynamic concentrators allow clients (with sufficient access rights) to manage (create, edit and delete) nodes. The following operations provide means for such clients to perform these tasks. The group operations should be implemented by concentrators supporting huge quantities of nodes, where individual management is not always feasible or desirable, and where batch access is required.


Gets the parameters for a node, for editing. The <getNodeParametersForEdit/> element is sent in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator, which returns a data form containing the editable node parameters.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getNodeParametersForEdit id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
x:x Contains a data form with editable node parameters.

Some useful extensions related to data forms in XMPP:


Sets the parameters for a node, after editing. The <setNodeParametersForEdit/> element, containing the parameters as a submitted form, is sent in an <iq type="set"/> to the concentrator, which returns a <nodeinfo/> element (in an <iq type="result"/>) if the parameters could be set, or a data form (in an <iq type="error"/>) containing the editable node parameters and any error messages, if the operation could not be completed.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
setNodeParametersForEdit id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
x:x Contains a data form with edited node parameters.

Note: The form might be partial, i.e. only contain a subset of the parameters available on the node. Parameters not referenced, should keep their values unchanged.


To get a set of parameters that are common to a set of nodes, the <getCommonNodeParametersForEdit/> element is sent in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator. Each node is referenced by a separate <nd/> child element. The response is a data form, in which all parameters that do not exist in at least one of the referenced nodes have been removed. Parameters that have different values in the different referenced nodes should report the value of the first node, and then mark the field with the <xdd:notSame/> element, as defined in XEP-0336.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getCommonNodeParametersForEdit dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
nd id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
x:x Contains a data form with edited node parameters.


Sets the parameters for a set of nodes, after editing. The <setCommonNodeParametersAfterEdit/> element, containing the parameters as a submitted form, is sent in an <iq type="set"/> to the concentrator, which returns with an empty response (in an <iq type="result"/>) if the parameters could be set, or a data form (in an <iq type="error"/>) containing the editable node parameters and any error messages, if the operation could not be completed.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
setNodeParametersForEdit dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
nd id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
x:x Contains a data form with edited node parameters.

Note: The form might be partial, i.e. only contain a subset of the parameters available on the node. Parameters not referenced, should keep their values unchanged.


Gets the types of nodes that can be added to a given node in a concentrator. A <getAddableNodeTypes/> element is sent in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator, who responds with a <nodeTypes/> element. This element contains a sequence of <nodeType/> elements, each one describing a node type.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getAddableNodeTypes id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
nodeTypes Array of node type.
nodeType type xs:string required Machine-readable, and concentrator specific, node type.
name xs:string required Human-readable, localized, name of node type.


Gets editable parameters for the creation of a new node. The <getParametersForNewNode/> element is sent in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator, which returns a data form containing the editable node parameters. The node referenced in the request, is the node that will receive the new created node as a child.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getParametersForNewNode id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
type xs:string required Machine-readable, and concentrator specific, node type.
x:x Contains a data form with editable node parameters.


Creates a new node. The <createNewNode/> element, containing the parameters as a submitted form, is sent in an <iq type="set"/> to the concentrator, which returns a <nodeinfo/> element (in an <iq type="result"/>) if the node could be created, or a data form (in an <iq type="error"/>) containing the editable node parameters and any error messages, if the operation could not be completed. The node referenced in the request, is the node that will receive the new created node as a child.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
createNewNode id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
type xs:string required Machine-readable, and concentrator specific, node type.
x:x Contains a data form with edited node parameters.


Destroys a new node. The <destroyNode/> element is sent in an <iq type="set"/> to the concentrator, which returns an empty response (in an <iq type="result"/>) if the node was destroyed.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
destroyNode id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.


Moves a node up one step among its siblings. The <moveNodeUp/> element is sent in an <iq type="set"/> to the concentrator, which returns an empty response (in an <iq type="result"/>) if the operation was performed.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
moveNodeUp id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.


Moves a node down one step among its siblings. The <moveNodeDown/> element is sent in an <iq type="set"/> to the concentrator, which returns an empty response (in an <iq type="result"/>) if the operation was performed.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
moveNodeDown id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.


Moves a set of nodes up one step among its siblings. The <moveNodesUp/> element references the nodes to move in separate <nd/> child elements, and is sent in an <iq type="set"/> to the concentrator, which returns an empty response (in an <iq type="result"/>) if the operation was performed.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
moveNodesUp dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
nd id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.


Moves a set of nodes down one step among its siblings. The <moveNodesDown/> element references the nodes to move in separate <nd/> child elements, and is sent in an <iq type="set"/> to the concentrator, which returns an empty response (in an <iq type="result"/>) if the operation was performed.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
moveNodesDown dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
nd id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.


To interact with the nodes of a concentrator, apart from reading sensor data or perform control operations, a node is allowed to publish any number of commands clients (with sufficient privileges) can access and execute. The following operations describe these tasks.


Gets a list of available commands for a node. The <getNodeCommands/> element is sent in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator, which responds with a <commands/> element if successful. The <commands/> element contains a sequence of <command/> elements, each one describing a command.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getNodeCommands id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
commands Contains a sequence of command elements.
command command xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the command.
name xs:string required Human-readable, localized name of command.
type CommandType required Type of command.
sortCategory xs:string optional Category under which the command should be sorted, in GUIs.
sortKey xs:string optional How the command should be sorted in its category, in GUIs.
confirmationString xs:string optional An optional, human-readable, localized, confirmation string shown to human users, before executing the command.
failureString xs:string optional An optional, human-readable, localized, failure string shown to human users, if failing to execute the command.
successString xs:string optional An optional, human-readable, localized, string shown to human users, if successfully able to execute the command.

The following types of commands are available (defined by the CommandType enumeration):

Value Description
Simple Simple commands do not need parametrization and run invisibly.
Parameterized Parametrized commands allow the user to fill in a form of command parameters that can be used to configure the command. The command is then run invisibly.
Query Allows the user to parametrize the command. During execution of the command, feedback can be sent back to the user asynchronously.


Gets the parameters for a parametrized node command or query. A <getCommandParameters/> element is sent in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator, which returns a data form containing the parameters of the parametrized command or query if successful.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getCommandParameters id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
command xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the command.
x:x Contains a data form with command parameters.


Executes (or starts) a simple or parametrized node command. The <executeNodeCommand/> element, containing any parameters as a submitted form for parametrized commands, is sent in an <iq type="set"/> to the concentrator, which returns an empty response (in an <iq type="result"/>) if the command could be executed (or started), or a data form (in an <iq type="error"/>) containing the command parameters and any error messages, if the command could not be executed or started.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
executeNodeCommand id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
command xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the command.
x:x Contains a data form with command parameters.


Starts the execution of a parametrized node query. The <executeNodeQuery/> element, containing any parameters as a submitted form, is sent in an <iq type="set"/> to the concentrator, which returns an empty response (in an <iq type="result"/>) if the query could be started, or a data form (in an <iq type="error"/>) containing the command parameters and any error messages, if the query could not be executed or started. The client has to invent a queryId which query events use to reference the executing query. Sufficient entropy should be given this identifier, so that it does not collide with other queries being executed or is simple to guess.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
executeNodeQuery id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
command xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the command.
queryId xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the query instance being executed.
x:x Contains a data form with command parameters.


To get a set of commands that are common to a set of nodes, the <getCommonNodeCommands/> element is sent in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator. Each node is referenced by a separate <nd/> child element. The concentrator responds with a <commands/> element if successful, listing commands that are available on all referenced nodes in separate <command/> elements.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getCommonNodeCommands dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
nd id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
commands Contains a sequence of command elements.
command command xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the command.
name xs:string required Human-readable, localized name of command.
type CommandType required Type of command.
sortCategory xs:string optional Category under which the command should be sorted, in GUIs.
sortKey xs:string optional How the command should be sorted in its category, in GUIs.
confirmationString xs:string optional An optional, human-readable, localized, confirmation string shown to human users, before executing the command.
failureString xs:string optional An optional, human-readable, localized, failure string shown to human users, if failing to execute the command.
successString xs:string optional An optional, human-readable, localized, string shown to human users, if successfully able to execute the command.


To get a set of common parameters for a command common to a set of nodes, the <getCommonCommandParameters/> element is sent in an <iq type="get"/> to the concentrator. The command is referenced by the command attribute, and each node is referenced by separate <nd/> child elements. The response is a data form, in which all parameters that do not exist in the command parameters from at least one of the nodes have been removed. Parameters that have different values in the different referenced nodes should report the value of the first node, and then mark the field with the <xdd:notSame/> element, as defined in XEP-0336.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
getCommonCommandParameters dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
command xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the command.
nd id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
x:x Contains a data form with edited node parameters.


Starts the execution of a parametrized node command, common to a set of nodes. The <executeCommonNodeCommand/> element, containing any parameters as a submitted form, is sent in an <iq type="set"/> to the concentrator. The command is referenced by the command attribute, and each node is referenced by separate <nd/> child elements. The concentrator returns a <partialExecution/> element (in an <iq type="result"/>) if the command could be started on at least one of the nodes, or a data form (in an <iq type="error"/>) containing the command parameters and any error messages, if the command could not be executed or started. The <partialExecution/> element consists of a sequence of <result/> elements, each one representing one of the referenced nodes. The value indicates if the command was executed (or started) on the corresponding node. If not, the error attribute describes why the command could not be executed (or started) on the corresponding node.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
executeCommonNodeCommand dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
command xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the command.
nd id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
x:x Contains a data form with command parameters.
partialExecution Representation of execution status, per individual node a command was executed on.
result (value) xs:boolean If the command executed successfully on the corresponding node.
error xs:string optional If a command failed, this attribute contains an error message describing what went wrong for the particular node.


Starts the execution of a parametrized node query, common to a set of nodes. The <executeCommonNodeQuery/> element, containing any parameters as a submitted form, is sent in an <iq type="set"/> to the concentrator, which returns a <partialExecution/> element (in an <iq type="result"/>) if the query could be started on at least one of the nodes, or a data form (in an <iq type="error"/>) containing the command parameters and any error messages, if the query could not be executed or started. The <partialExecution/> element consists of a sequence of <result/> elements, each one representing one of the referenced nodes. The value indicates if the query was started on the corresponding node. If not, the error attribute describes why the command could not be started on the corresponding node. The client has to invent a queryId which query events use to reference the executing query. Sufficient entropy should be given this identifier, so that it does not collide with other queries being executed, or is simple to guess.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
executeCommonNodeQuery dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
command xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the command.
queryId xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the query instance being executed.
nd id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
x:x Contains a data form with command parameters.
partialExecution Representation of execution status, per individual node a command was executed on.
result (value) xs:boolean If the command executed successfully on the corresponding node.
error xs:string optional If a command failed, this attribute contains an error message describing what went wrong for the particular node.


Aborts a query that is being executed on a node in a concentrator. The <abortNodeQuery/> element is sent in an <iq type="set"/> to the concentrator, which returns an empty response (in an <iq type="result"/>) if the query could be aborted.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
abortNodeQuery id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
command xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the command.
queryId xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the query instance being executed.


Aborts a query that is being executed on a set of nodes in a concentrator. The <abortCommonNodeQuery/> element, containing any node references in <nd/> child elements, is sent in an <iq type="set"/> to the concentrator, which returns an empty response (in an <iq type="result"/>) if the query could be aborted.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
abortCommonNodeQuery dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
command xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the command.
queryId xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the query instance being executed.
nd id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.


During the execution of a query, the concentrator sends progress updates to the client by sending asynchronous messages containing the <queryProgress/> element, referencing the same queryId as defined by the client when requesting the query to be executed, and the node reporting the progress. The <queryProgress/> element contains a set of child elements that report the progress, and that can be used to build a report on the results of the query.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
<queryProgress/> queryId xs:string required Machine-readable identity of the query instance being executed.
id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
<queryStarted/> Query progress element, showing query execution has started.
<queryDone/> Query progress element, showing query execution has completed.
<queryAborted/> Query progress element, showing query execution has been aborted.
<newTable/> Query progress element that reports the creation of a new table, at the current position in the response. Contains a set of <column/> child elements.
tableId xs:string required Identity of the table. Will be used in progress updates adding records to the table.
tableName xs:string required Human-readable, localized name of the table.
<column/> columnId xs:string required Identity of the column.
header xs:string optional Human-readable, localized header for the column.
src xs:string optional If provided, the values in the column are considered to be references to nodes in a data source, identified by this attribute.
pt xs:string optional If provided, defines the partition in which the node identities referenced by the values of the column resides.
fgColor Color optional Foreground color of column.
bgColor Color optional Background color of column.
alignment Alignment optional Alignment of column.
nrDecimals xs:nonNegativeInteger optional Number of deciamals of values in the column.
<newRecords/> Query progress element that reports new records which have been added to a table. Contains a set of <record/> child elements.
tableId xs:string required Identity of the table.
<record/> Contains the cells of one row as individual child elements, based on the underlying type of data presented.
<boolean/> (value) xs:boolean A Boolean-valued cell.
<color/> (value) Color A color-valued cell.
<date/> (value) xs:date A date-valued cell.
<dateTime/> (value) xs:dateTime A date and time-valued cell.
<double/> (value) xs:double A double precision floating point-valued cell.
<duration/> (value) xs:duration A duration-valued cell.
<int/> (value) xs:int A 32-bit integer-valued cell.
<long/> (value) xs:long A 64-bit integer-valued cell.
<string/> (value) xs:string A string-valued cell.
<time/> (value) xs:time A time-valued cell.
<base64/> (value) xs:base64Binary A cell containing encoded content.
contentType xs:string required Internet Content Type of encoded data.
<void/> An empty cell.
<tableDone/> Query progress element that reports a table has been marked as completed.
tableId xs:string required Identifies which table is complete.
<newObject/> xs:base64Binary Query progress element that reports the creation of a new object, at the current position in the response.
contentType xs:string required Internet Content Type of encoded data.
<queryMessage/> xs:string Query progress element that reports a new message. Messages are not part of the visual report, rather they contain informative information about what happens during the execution.
type EventType optional Type of message being reported.
level EventLevel optional Level of seriousness/importance of the message being reported.
<title/> Query progress element that reports a title for the resulting report.
name xs:string required Human-readable title of report.
<status/> Query progress element that reports the current status of the query being executed.
message xs:string required Human-readable, localized status message describing the current state of the query.
<beginSection/> Query progress element that reports a new section (or subsection) of the report.
header xs:string required Human-readable, localized header for the new section.
<endSection/> Query progress element that reports the end of the current section of the report.

Colors (type Color) are defined as 6-digit case-insensitive hexadecimal strings in the format RRGGBB.

Column alignment, as defined by the Alignment enumeration, can take one of the following values:

Value Description
Left Left alignment.
Center Center alignment.
Right Right alignment.

Event message type, as defined by the EventType enumeration, can take one of the following values:

Value Description
Exception An exception represents an unexpected/unhandled fault condition.
Error Represents an error state. A process, device or algorithm failed.
Warning Represents a warning state. An error could occur unless action is taken.
Information Represents information about the node that is not a warning or an error.

Representations of level of seriousness/importance of an event message, is defined by the EventLevel enumeration, can take one of the following values:

Value Description
Major Event is of major importance, and probably affect operations. Represents major changes in state, objects created, deleted or failed.
Medium Events of more significance, but probability of affecting operations is small. Represents normal changes in state, audits, events that could become major if not properly managed, etc.
Minor Event is of lesser importance, frequently occurring, expected or common.

Note: Reporting of records in a table can continue, even if the enclosing section of the report has been closed.


To keep a synchronized view of a data source in a concentrator, the client can subscribe to events from the concentrator (if this feature is supported). The concentrator informs subscribers of changes to the source, as they occur.


To subscribe to events from a data source in a a concentrator, the client sends the <subscribe/> element in an <iq type="set"/> to the concentrator, which returns an empty response is successful. If an existing subscription exists, that subscription is renewed, and new event types are added. (No existing event types are removed.)

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
subscribe dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
src xs:string required Source identity.
ttl xs:positiveInteger required How long the subscription will be active, in seconds. Subscription should be renewed before the subscription expires, to maintain receiving events.
getEventsSince xs:dateTime optional If provided, all events from this point in time (inclusive) are replayed as events sent to the subscriber.
parameters xs:boolean optional false If node parameters are included in the subscription.
messages xs:boolean optional false If node messages are included in the subscription.
nodeAdded xs:boolean optional true If <nodeAdded/> events are included in the subscription.
nodeUpdated xs:boolean optional true If <nodeUpdated/> events are included in the subscription.
nodeStatusChanged xs:boolean optional true If <nodeStatusChanged/> events are included in the subscription.
nodeRemoved xs:boolean optional true If <nodeRemoved/> events are included in the subscription.
nodeMovedUp xs:boolean optional true If <nodeMovedUp/> events are included in the subscription.
nodeMovedDown xs:boolean optional true If <nodeMovedDown/> events are included in the subscription.


Unsubscribes from events from a data source in a concentrator. If an existing subscription exists, selected event types are removed from that subscription. If no event types are left, the subscription is cancelled. The <unsubscribe/> element is sent in an <iq type="set"/> to the concentrator, which returns an empty response is successful.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
unsubscribe dt xs:string optional Device tokenⓈ.
st xs:string optional Service tokenⓈ.
ut xs:string optional User tokenⓈ.
src xs:string required Source identity.
nodeAdded xs:boolean optional true If <nodeAdded/> events should be excluded from the subscription.
nodeUpdated xs:boolean optional true If <nodeUpdated/> events should be excluded from the subscription.
nodeStatusChanged xs:boolean optional true If <nodeStatusChanged/> events should be excluded from the subscription.
nodeRemoved xs:boolean optional true If <nodeRemoved/> events should be excluded from the subscription.
nodeMovedUp xs:boolean optional true If <nodeMovedUp/> events should be excluded from the subscription.
nodeMovedDown xs:boolean optional true If <nodeMovedDown/> events should be excluded from the subscription.


Event sent in a <message/> from concentrator to subscriber, when a node has been added to a data source. If requested in the original subscription request, the <nodeAdded/> element will also contain the set of available node parameters.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
nodeAdded id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
localId xs:string optional Optional local identity, unique among siblings.
logId xs:string optional Optional log identity, related to node, if different from node identity.
displayName xs:string optional Human readable, localized node name.
nodeType xs:string optional Machine-readable node type, understood by the concentrator.
state NodeState required Current state of node.
hasChildren xs:boolean required If the node has child-nodes.
childrenOrdered xs:boolean optional false If the order of the child nodes is important in the context.
isReadable xs:boolean optional false If the node is readable and can deliver sensor data to the client.
isControllable xs:boolean optional false If the node is controllable and publish control parameters to the client.
hasCommands xs:boolean optional false If the node has commands the client can access.
sniffable xs:boolean optional false If the node supports sniffing, i.e. can allow the client to attach a sniffer to it, to troubleshoot communication.
parentId xs:string optional The identity of the parent node, if any. Root nodes do not have parent nodes.
parentPartition xs:string optional The parent node partition, if available.
lastChanged xs:dateTime optional When the node was last changed, for synchronization.
aid xs:string optional If provided specifies the new node was added after the sibling identified with this attribute.
apt xs:string optional If provided, specifies the partition in which the aid attribute refers.
ts xs:dateTime required Timestamp of event.


Event sent in a <message/> from concentrator to subscriber, when a node has been updated in a data source. If requested in the original subscription request, the <nodeUpdated/> element will also contain the updated set of node parameters.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
nodeUpdated id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
localId xs:string optional Optional local identity, unique among siblings.
logId xs:string optional Optional log identity, related to node, if different from node identity.
displayName xs:string optional Human readable, localized node name.
nodeType xs:string optional Machine-readable node type, understood by the concentrator.
state NodeState required Current state of node.
hasChildren xs:boolean required If the node has child-nodes.
childrenOrdered xs:boolean optional false If the order of the child nodes is important in the context.
isReadable xs:boolean optional false If the node is readable and can deliver sensor data to the client.
isControllable xs:boolean optional false If the node is controllable and publish control parameters to the client.
hasCommands xs:boolean optional false If the node has commands the client can access.
sniffable xs:boolean optional false If the node supports sniffing, i.e. can allow the client to attach a sniffer to it, to troubleshoot communication.
parentId xs:string optional The identity of the parent node, if any. Root nodes do not have parent nodes.
parentPartition xs:string optional The parent node partition, if available.
lastChanged xs:dateTime optional When the node was last changed, for synchronization.
oid xs:string optional If provided, contains the identity of the node before the update.
ts xs:dateTime required Timestamp of event.


Event sent in a <message/> stanza from concentrator to subscriber, when the state of a node has changed in a data source. The event may include a sequence of <message/> element, each containing a node message, if such were requested in the original subscription request.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
nodeStatusChanged id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
localId xs:string optional Optional local identity, unique among siblings.
logId xs:string optional Optional log identity, related to node, if different from node identity.
state NodeState required Current state of node.
ts xs:dateTime required Timestamp of event.
message (value) xs:string Human-readable message text.
timestamp xs:dateTime required Timestamp of message.
type MessageType required Type of message.
eventId xs:string optional Optional context/concentrator/manufacturer-specific identity, identifying the type of event the message represents.


Event sent in a <message/> stanza from concentrator to subscriber, when a node has been removed from a data source.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
nodeRemoved id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
localId xs:string optional Optional local identity, unique among siblings.
logId xs:string optional Optional log identity, related to node, if different from node identity.
ts xs:dateTime required Timestamp of event.


Event sent in a <message/> stanza from concentrator to subscriber, when a node has been moved up among its siblings in a data source.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
nodeMovedUp id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
localId xs:string optional Optional local identity, unique among siblings.
logId xs:string optional Optional log identity, related to node, if different from node identity.
ts xs:dateTime required Timestamp of event.


Event sent in a <message/> stanza from concentrator to subscriber, when a node has been moved down among its siblings in a data source.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
nodeMovedDown id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
localId xs:string optional Optional local identity, unique among siblings.
logId xs:string optional Optional log identity, related to node, if different from node identity.
ts xs:dateTime required Timestamp of event.


Clients with sufficient privileges can, if the concentrator supports it, use sniffers to troubleshoot communication problems in remote devices controlled by the concentrator. This is particularly relevant if the concentrator is a protocol bridge. To troubleshoot communication, the client can register a sniffer with the corresponding node. If accepted, the concentrator will update the client on what communication is occurring on the node, by sending event messages to the client.


Registers a sniffer on a node in a concentrator, for troubleshooting. The <registerSniffer/> element is sent in an <iq type="set"/> to the concentrator, which responds with a <sniffer/> element if accepting the request. All sniffers have an expiry point in time. The client can request a given expiry time, but the concentrator decides how long a sniffer is allowed to be active.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
registerSniffer id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
expires xs:dateTime optional Requested expiry time. If not provided, the concentrator automatically chooses an expiration date and time.
sniffer Contains information about a sniffer in the concentrator.
snifferId xs:string required Sniffer identity, selected by the concentrator.
expires xs:dateTime required When the sniffer automatically expires.


Unregisters a sniffer on a node in a concentrator, before it expires. The <unregisterSniffer/> element is sent in an <iq type="set"/> to the concentrator, which responds with an empty response if accepting the request.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
unregisterSniffer id xs:string required Node identity.
src xs:string optional Source identity.
pt xs:string optional Partition.
snifferId xs:string required Sniffer identity.


The concentrator asynchronously updates the client on what the sniffer records by sending <message/> stanzas to the client containing the <sniff/> element. This element in turn contains child elements describing what has happened.

Element Attribute Type Use Default Description
sniff snifferId xs:string required Sniffer identity.
timestamp xs:dateTime required Timestamp of message.
expired Informs the client the sniffer has expired.
rxBin (value) xs:base64Binary Binary data has been received.
txBin (value) xs:base64Binary Binary data has been transmitted.
rx (value) xs:string Text has been received.
tx (value) xs:string Text has been transmitted.
info (value) xs:string Information about what is happening.
warning (value) xs:string A warning message.
error (value) xs:string An error message.
exception (value) xs:string An exception message.